It never seems to make the state run media. All this week, the real media has been reporting about David Axelrod and the under the table deals he has been involved in. Again, if this were a conservative politician or pundit, it would on the front page of every newspaper in the English speaking world for weeks on end. But, since it is an Obama's top advisor, forgitaboutit! I guess we live in a time where the media picks and chooses what they report on. I know this is hard to imagine. The only media we can somewhat trust are the Fox news affiliates, radio talk show hosts and some bloggers. Lets get back to Axelrod, He divested his interest in AKPD, With a hefty $2M buyout. There is nothing wrong with that. It's completely legal. Where this borders on conflict of interest is Axelrod pushes Obamacare's plan on TV news programs. AKPD makes huge money on the Ads (24M to date pushing Obamacare) funding Axelrod's payout and making a sweet salary for Axelrod's son (who works at AKPD) and David Plouffe, Obama's former campaign manager. It gets better, ASK Public Strategies is another hush-hush Axelrod company that is supposedly buying him out (1M). ASK lied about a deal with ComEd concerning a rate hike. It turns out that ComEd Paid for the whole thing, not a grassroots organization. (CORE) Also, ComEd employees contributed $182,000 to the Obama Campaign. Can you imagine if Carl Rove was involved in this? He would hanging from the yardarm? With the bulk of the Obama administration having issues paying their income taxes and with Davis Axelrod, I know President Obama is so proud. Chicago (gang) land politics gone nationwide.
Stooge Alert:
"We are not in the post-racial period."
Gov. David Patterson, New York
He is way behind in the polls against Cuomo.
*Harry Reid on the ropes - In the 2010 elections, Reid isn't looking so well. Republicans Danny Tarkanian or Sue Lowden would beat him in a general election. I am sure the DNC will put up a good fight and a lot of money to retain Reid. I have a lot of faith in the people of Nevada. Reid is going down.
*Cash for Clunkers - The Cash for Clunkers program ends tomorrow night at 8:00pm. Not even 20% of the car deals have been reimbursed by the government to date. The government said it would take 10 days. Will the government have to bail out the car dealerships because they fronted all their money in the C4C program? How can we except the notion that the Government to run healthcare after this calamity? Food for thought.
* EZ Pass (the fees)
Almost 40,000 Marylanders have cancelled their subscriptions because of a extra $1.50 a month fee for using the electronic tolling system developed to reduce traffic. This is a motorist's revolt in leiu the many taxes and fees levied in the People's Republic of Maryland. Have you driven on Routes 495 or 695? OMG!
Question Du Jour?
If Michelle Obama's position at Chicago Hospital was so important, why haven't they filled it? $317,000 a year, must of been a crucial job.
Quote of the day:
"Democracy becomes a government of bullies tempered by editors."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
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