Spreading Common Sense Conservatism for the Patriotic Citizen. Exposing the Hypocrisy of the Liberal Left.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Pot of Gold at the end of the Rainbow
We are almost into September. President Obama has been in the Oval office for almost seven months and things are wonderful. Just kidding! It gets old writing about how much money that the government is spending, borrowing & allocating. The new deficit for the next ten years is going to be 9 trillion, adjusted up from 7.1 trillion. Off the top of your head, do you know how many zeros that is? The President nominated Ben Bernake for another four years as Fed chairman since he brought us back from the great depression. I'm not sure if we are out of the woods as of yet. I think Bernanke is going to have a rough time being confirmed by republicans and some democrats. If he doesn't get confirmed, maybe the President can make him a Czar? I wish the administration would concentrate on the economy and stop with the terrorist torture side show in attempt to take the spotlight off of the healthcare opposition and the faltering economy. I've been hearing rumors that the public option is off the table? I think I'll take a wait and see posture. As I watch the pundits spin the spin, I am flabbergasted when when they say the Obama administration is deliberately trying to bring down the econonmy to further their policies. To me, that would be diabolical, bordering on treason. If the government would leave alone the private sector, it wouldn't take very long to repair the economy. Some economists have put the blame on Bernanke for the country's issues. Running a loose ship when it comes to monetary policies. He has been accused of not being very transparent and not tracking the billions of dollars doled out under federal programs. Whatever his critics say, he will have to be the financial superman to bring this country (and world) out of this recession. I just wish the government would tighten it's belt like we've had to do. Maybe the President should tighten his belt and stop his date nights via Air Force One and instead of extravagent vacations, try a staycation. I'm just joking, everyone deserves a vacation with their families. I was hoping the American public wouldn't have to foot the bill for it. Remember, on Saturday, September 12th, the 912 Project is sponsoring a march on DC. 9:00am at Freedom Park. I hope to see you there. "Talk the talk, Walk the walk."
*Glenn Beck
Everyone knows Glenn Beck is passionate about his country, freedom and liberty. He has not been a fan of the President. Recently, Beck called Obama a racist. Since then, a group called Color of Change has initiated a boycott campaign targeting the advertisers of the Glenn Beck Show on Fox News. You can agree or disagree with the comment, however, what happened to the freedom of speech? 1st Amendment? The Color of Change organization was started by Van Jones, the administration's green jobs czar, he is behind this conflict of interest, I mean group. Should we start boycotting everything we don't care for? Soon we will be a socialist or worse, a communist's state, because that is what happens and before long, no one says anything. Support Glenn Beck's freedom of speech by emailing the sponsors that cancelled advertising on the GB show.
*The President's (Dis)Approval Rating
Gallup released today's poll on the President. 51% Approve / 42% disapprove. Down from the last poll. All of the political pundits brag about how intelligent Obama is. When is he going to realize that the honeymoon is over, the citizens do not want his healthcare plan and they are sickened by his administration's out of control spending. When the nation hears a 10 year deficit of 9 trillion dollars revised up from 7.1 trillion. Even the uneducated know when they've been had. Common sense should prevail and the President would score huge political clout with the people if he scrapped the healthcare and crap and trade legislation and started over. I'm not holding my breathe.
*History Lesson for Nancy
The German Social Democratic Party (SDP) was established in 1875 with the publication of its Gotha programme. The programme was a mixture of the ideas of Karl Marx and Ferdinand Lasselle. Its originally leaders included Ferdinand Bebel and Wilhelm Liebknecht.
In the 1877 General Election in Germany the SDP won 12 seats. This worried Otto von Bismarck, and in 1878 he introduced an anti-socialist law which banned Social Democratic Party meetings and publications.
After the anti-socialist law ceased to operate in 1890, the SDP grew rapidly and in 1912 the party won 110 seats in the Reichstag. Led by Ferdinand Bebel, Karl Kautsky, Friedrich Ebert, and Eduard Bernstein, the SDP was now the largest political party in Germany. During the First World War a group of members led by Kurt Eisner left to form the Independent Socialist Party (USPD).
