The thrill of victory, and the agony of Obama's defeat. Today, the world watched with baited breathe who would host the 2016 Olympic Summer games. The IOC took the wind out of the windy cities' sails when it announced Chicago had the least amount of votes and was eliminated from the running. Ssshhh! You could hear a pin dropping in Daley Plaza. Chicagoans were stunned and in disbelief. People were seen leaving the crowd in tears. I feel for the citizens of Chicago. I don't feel for the Chicago political corruption machine or the Elitists that conspired to profit heavily. The Reverend Jesse Jackson said that "America sent our A-Team." Michelle, the President, the Mayor, the Governor of Illinois, Oprah Winfrey and Valerie Jarrett supposedly would razzle-dazzle the members of the IOC. I must admit, I was in tears when Michelle told her story of her father and her when she was young. What was she thinking? They don't care, nobody cares about this. Did she really think that would melt their hearts and they would give Chicago the Olympics? President Obama's speech was monotone and lackluster. Do you think for one minute that this would persuade the IOC members minds? Needless to say, this is a crushing defeat for Obama's ego and his Presidency. He is human after all. I guess not everyone in the world is infatuated with the Messiah. They will spin this a number of ways. I heard some are blaming Michael Jordan for not showing up, some will blame George Bush, just because they do it all of the time, anyway. Some blame the city's violence and recent school violence. What about blaming the President for a flawed strategy? He shouldn't had gotten involved in the first place. If I were President, I would not have gone to Copenhagen unless I knew it was in the bag. This looks bad for Obama, especially since the pitiful economic reports surfaced today. Unemployment is at 9.8%, the highest since 1984. Mr. Obama was praying to himself to win the Olympics and take the spotlight off his problems. His disengagement with Afghanistan, unemployment, foreclosures, healthcare are prevalent when he jets off to Copenhagen for approximately 5 hours. This is not Presidential, this looks bush league. (no pun intended) I heard that "Humble Pie Eating Contests" are becoming the new Olympic sport. This has been a bad week for the President.
The Agony of Defeat:
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News anchors scratching their heads:
Yes, Senate Dems do want illegal alien Obamacare coverage
By Michelle Malkin • September 30, 2009 03:10 PM
Call. Them. Out:
Senate Finance Committee Democrats rejected a proposed a requirement that immigrants prove their identity with photo identification when signing up for federal healthcare programs.
Finance Committee ranking member Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said that current law and the healthcare bill under consideration are too lax and leave the door open to illegal immigrants defrauding the government using false or stolen identities to obtain benefits.
Grassley’s amendment was beaten back 10-13 on a party-line vote.
The bill, authored by committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.), would require applicants to verify their names, places of birth and Social Security numbers. In addition, legal immigrants would have to wait five years, as under current law, after obtaining citizenship or legal residency to access federal healthcare benefits such as Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program or receive tax credits or purchase insurance through the exchange created by the legislation.
But the [bill] would not require them to show a photo ID, such as a drivers license. Without that requirement, the bill “remains dearly lacking when it comes to identification,” Grassley said. “Frankly, I’m very perplexed as to why anyone would oppose this amendment,” he said.
Going Rogue:
This has to be driving the liberals crazy. Conservative and some anti-Obama books are flying off the shelves at bookstores everywhere. Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Michelle Malkin, Glenn Beck and now... Sarah Palin. The pundits on the left can not figure out the "what and why" that makes her so captivating to such a large cross section of conservatives. I didn't say republicans. I think many republicans do not see her as a viable candidate for the republican party. She appeals to the true conservatives because she is real, honest and doesn't conform to structured approach. Also, out of the four presidential candidates,(two vice and two presidential) she is the only one that has executive experience. She ran a state. Obama was a community agitator, Biden has been in the Senate since Roman times and McCain was in the Navy before he ventured into politics. It will be interesting to see what transpires in the next three years.
Polls you can live by:
28% strongly approve of the way President Obama is performing his role as President.
38% strongly disapprove
Presidential Approval Index Rating minus 10
Quote du jour:
"Every step we take towards making the State our Caretaker of our lives, by that much we move toward making the State our Master."
Dwight D. Eisenhower
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