Opinion at large
OMG! Reuters said this morning, first time claims for unemployment unexpectedly went up to 427,000! Who with half a brain is surprised that more people are losing their incomes? This doesn't include the U6 number that includes the people who are discouraged and given up looking for work. Unemployment is hovering around 9% and most recently came in at 9.1%. Manufacturing is down. Inflation is on the rise, gas prices are clearly having a major financial impact on families, the U.S. is close to losing its long time AAA rating, young people will not find summer jobs because older unemployed Americans and (illegals) are filling those spots. Since I am in sales, I spend almost 50% more per week for gas than I did a year ago. Luckily, I am reimbursed for my fuel, however, what about the people who are just getting by? Where are they finding the funds to handle this? What about their vacation plans? I bet there are a lot more "staycations." Obama is perpetually on the campaign trail touting the recovery is not moving as fast as he wants... What recovery? I am worried about the dreaded "double dip" recession, or with Obama and his unqualified sycophants, a depression. I saw a poll stating that nearly half of all Americans expect another "Great Depression" in the next twelve months. Is that the hope and change you were hoping for? Not! Life is not favorable for the anointed one. His polls are way down. His heroic, personally assassinating Osama Bin Laden gave him a bump, which has all but fizzled out. The Confidence factor is hit rock bottom and college kids has lost that loving feeling for Barry. Why? Because they can't find jobs and have to move in with Mom and Dad. He isn't so cool anymore. James Carville (democrat strategist and Fireman Bill lookalike) said there could be civil unrest in the major cities this summer if jobs are scarce. He basically blamed the GOP. The MSM is still covering for BHO, however, many left-leaning (biased) news organizations are bailing on Obama. Even a Chicago rapper called Obama, the biggest terrorist in the USA. I bet Obama and Michelle didn't invite this rapper to the Wednesday night parties at the White House. One of the few celebrities, anyway. As a conservative, patriotic American, I will participate as much as my schedule allows me to work in concert with fellow conservatives to make Obama unemployed in January, 2013. As I said in so many posts, we must not falter one iota, in regard to voting into office, representatives that have conservative values, and those who follow and honor our Constitution. Obama would like to abolish the Constitution. He said he doesn't like it and it is a stumbling block in past interviews. I believe our Constitution is the law of the land and has worked for over 200 years just fine. With all of the bad news, republican candidates do not seem to jump on these Obamisms. Sarah Palin is out there busting Obama on his failures. And we wonder why the left loathes her. Michelle Bachmann has been opening a full can of whoop-butt on Obama, however, neither has entered the Presidential race. Will they, probably. I have a suspicion that Obama is doing this on purpose. That's right, on purpose. Read Obama's books. He despises Colonialism. His Grandfather and his father both hated Colonialism. He is a socialist at heart and hates Capitalism. Can you remember a President who conducted a world apology tour? I will never apologize for anything America has done. We have been the world's police department, humanitarian aid supplier, world banker while other countries hate and criticize us. Obama grew up idolizing Saul Alinsky (Rules for Radicals), Bill Ayers (American terrorist), Bernadean Dorn (Ayers wife and fellow terrorist) and my favorite, Reverend
American businesses, small and large are sitting on trillions of dollars. They will spend it when they have certainty in the economy and government. Obamacare, government regulations, taxes, bureaucrats and the like make the answer easy for the business owners. Wait and see... Obama had the gall to blame the American people for the slow recovery (his words). Don't forget to blame Bush, too. In fact, it is Obama's policies that have failed the American people.
Libs blame the right for everything:
In the mind of a liberal:
Daft Statement of the week:
Report says, "Green buildings may be hazardous to your health."
Warning issued that Islamiscoming
Goal is 'grand jihad eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within'
Read more:Warning issued that Islam is cominghttp://www.wnd.com/?pageId=306853#ixzz1OochhVzJ
By Michael Carl© 2011 WND
Editor's Note:This is the last of a three-part series aboutKamal Saleem,a onetime terrorist who abandoned violence for Christianity.
"Islam is like a cancer. It grows and expands until it eventually consumes and suffocates the host."
Those are the words of warning fromKamal Saleem,the former terrorist who left Islam and converted to Christianity.
Saleem was raised by his parents to be an angry, West-hating terrorist and he eventually came to the U. S. to work for the destruction of the country.
