Spreading Common Sense Conservatism for the Patriotic Citizen. Exposing the Hypocrisy of the Liberal Left.
Friday, August 14, 2009
The Intended Death of Freedom & Liberty
Such a harsh and dramatic title... Unfortunately, it is reality. This country was built upon freedom and liberty guaranteed to every legal citizen. It was designed with minimally intrusive government and a capitalist based free market built this country into the "super power" it is. Unlike our President, I would never apologize for anything America has done. I couldn't be more proud of what we've accomplished in a couple of hundred years. Why do you think everyone from around the world wants to come to America? To live the American dream! That's why. I pray that we never take our freedom and liberties for granted. That would be our costliest mistake. Once we lose these privileges, it will be very difficult to regain them. I wanted to list some definitions for you to understand and critique.
Socialism - refers to various theories of economic organization advocating state, public or common worker (through cooperatives) ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods, and a society characterized by equal access to resources for all individuals with an egalitarian method of compensation.
Liberalism - is a broad class of political philosophies that considers individual liberty to be the most important political goal. (What happened?)
Libertarianism - is a term used to describe a broad spectrum of political philosophies which seek to maximize individual liberty and minimize or even abolish state.
Conservatism - a political philosophy based on tradition and social stability, stressing established institutions, and preferring gradual development to abrupt change.
We have to seriously do some soul searching and figure out what direction we are headed. The liberal left is hell-bent on the eventual movement towards socialism. Redistribution of wealth is a cornerstone of socialism. Nationalizing our banking, insurance and automotive industries is not what a republic engages in. Nationalizing our healthcare industry is next. In 1961, Ronald Reagan spoke out against "socialized medicine." He knew then what the left's intentions were. Reagan's speech was 48 years ago.Ronald Reagan also spoke about Norman Thomas, a socialist politician back in the forties, who talked about how the democratic party was already adopting the socialism agenda. That America would never adopt socialism, however, we would wake up one day a socialistic country under the name of "liberalism." (paraphrased)The liberal left will never give up the fight. We must never give up the fight. If my son goes off to war, I want him to know that he is fighting for a free America, not another typical European type socialistic society. His grandfather fought for this country in Korea, risking his life in the name of freedom. A few months back, he mentioned to me that in all his years and experiences, he has never been so afraid for our country and it's freedoms and liberties. That statement impacted me tremendously. Please do not let up at all. In basketball, we call it a full-court press. We must be relentless, keeping up the pressure by calling and emailing our representatives, attending townhall meetings, tea parties, etc... One other task is to educate yourselves as much as you can. It is your civic duty.
Ronald Reagan Library
Quote of the day:
"I have come to the conclusion that politics are too serious a matter to be left to the politicians."
Charles De Gaulle (1890-1970)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Orchestrated Campaign against America
I know I've written about this topic before. However, I can't believe how the democratic politicians and liberal media are demeaning the American citizen's right to disagree and protest against their representative's decisions.
Here is a little note to our President:
Mr. Obama,
The people do not subscribe to your healthcare reform proposal. It is plain and simple. We are well informed and this is not in our best interest. Start over and come up with something that makes sense that includes Tort reform, competitive health plans available across state lines and stop regulating the healthcare related companies to death. You are spending our money like a drunken sailor. You have quadrupled the national debt in 6 months! We do not have faith in most government run programs and this healthcare proposal will be the worst and most expensive program we will be mandated to support. Please note the Post Office, Amtrak, Medicare/Medicaid & Social Security. They are disasters! We will not be controlled by the government and your sycophants. This is the biggest power grab in history. We won't let this happen. Don't forget in 2010, we will vote. The people I've met at townhall meetings and in casual conservations are from all walks of life. Right, left and in the middle, they are not happy with you. Some might have voted for you, however, this is not what they wanted or expected. We will be voting again in the year 2012. And, if you are planning on using the "Nuclear Option", this will be your biggest mistake of your career. Please think before you act. Actions have consequences!
Hillary Clinton (just kidding)
I am appalled the elected leaders and the media's disdain of the American people. Our citizens are not idiots. They are the backbone of America. They will not sit on their hands while this administration destroys our country and economy. I am of the belief that Rahm Emanuel emails and faxes the "gameplan of the day" for the left to demonize and insult the hard working people of this country. If you don't believe me, look at what Maureen Dowd of the NY times and Mr. Levine of the Huffington Post wrote today. They are the true idiots.