In October, 1918, Max von Baden invited right-wing members of the SDP to join his coalition government. On 9th November Friedrich Ebert took power and during the German Revolution he called in the German Army and the Freikorps to deal with the extreme left. Ebert was now condemned as a traitor by the Independent Socialist Party and the German Communist Party.
On 11th February, 1919, Friedrich Ebert was elected as the first chancellor of the Weimar Republic. Ebert, preoccupied with economic problems and a fear of further revolution, remained in office until his death in Berlin on 28th February, 1925.
The Social Democratic Party continued to be the largest party in the Weimar Republic until July 1932 when the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) won 230 seats to the SDP's 133.
The SDP voted against the Enabling Act in March, 1933, which gave Adolf Hitler dictatorial powers. The Nazi Party banned the SDP in June 1933 and most of its leaders were arrested and sent to concentration camps.
The SDP was re-formed in 1959 and has taken part in several coalition governments in Germany in recent years.
Hey, Nancy, the Nazi party were associated with the Social Democratic Party, your party. As David Hedrick (Marine veteran) said at a Washington state townhall meeting, "She should look on her own sleeve" (paraphrased) talking about when Pelosi accused protesters of wearing a Swastika.
Quote of the day:
"Life is a long lesson in humility."
James M. Barrie (1860-1937)
Spartucus Educational
Drudge Report
Monday, August 24, 2009
Have an issue, Here's a tissue
As our President vacations on Marxist Vineyard. We, the people have adamant and focused energy on defeating the healthcare proposal and the socialist vision they have for our country. I am truly inspired concerning the vigorous and passionate opposition to Obamacare. I know certain cowardly representatives have decided to remove themselves from the imposition of townhall meetings. The constituents should vote out those politicians at the next election. I wonder if they know who they work for. I'm amazed at the condescending, arrogant elitist's attitudes they possess. I know they do not understand how the citizens of this country feel and view this administration's policies. I've spoke with many democrats (liberals) and they are dismayed with the President's performance, his handling of the economy, foreign policy and Obama politics where it seems he has gone back on his word consistently since he has taken office. Not to mention, the obvious issues the President has endured with many members of his administration. Michelle (Chicago Hospital), Geitner, Axelrod and lets not forget all of the candidates that bowed out for income tax and other suspicious reasons in the beginning of his administration. As the information unfolds on the healthcare debacle, democrat leaders are saying, forget the republicans, go it alone. If they do that, they know it will be political suicide. However, the left is brain-storming how they can get this by us. Especially, the public option. This is their vehicle to socialized medicine. This is the President's Alamo. This week, he asked the press to leave him alone on vacation. I can understand that since he is with his family and friends. I believe the press feelings are hurt. I think they thought this would be a gigantic press bonanza with pictures of the President posing for GQ magazine. They received the cold shoulder, maybe feeling a little violated. Bottom line, we must continue to fight. Oppose this healthcare reform in it's current form and attend as many townhall meetings as possible. Call your representatives as often as you can. Below, I've listed different grassroots organizations (not AstroTurf) that you can investigate and align yourself with. We can and will take back our country and return to realistic and common sense policies. I love this guy. David Hedrick, U.S. Marine veteran speaking to Brian Baird, D-WA at townhall meeting. I think this sums up how the American people feel. Preserve our Constitution!
Stooge Alert:
" The American people don't care about pork projects in Stimulus."
Chuck Schumer
(I know this is dated, but it illustrates the audacity of arrogance.)
Freedom Works Foundation
The Club for Growth
National Taxpayers Union
Americans for Tax Reform
Young Americans for Liberty
Campaign for Liberty.com
Grassfire Alliance.org
Free Republic
Young America's Foundation
Tea Party Patriots
(You can Google any of these groups and see which ones suits you.)
*Social Security Cuts
The SS is cancelling the COLA (cost of living adjustments) increases for the next 2 years. The Government said it is tied to inflation. Inflation has been flat. however, Medicare premium increases will still be implemented though, which means seniors will receive less fixed income. This will be the first decline in 30 years. This isn't the year for seniors, huh?