Saleem says his knowledge of the Muslim Brotherhood's mission and methods compels him to warn Americans about what is happening under the radar in their own country.
"The Muslim Brotherhood is here specifically to destroy the house of the United States of America and bring about the Islamic House and that's done by the Muslim's hand," Saleem explained.
"And it’s not the just the Muslims who came to the United States for this purpose, but also those they recruited in the United States as Americans and have turned them against this country," Saleem continued
He's told his story in the book, "The Blood of Lambs: A Former Terrorist's Memoir of Death and Redemption,"as well asa DVD called "In the Red Chair,"where he describes how he used to use his power – all of it – to change the world for Islam.
Saleem says one of the Muslim Brotherhood's own documents, posted atThe Investigative Project on Terrorism websiteshows theBrotherhood's intentions.
There, the process is explained:
Settlement: "That Islam and its Movement become a part of the homeland it lives in".
Establishment: "That Islam turns into firmly rooted organizations on whose bases civilization, structure and testimony are built".
Stability: "That Islam is stable in the land on which its people move".
Enablement: "That Islam is enabled within the souls, minds and the lives of the people of the country in which it moves".
Rooting: "That Islam is resident and not a passing thing, or rooted 'entrenched' in the soil of the spot where it moves and not a strange plant to it'>
It also outlines plans for North America:
"The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and 'sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions."
The process includes building mosques and Islamic centers, building Islamic organizations, building Islamic schools, then the "overt Islamic Movement" and coordinating all Islamic "movements."
"The level they were talking about went all the way to the White House, to the Senate, to the House of Representatives, to lobbying, to the banking, to the security services," Saleem said.
Saleem adds by now Islam even has reached the sanctuaries of Christian churches and campuses of Christian colleges.
"Even in Christian schools today, you find Islamic history professors whose papers are done on the glory of Allah and Islam and Muhammad, right there on Christian universities," Saleem said.
"These guys are the first allies and the best allies to Islam. So, when someone speaks of Islam, they try to destroy the person's character instantly because they (the professor) have become a war machine," Saleem said.
To understand the tactic in the colleges, Saleem refers back to the Muslim Brotherhood memorandum.
"The only way we can succeed is to dwell on the strengths of the leaders of this country, like the professors and the politicians," Saleem explained.
"So, the Muslims run to these leaders and act like weak vessels, like, 'We've been attacked; we're nobody and no body's been defending us. We need a hero,'" Saleem detailed.
"So, 'our man' (the U. S. politician defending Islam) rises up to protect them (the Muslims). Now they become advocates for Islam. You see some churches today, they've become Chrislam, Christian and Muslim. They have the Bible and the Quran in every pew," Saleem said.
"And you go, 'how is that possible?' Islam cannot be equal. It's a deception and it's moving forcefully," Saleem explained.
Center for the Study of Political IslamPresident Bill Warner agreesand says that higher education is the target of a well-financed influence campaign.
"I spent eight years at a university as a professor. I'm here to tell you that not only can you rent a professor; you can buy a professor. Not only can you buy a professor, you can buy an entire department. This corruption has been noted in medical schools with drug companies," Warner said.
Warner uses the Saudis as an example.
"What has happened is that the Saudis, our best friends, have given large sums of money to set up centers to study Islam at universities," Warner explained.
"So, if you come into a university, give them $20 million to set up some chair for a Middle East Department, then you fund things and you build a building, money will buy influence," Warner stated.
"Here we have education departments, at like Georgetown or Harvard, the two biggest examples, which now function as mouthpieces for the Muslim Brotherhood. By that I mean the decrees they make or the papers they write, cannot be distinguished from an apologist for Islam," Warner asserted.
He cited Georgetown University, which recently established a unit of theWalsh School of Foreign Service in Qatarand aNational Resource Center on the Middle East.
Warner also listed Harvard, whose Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs sponsorsthe Dubai Initiative and the Dubai School of Government
Neither university has responded to WND requests for comment.
Warner also says jihad comes in three different forms.
"There are many ways to practice jihad. Everyone when they think of jihad thinks of jihad by the sword, as on 9/11. But there are other ways," Warner explained.
"The Quran is very clear on this as are the Hadiths. You can practice jihad by the use of speech, writing and money. As a matter of fact, Muhammad in his dying words mentioned the use of money in jihad," Warner continued.