Taken From CMPI Advance-Hands off my Healthcare
Owner of UK Hospital Urges Americans to Reject Government-run Health Care
"A single-payer system may appear attractive to some. But as someone with more than 30 years of experience running a leading hospital company with international operations, I have firsthand knowledge of the hidden costs...If hospitals had to rely solely on Medicare reimbursements for operating revenue, as would occur under a single-payer system, many hospitals would be forced to eliminate services, cut investments in advanced medical technology, reduce the number of nurses and other employees, and provide less care for the patients they serve. And with the government in control, Americans eventually will see rationing, the denial of high-priced drugs and sophisticated procedures, and long waits for care." - OpEd, Alan Miller, Wall Street Journal
U.S. Health Reform Proposal is "A Dangerous Step in the Wrong Direction" According to UK Reporter"But the idea of transplanting the principles of the British National Health Service would be like forcing Americans to use Marmite instead of tomato ketchup, and any mention of the NHS on U.S. television (now increasingly frequent) is likely to strike fear into the hearts of viewers rather than admiration. With good reason, the outdated and ageing National Health Service, with its history of inefficiency, endless queues, bloated bureaucracy and often substandard health provision, is now regularly cited by opponents of President Obama's health care reform proposals as the shape of things to come for America." - Telegraph (UK) blog
Canadian Government-run Health System is "Crumbling" "Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a resident fellow at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, says the single-payer edifice is starting to crumble. 'What you're starting to see in Canada is that it is falling apart, and you're seeing the growth of a private market for a lot of essential services,' he said. That private market was born after a 2005 Canadian Supreme Court ruling ended the government's monopoly on some health care services." - FOX News
CMPI Advance
NY Times
Huffington Post
Telegraph (UK)Blog
Fox News
Quote of the day:
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth."
Lenin (1870-1924)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The Demonization of Citizens
Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought the right to speak out and question authority was a right of the American people.
Amendment 1 (Constitution of the United States of America)
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of Religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
The American citizens are displaying a spirit of patriotism that I haven't seen since the civil rights era. These "mobs" are regular people who see something very important and precious to them being destroyed by supposedly, representatives that represent the people. One of the reasons you witness average citizens raising their voices at townhall politicians is they do not believe what they are saying. The people are well informed. They've read the proposals. And they don't like what they see. The politicians call them "mobs" and "organized groups", of course they are organized, now. I can name 6 organizations out there fighting for our healthcare. I suppose ACORN and the SEIU isn't considered an organized group? Wasn't it members of the SEIU that were arrested for beating up a innocent man outside a townhall meeting? We are tired of their elite attitudes and condescending remarks.What the democratic politicians are doing to combat this outpouring of dissent on healthcare is attempting to demonize the protesting public at the townhall meetings. This is a direct insult from the left's leadership and this will incite more protesting. I believe the cost of this healthcare program will be astronomical. Whatever the administration says, times 2 or 3. As I've said in other articles, the politicians are not interested in fixing the existing healthcare program, they want to re-engineer the healthcare system. That way, they can spend tons of money and include pork barrel project spending. That is called the "Potomac two-step." Bait and switch. Does Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, Durbin, Gibbs and any others realize that we vote. I am a conservative, but I've spoke with many independents and democrats on this matter and most agree, we need to fix or healthcare system. The majority does not support this House bill, HR 3200 though. Most are petrified that they will lose rights and liberties. This is what it is all about. Complete control over our lives by our government. The administration tells us this isn't about socialism, but their actions are demonstrating the opposite. Nationalizing banking, insurance, automotive and now healthcare? It sure sounds like it to me. Please stand firm, do not let them intimidate you. Attend townhall meetings, call your representatives and voice your opinions. We can defeat this bill in it's current form. "Save our Republic"
Get involved:
Quote Du Jour:
"I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts."
Abraham Lincoln
Monday, August 10, 2009
Learn By Other's Mistakes?
After hearing a plethora of stories on National Healthcare, I decided to research Britain's and Canada's "National Health Service." A common phrase in Britain is "take a seat" meaning it is going to be a long time to get proper medical care. We can take a look on our own soil in Massachusetts. The Massachusetts' State Government is getting rid of their public healthcare system. It is not sustainable and approximately 200,000 are still not insured. It isn't working and it's cost are out of control. So, Why is the Obama administration still pursuing this "Obomination" of a healthcare plan? In Britain, people are getting on a waiting list just to get on another "official" waiting list. If you do the math in this country, it doesn't add up. How will the Government provide care for an additional 30-50 million people without additional healthcare providers? It's called "Rationed Healthcare." Seniors, special needs patients and children will feel the pain of this plan. (no pun intended) A "Burton Report" article stated that the British Government was proud that they've improved the healthcare system and no one waits more than 18 months for non-emergency hospital treatment! Only 18 months! OMG! If you see a doctor and they send you to another doctor, the wait starts over. Can you say "Genocide". This is how the their system is manipulated. I could note issues with Britain's and Canada's healthcare system for hours. But I would like to talk about our Healthcare. It has issues, but it is one of the best in the world. As of late, politicians and constituents seem only to point out the problems in our healthcare system. I found this article and I wanted to share it.
