I have received no less than 10 emails today concerning the VA's "Your life, Your choice." Is this how we honor our veterans who wore this nation's uniform? They risked their lives, watched their buddies die and came home not the same. I think the least we can do is allow them to leave this world with dignity,respect and on their own terms. They should receive the critical care they are entitled to and deserved. Not by some bureaucrat that is eyeing their bed for another Veteran. I know this sounds like a horror movie by the likes of Quentin Tarantino. Unfortunately, this is a publication produced by the Veterans Administration. An informative 52 page booklet explaining choices how to end your life published in 1997. As I looked through this book, (I couldn't stomach reading the whole thing)I was amazed at the guilt inducing scenarios which could easily guide vulnerable older veterans to make the decision that life isn't worth living anymore. I find that despicable, especially, when it's all about money. Not to mention, the VA workers received a mere $24 million in bonuses. President Bush suspended this program and the Messiah reinstated it. And the President says that there aren't any death panels in the healthcare proposal? In 2007-2008, there weren't any faith-based organizations or disability rights advocates listed except for a group called the Hemlock Society. You can imagine what they are about by their name. What is our society becoming? Is euthanasia going to be in the forefront of getting old? I will stay on top of this topic as long as I live. I feel very strongly about this, my father in law is a Korean War Veteran and my son is a U.S. Marine.
Beware of Apollo
Today, everyone is aware of ACORN (the Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now) and SEIU (Service Employees International Union). What about an organization called "Apollo Alliance"? Can you imagine an organization consisting of ACORN, SEIU & green based organizations uniting together as a large extremely liberal and powerful force. Van Jones (Green Czar) and Wade Radke (ACORN founder) are board members at Apollo Alliance. Well, It's happened and receiving support from the Obama Administration. All concerned citizens need to investigate this organization. More to follow.
Is Obama creating a civil war in America?
No,no, this one is not mine. The great, academy award winning actor, Jon Voight was interviewed by Alex Koppelman of Salon.com. This is a excellent interview by someone from the film industry that isn't a wacko. Please read it.
MarkLevinFans- Barack Obama & Saul Alinsky-Rules for Radicals
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Check out Mark Levin's new book, Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto. Debuted at #1 on the NY Times Best Seller List.
Stooge Alert:
Obama to SEIU in 2007.
"Your agenda is my agenda."
*10 year Budget Deficit
The administration reported today they will raise the forecast from 7.1 trillion to 9 trillion for the 10 year Budget deficit. Ouch! This is the largest since World War II. Trillion is the new billion.
*Afghanistan Election
Hats off to the Afghans who ventured out and voted yesterday under a formidable threat from the Taliban. Approximately 40-50% turned out to the polling places which wasn't as good as the last election. However, the Taliban threatened to cut-off ink stained fingers. The final vote won't be determined for a month, officials say.
Questions Du Jour:
Do you think the President of the United States should use phrases like "wee-weed up."? Does this sound Presidential?
Quote of the day:
"At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not cease to be insipid."
Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)
Mark Levin
Michelle Malkin
Rush Limbaugh
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