"His dying words were neither Jew nor Christian should remain in Arabia and keep giving the money to influence the kafir (the unbeliever), the non-Muslim ambassadors," Warner said.
"So the use of money is a well traveled path," Warner added.
Saleem adds that there are dynamics at work that bring Muslims to coordinate with people that in the Muslim world they would persecute. He says homosexuals are an example.
"They've even aligned themselves with the gays. The gay movement is protecting the Muslims. They don't know that in Islam, the gay people are beheaded. That's their cure for homosexuality," Saleem continued.
"But it's the doctrine. Befriend your enemy until you enslave them. Me and my enemy against my enemy," Saleem added.
Saleem says one of the most insidious ways jihad and Shariah law is infiltrating the U. S. is through the courts. He cites the recent Florida case in which a judge ordered Shariah lawbe used to settle a mosque leadership dispute.
"What they're trying to do is fake cases for Islam and these cases are done purposefully. We take an imam, there are two of them. They were fighting against each other and the fight was over a mosque," Saleem explained.
"That is so devious and it is part of the culture of Islamic invasion. These two imams are fighting over a mosque in Florida. Each imam says it belongs to me," Saleem said,
"One says I built it and I raised the funds. The other one says the Wahhabi government put me over here and they're the ones who sent the money. Both of them are right," Saleem continued.
"They went to the Supreme Court in Florida. What happened is that they said this was a Muslim matter and you need to judge us by Islamic Shariah law or you will not understand how these things work," Saleem added.
"Both of them are demanding to be judged by Shariah so now the Supreme Court is learning how Shariah works. So, in turn, they have instilled and indwelt Islamic laws with our laws," Saleem said.
Saleem says at that point a judicial precedent has been established and other Muslims can officially ask for their cases be decided by Shariah law.
In a Pennsylvania case,a judge used Shariah law to settle a dispute over a will.As a result, the two brothers were awarded twice as much of the inheritance as the two sisters.
Saleem says that the effort to install Shariah law into the United States should be treated like "any other act of terrorism because they are terrorizing this country."
Saleem says what's happening should be prayed against.
"That's what we need to speak against and pray against because it is the essence of evil." Saleem declared.
Read more:Warning issued that Islam is cominghttp://www.wnd.com/?pageId=306853#ixzz1OocRLX1v
The Coming Crash of 2013
On Inauguration Day, 2009, President Obama seemed so politically blessed by the timing of developing economic trends. I expected that based on American economic history, recovery from the recession should have occurred some time during 2009. Even the longest previous recession since the Great Depression would have resulted in a recovery in summer 2009, as the recession began in December 2007.
Moreover, prior American history had shown that the deeper the recession the stronger the recovery. So I was expecting President Obama to pass his economic recovery plan, as foolhardy and ineffective as I believed it would be, and then to ride a wave of adulation as the economy roared back later in the year, which it should have done just on its own according to long established rhythms of the business cycle.
So even I have been surprised by the reality that President Obama's economic policies have been so disastrous that they have prevented any real recovery from getting off the ground, at what is now three and a half years since the recession began.
In America, the economy does not fall into stagnation and just lie there for years, which is the narrative of the Obama Administration, thinking the American people are too stupid to know their own country. Our economy has periodically fallen into recessions, but recovers to show robust economic growth within a year or two. That is why chief White House economist Austan Goolsbee, who does know better, is playing with us when he says as he did last Friday in response to the May jobs report, "there are always bumps on the road to recovery, but the overall trajectory of the economy has improved dramatically over the past two years."
The Worst Recovery Since the Great Depression
How much time do Obama and Goolsbee think they have to do their job right for the American people? In every other recession since the Great Depression, the overall trajectory of the economy has been dramatically better after two years. But not this time. Since the Great Depression, recessions have lasted an average of 10 months, with the longest previously being 16 months. Yet, in May, 41 months after the recession began, unemployment rose yet again, to 9.1%. America has now suffered the longest period with unemployment that high since the Great Depression.
The depression for African Americans continued, as unemployment among them rose again to 16.2%. Hispanics continued with unemployment at double digit depression levels as well, with unemployment among them also rising again to nearly 12%. For teenagers, the depression level unemployment persisted at 24.2%; for black teenagers, over 40%. The U6 unemployment rate, counting those marginally attached to the labor force who have given up looking in the Obama "recovery," and those stuck in part time unemployment for economic reasons, continued at nearly 16%.
