We had the privilege and honor to attend the biggest rally I had ever seen on Saturday, September 12th. We headed off to DC not knowing what to expect. We arrived in DC about 8:15am and I must say,there wasn't any traffic. I think everyone who lives in DC left for the weekend. We walked up towards the Washington Monument and we started to see hundreds and hundreds of people, couples, families, you name it, with red, white and blue attire holding signs and banners and so forth. When we made it to the staging area, there were at least 3,000 people assembling to walk down to Freedom Plaza. We were talking to people from South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, New York and almost every state in the U.S. Drivers were beeping their horns and screaming out their windows. (good things) When we made it to Freedom Plaza, there were thousands and thousands of people having a great time, I must say, some of the signs and banners were so intelligent, funny and clever. Some were wearing costumes and some were using walkers and in wheelchairs. The one thing that was prevalent was the respect and friendliness everyone had for one another. I was so inspired to see children there. Every age and race were present. It was so incredible to march down to the Capitol with thousands of like minded people. There were huge numbers of democrats, independents and of course, republicans. Affiliations aside, there were more people identifying themselves as conservatives. One of the funniest (pathetic) posters we saw was a picture of a beautiful little girl that said "I'm $38,000 dollars in debt and I'm only two." After the 15 minute walk to the Capitol, it was astonishing. I can't describe how many people were already there. I spoke to one man who said he got there at 7:30am and there were people already there. This event was well organized. My hat is off the sponsors involved. To organize this many people had to be a monumental task. Some of the speakers were very inspiring and sincere. A couple of my favorites were Dick Armey-Feedomworks, Steven Baldwin-X Treme Radio and the Reverend C.L. Bryant from Shreveport, Louisiana. He was phenomenal and had the crowd rocking. Of course, it had to rain, but that didn't spoil anything. I think I saw Nancy Pelosi peek out of her window in the Capitol. Guess who the only TV news station that showed up? You guessed it, Fox news. It is so unprofessional and bias for the state run media to avoid the inevitable opposition to the Obama administration and the congressional out of control spending and their socialistic policies. However, they were called out on this day. It is no wonder why their ratings and subscriptions have faltered to their anemic levels. Also, I didn't see any opposition protesting against us. In closing, I think this is only the beginning of a gigantic movement that will only get larger. A special thanks to Freedomworks,Campaign for Liberty,Resistnet, Tea Party organizations, speakers and the Washington, DC Police Department who kept everything organized and civil. "Go green, recycle congress."
Tea Party theme song:
I need a friend:
President Obama slid out of Washington to hawk his healthcare message in a speech to his supporters in Minnesota. Lies, lies and more lies. I don't blame him, I wouldn't want to be in Washington either. There were a lot of angry mobsters, astro turfers, especially the ones in wheelchairs! I hope he is getting the message.
Prosecute who?
The Maryland State's attorney's office has received inquiries concerning the Baltimore Acorn incident. Most of the calls have been to reiterate the prosecution of Acorn members involved. However, concerning the audio portion of the recording, It may have violated the two party consent law. I can see SA office going after the independent film maker and his assistant. I live in the "People's Republic of Maryland." If they decide to proceed, there will be an uprising and protest, rest assured. I'm sure that the whole Maryland government is democratic and carries Obama's water for him.
America is moving conservative:
I look at Gallup, Rasmussen, Luntz and Zogby everyday. They seem to be in concert, America is trending conservative. In my opinion, this has come to the forefront because of the current administration's progressive radical agenda. Currently, Gallup has 40% saying they are conservative. I think if Obama pushes a healthcare bill through, that number will trend higher.
Quote of the day:
"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant."
Isoroku Yamamoto, Commander, Japanese Imperial Navy
Weekly standard
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