*The Constitution
I was thumbing through my pocket Constitution and I couldn't find anything where it has the government dictating anything on any type of insurance? I am not an attorney, however, the Constitution is pretty straight forward. Where do they get the authority to make policy when they haven't the right?
Where the Beef? I mean, where's the media? The company that the White House hired to handle their bulk email program is not taking the heat for David Axelrod. They are standing firm, saying this was all Axelrod. Where is the outrage from the press? Thousands of UNSOLICITED EMAILS went out to unsuspecting citizens believed to have been targeted from the snitch website. One question, Has a special prosecutor been announced since David Axelrod violated federal law? Don't hold your breathe.
*The Myth of the Uninsured
I have seen these figures two or three times now. I don't believe the President when he states that 47 million Americans are uninsured. Here is a breakdown:
16 million-Can afford insurance but doesn't purchase it.
8.4 million-18-25 year olds, invincible, don't need it.
12.6 million- Illegal Aliens
8 million-Temporarily uninsured, maybe unemployed or saving money.
3.5 million-Eligible for government health plans, but not signed up.
Quote of the day:
"A Fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."
Winston Churchill
IBD Editorials-Michael Ramirez
Cato Institute
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Dirty Deals Done Dirt Cheap
It never seems to make the state run media. All this week, the real media has been reporting about David Axelrod and the under the table deals he has been involved in. Again, if this were a conservative politician or pundit, it would on the front page of every newspaper in the English speaking world for weeks on end. But, since it is an Obama's top advisor, forgitaboutit! I guess we live in a time where the media picks and chooses what they report on. I know this is hard to imagine. The only media we can somewhat trust are the Fox news affiliates, radio talk show hosts and some bloggers. Lets get back to Axelrod, He divested his interest in AKPD, With a hefty $2M buyout. There is nothing wrong with that. It's completely legal. Where this borders on conflict of interest is Axelrod pushes Obamacare's plan on TV news programs. AKPD makes huge money on the Ads (24M to date pushing Obamacare) funding Axelrod's payout and making a sweet salary for Axelrod's son (who works at AKPD) and David Plouffe, Obama's former campaign manager. It gets better, ASK Public Strategies is another hush-hush Axelrod company that is supposedly buying him out (1M). ASK lied about a deal with ComEd concerning a rate hike. It turns out that ComEd Paid for the whole thing, not a grassroots organization. (CORE) Also, ComEd employees contributed $182,000 to the Obama Campaign. Can you imagine if Carl Rove was involved in this? He would hanging from the yardarm? With the bulk of the Obama administration having issues paying their income taxes and with Davis Axelrod, I know President Obama is so proud. Chicago (gang) land politics gone nationwide.
Stooge Alert:
"We are not in the post-racial period."
Gov. David Patterson, New York
He is way behind in the polls against Cuomo.
*Harry Reid on the ropes - In the 2010 elections, Reid isn't looking so well. Republicans Danny Tarkanian or Sue Lowden would beat him in a general election. I am sure the DNC will put up a good fight and a lot of money to retain Reid. I have a lot of faith in the people of Nevada. Reid is going down.
*Cash for Clunkers - The Cash for Clunkers program ends tomorrow night at 8:00pm. Not even 20% of the car deals have been reimbursed by the government to date. The government said it would take 10 days. Will the government have to bail out the car dealerships because they fronted all their money in the C4C program? How can we except the notion that the Government to run healthcare after this calamity? Food for thought.
* EZ Pass (the fees)
Almost 40,000 Marylanders have cancelled their subscriptions because of a extra $1.50 a month fee for using the electronic tolling system developed to reduce traffic. This is a motorist's revolt in leiu the many taxes and fees levied in the People's Republic of Maryland. Have you driven on Routes 495 or 695? OMG!
Question Du Jour?
If Michelle Obama's position at Chicago Hospital was so important, why haven't they filled it? $317,000 a year, must of been a crucial job.
Quote of the day:
"Democracy becomes a government of bullies tempered by editors."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
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