While the Reagan recovery, a real recovery from a similarly deep recession, averaged 7.1% real economic growth over the first 7 quarters, the Obama recovery has produced less than half that at 2.8%, with the last quarter at a dismal 1.8%. While the Reagan recovery produced nearly 20 million new jobs, and civilian employment rose by almost 20%, today America still suffers 6.8 million fewer jobs than when the recession started over 3 years ago. The labor force participation rate has fallen to its lowest level almost since the Reagan recovery started over 25 years ago. As the Wall Street Journalexplained on Monday:
This is an important economic measure because it reflects the opportunities that Americans perceive in the marketplace. In the long boom from the Reagan years through 2000 or so, the labor force participation rate took a historic leap upward as women, immigrants and others entered the job market…. It has now fallen off a cliff, and we doubt that is what Mr. Goolsbee means when he hails the "trajectory of the economy."
I have previously discussed why this happened. Obamanomics doggedly followed the opposite of Reaganomics in every detail. The centerpiece of Obamanomics was the old-fashioned Keynesianism that was a proven failure and left for dead 30 years ago. That was reflected most of all in Obama's February 2009 trillion dollar stimulus package. That didn't work because borrowing a trillion dollars out of the economy to spend a trillion dollars back into the economy does not add anything to the economy on net.
And borrowing two trillion for the stimulus instead still wouldn't have done it, for the same reason. Those calling for still more of the same Keynesian snake oil are just self-identifying themselves as hopelessly deluded fools who must not be taken seriously ever again. Worse than not working, Obama's trillion dollar stimulus already drove us to the brink of bankruptcy. Going for still more now as advocated by the mentally blinded would be walking off the cliff with our eyes closed.
Great Depression 2.0
Hard as it may be to imagine, where we are headed under Obamanomics will be worse than where we have been. The economic indicators are increasingly flashing economic decline already. Once the Bush tax cuts were extended to 2013, I didn't expect to see that until then, for all of the reasons below. But Obamanomics keeps deteriorating faster than even I expected.
Already scheduled now under current law in 2013 is the expiration of those Bush tax cuts, which President Obama has refused to renew for single workers making over $200,000 a year, and couples making over $250,000. Also scheduled to go into effect in 2013 under current law are all the tax increases of Obamacare. Together, these job killing tax policies would result in a sharp increase in the tax rates on the nation's small businesses, job creators, and investors for virtually every major federal tax.
These taxpayers would see their income tax rates jump by nearly 20%, the capital gains tax rate increase by nearly 60%, the total tax rate on corporate dividends increase by nearly three times, their Medicare payroll tax rate increase by 62%, and the death tax rise from the grave with a 55% rate. This would go way beyond the outdated Obama talking point about returning to the Clinton tax rates, adding up to a top federal tax rate of 44.8% on wage income alone, besides all the tax increases on capital income, on the way up to a 62% top federal tax rate.
Yet President Obama continues to propose still more tax increases on these small businesses, job creators, and investors. Besides proposing a further $321 billion tax increase on them in his 2012 budget, by limiting or phasing out their tax deductions for mortgage interest, charitable contributions, property taxes, sales taxes, state and local income taxes, and medical expenses, he proposed in his April 13 national budget address an additional trillion dollar increase on them through further deduction limitations. Then he called as well for an automatic tax increase trigger that would raise taxes still further on them if "our debt is not projected to fall as a share of the economy." Senate Democrats have discussed adding a 3% surtax on incomes over $1 million.
Meanwhile, American businesses continue to suffer from virtually the highest corporate tax rates in the industrialized world, leaving American companies uncompetitive in the global economy. Yet under President Obama there is no relief in sight. Instead he continually proposes still further tax increases on American business.
President Obama and the Democrats doggedly pursue these tax policies because they believe ideologically in socialist wealth redistribution. But openly raiding small businesses, job creators, investors, and American companies is crippling for the economy, particularly this weak economy. This ends up hurting working people and their families the most, as they lose the jobs, wages, and opportunity they need for a decent life.
Besides this tax tsunami, President Obama is implementing another trillion dollar plus cost burden on the economy through the EPA's cap and trade tax policy. That is one central feature of President Obama's war on production of traditional, low cost, energy, shutting down drilling, extraction and pipelines from the northern tip of Alaska, down through Canada, to the energy rich Western states, through Texas, to the Gulf of Mexico. Obama keeps issuing statements that he is opening drilling or permitting or exploration here and there, only to have it shut down by his bureaucracy soon thereafter. All of this will only raise energy prices higher and higher through to 2013, squelching the economy still further.
President Obama doggedly pursues this because he and his advisers believe ideologically that higher energy prices and less energy production and use are good for the environment. But this extremist view of what is good for the environment is a catastrophe for the economy, jobs, and working people.
This is just the beginning, however, of President Obama's re regulation burden on the economy, which is estimated to be rapidly rising towards $2 trillion, or over $8,000 per employee, in annual costs even before EPA's calamitous cap and trade really begins. That is close to 10 times the corporate tax burden, and double the individual income tax burden. With another 4,225 federal regulations already in the pipeline, and the new regulatory burdens from Obama and the Dodd-Frank financial regulation bill still to come, how high will that burden be by 2013?
Then there is the Fed and the effects of its monetary policy. The Obama Administration has cheered on the Fed's loose-as-a-bordello monetary policy, with near zero interest rates for years now, and the printing presses cranking out reams of cheap money. But once the Fed ends this monetary crack, the artificial pump up for the economy ends as well, and the underlying weakness of the economy is revealed. That appears to be what is happening now, as QE2 ends.
If the Fed stands pat, the downturn will feed on itself, fueled further by all of the above contractionary policies. If the Fed is spooked into resorting to QE3 and the return to easy money, that will cause the inflation started by QE2 to surge. Indeed, once the Fed goes down that road, it surely will not try to cut back again until the 2012 election is past, to avoid a nasty downturn in the middle of President Obama's planned reelection victory tour. Inflation would consequently surge all through next year, cutting the real wages of working people and their families further.
Right after the election, the Fed will stop the merry go round to finally pull the plug on burgeoning inflation. But that extended monetary malpractice will only make the downturn withdrawal from the monetary crack high all the more nasty.
From the comprehensive tax rate increases, to the soaring energy costs, to the costly regulatory burdens, to the monetary policy mindlessness, all of this adds up to one whopping double-dip downturn in 2013. The extended unemployment exploding into double digits will be effectively another depression. Once it starts feeding on itself, there is no telling just how far it will go.
But with the deficit already at $1.6 trillion or so this year, America cannot handle another recession, let alone effectively another depression that will cause the deficit to soar well beyond any possibly manageable levels. World financial markets cannot bear that load, and will not even try. Indeed, it is the Fed's monetary policy working the printing presses overtime for QE2 that has financed the purchase of the debt for the current all-time record deficit.
Our Choice in 2012
Because of the willfully mindless irresponsibility and ideological self-indulgence of Obamanomics, America is mortally vulnerable to another recession at any time soon. The result would be precisely the national bankruptcy of Greece, where we cannot raise in the world credit markets the further debt to finance what will be well over half of our budgeted federal spending. We are already borrowing and adding to the debt to finance 43% of our federal spending today.
That is bad enough for a puny, insignificant nation like Greece, where riots increasingly leave the government dysfunctional, with the EU likely to take over the country effectively. But what is the effect when that happens to the world's supposed superpower? America financed World War II by running up our national debt to its all-time record as a percent of GDP (for now). But that won't be possible when we have already run ourselves into national bankruptcy.
Our potential military enemies will be quite aware of this historic vulnerability of America. Just as Reagan brought us Peace through Strength, Obamanomics will be inviting War through Weakness. With a 2013 American economic collapse that will also disable the entire West, the world's uncivilized rogues from Russia, to China, to North Korea, to the Middle East Islamists dreaming of renewed world conquest, will all be tempted probably beyond resistance and reason to strike. They don't need even to attack the homeland to deal America a decisive defeat. They can just decimate our suddenly overwhelmed allies, from Israel to South Korea to Taiwan to our allies in the Middle East, let alone some even in Europe.
The only way to get off this bullet train to oblivion is to radically reverse Obamanomics in dogged detail. The American people get one more chance to do that in 2012.
Pathetic yet funny:
Quote du jour:
Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson
Writings of our Founding Fathers
Federalist Papers
|| Federalist No. 79 ||
The Judiciary Department Continued
From McLEAN'S Edition, New York.
From McLEAN'S Edition, New York.
Author: Alexander Hamilton
To the People of the State of New York:
NEXT to permanency in office, nothing can contribute more to the independence of the judges than a fixed provision for their support. The remark made in relation to the President is equally applicable here. In the general course of human nature, A POWER OVER A MAN's SUBSISTENCE AMOUNTS TO A POWER OVER HIS WILL. And we can never hope to see realized in practice, the complete separation of the judicial from the legislative power, in any system which leaves the former dependent for pecuniary resources on the occasional grants of the latter. The enlightened friends to good government in every State, have seen cause to lament the want of precise and explicit precautions in the State constitutions on this head. Some of these indeed have declared that PERMANENT [1] salaries should be established for the judges; but the experiment has in some instances shown that such expressions are not sufficiently definite to preclude legislative evasions. Something still more positive and unequivocal has been evinced to be requisite. The plan of the convention accordingly has provided that the judges of the United States "shall at STATED TIMES receive for their services a compensation which shall not be DIMINISHED during their continuance in office."
This, all circumstances considered, is the most eligible provision that could have been devised. It will readily be understood that the fluctuations in the value of money and in the state of society rendered a fixed rate of compensation in the Constitution inadmissible. What might be extravagant to-day, might in half a century become penurious and inadequate. It was therefore necessary to leave it to the discretion of the legislature to vary its provisions in conformity to the variations in circumstances, yet under such restrictions as to put it out of the power of that body to change the condition of the individual for the worse. A man may then be sure of the ground upon which he stands, and can never be deterred from his duty by the apprehension of being placed in a less eligible situation. The clause which has been quoted combines both advantages. The salaries of judicial officers may from time to time be altered, as occasion shall require, yet so as never to lessen the allowance with which any particular judge comes into office, in respect to him. It will be observed that a difference has been made by the convention between the compensation of the President and of the judges, That of the former can neither be increased nor diminished; that of the latter can only not be diminished. This probably arose from the difference in the duration of the respective offices. As the President is to be elected for no more than four years, it can rarely happen that an adequate salary, fixed at the commencement of that period, will not continue to be such to its end. But with regard to the judges, who, if they behave properly, will be secured in their places for life, it may well happen, especially in the early stages of the government, that a stipend, which would be very sufficient at their first appointment, would become too small in the progress of their service.
This provision for the support of the judges bears every mark of prudence and efficacy; and it may be safely affirmed that, together with the permanent tenure of their offices, it affords a better prospect of their independence than is discoverable in the constitutions of any of the States in regard to their own judges.
The precautions for their responsibility are comprised in the article respecting impeachments. They are liable to be impeached for malconduct by the House of Representatives, and tried by the Senate; and, if convicted, may be dismissed from office, and disqualified for holding any other. This is the only provision on the point which is consistent with the necessary independence of the judicial character, and is the only one which we find in our own Constitution in respect to our own judges.
The want of a provision for removing the judges on account of inability has been a subject of complaint. But all considerate men will be sensible that such a provision would either not be practiced upon or would be more liable to abuse than calculated to answer any good purpose. The mensuration of the faculties of the mind has, I believe, no place in the catalogue of known arts. An attempt to fix the boundary between the regions of ability and inability, would much oftener give scope to personal and party attachments and enmities than advance the interests of justice or the public good. The result, except in the case of insanity, must for the most part be arbitrary; and insanity, without any formal or express provision, may be safely pronounced to be a virtual disqualification.
The constitution of New York, to avoid investigations that must forever be vague and dangerous, has taken a particular age as the criterion of inability. No man can be a judge beyond sixty. I believe there are few at present who do not disapprove of this provision. There is no station, in relation to which it is less proper than to that of a judge. The deliberating and comparing faculties generally preserve their strength much beyond that period in men who survive it; and when, in addition to this circumstance, we consider how few there are who outlive the season of intellectual vigor, and how improbable it is that any considerable portion of the bench, whether more or less numerous, should be in such a situation at the same time, we shall be ready to conclude that limitations of this sort have little to recommend them. In a republic, where fortunes are not affluent, and pensions not expedient, the dismission of men from stations in which they have served their country long and usefully, on which they depend for subsistence, and from which it will be too late to resort to any other occupation for a livelihood, ought to have some better apology to humanity than is to be found in the imaginary danger of a superannuated bench.
Library of Congress/Federalist Papers
Michael Carl
Peter Ferrara
Kamal Saleem