10 Surprising Facts About American Healthcare
by: Scott Atlas
Fact #1
Breast cancer is 52% higher in Germany, 88% higher in the UK, Prostate cancer is 604% higher in the UK and 457% higher in Norway. Colo rectal cancer is 40% higher in the UK.
Fact #2
Americans have lower cancer mortality rates than Canadians. Breast cancer is 9% higher, Prostate cancer is 184% higher and Colo rectal Cancer is 10% higher in Canada.
Fact #3
Americans have better access to treatment for chronic treatment than other developed countries. 56% of Americans who could benefit are taking Statins, which reduces cholesterol and protects against heart disease. By comparison, of those who could and benefit from those drugs:
36% Dutch
29% Swiss
26% German
23% Britons
17% Italians
Fact #4
Americans have better access for preventive cancer screening than Canadians.
American 89% Canadian 72%
Pap Smear:
American 96% Canadian 90%
American 54% Canadian 16%
American 30% Canadian 5%
Fact #5
Lower income Americans are n better health than comparable Canadians.
Senior Americans 11.7 Senior Canadians 5.8%
Fact #6
Americans spend less time waiting for care than patients in Canada and the UK.
Canada & UK - at least twice as long. All told 827,429 in Canada and 1.8 million people are waiting for a hospital admission or outpatient treatment.
Fact #7
People in countries with more government control of healthcare are mostly dissatisfied and believe reform is needed. More than 70% of Germans, Canadians, Australian, New Zealanders and Brits say their health system needs either "fundamental change" or "complete rebuilding."
Fact #8
Americans are more satisfied with their care received than Canadians.
Satisfied Americans - 51.3%
Satisfied Canadians - 41.5%
Dissatisfied Americans - 6.8%
Dissatisfied Canadians - 8.5%
Fact #9
Americans have much better access to important new technologies than Canadians & Britons. Number of equipment units below per miilion people.
Americans 34-CT, 27-MRI
Canadians 12-CT, 6-MRI
Britons 8-CT, 6-MRI
Fact #10
Americans are responsible for the vast majority of all healthcare innovations. Since the mid-1970's, the Nobel prize in Medicine and Physiology has gone to American residents more often than recipients from all other countries combined.
Conclusion: Despite serious challenges, such as escalating costs and the uninsured, the US healthcare system compares favorably to those in other developed countries.
Scott D. Atlas, M.D. is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institute and a professor at the Stanford University Medical Center.
Burton Report, The New York Times, International, Sunday, April 18, 1999
NCPA-National Center for Policy Analysis, March 24,2009
Kaiser Family Foundation
Quote Du Jour:
"The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it always to be kept alive."
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Insurance Industry Jobs Beware!
Does anyone know what would happen to the hundreds of thousands of jobs in the insurance industry if Obamacare passes? I know that President Obama said, and continues to say that you will be able to keep your private insurance plan, however, in his past speeches, and in the proposed bills, they've said repeatedly that you will not. Bureau of Labor statistics reports about 2.3 million Insurance industry wage and salary jobs in 2006. How many of those jobs will be abolished if the Government option takes over? Will we have to go through some bureaucrat to obtain health insurance? Has the administration thought of this backlash? Unemployment is at 9.4% and the AP reported Friday, true unemployment (U6) is around 16% total. Do they care? I guess this is a painful step towards Socialism. Those "demon" insurance companies employ thousands of privately held franchises and small offices (brokerages) that are small businesses. They are the backbone of America's economy. I'm sure that the politicians are willing to return the massive campaign contributions from the demon insurance companies? I believe the administration is so focused on winning that whatever is effected in the process is collateral damage. Government is not the answer. If the Government would ease up on regulations and restrictions, start comprehensive Tort reform and manage waste, abuse and fraud in our healthcare system, (mainly Medicare and Medicaid) and open up nationwide competition, it would reduce costs dramatically. It seems the politicians always want to re-engineer a program instead of fixing the problems and issues that are correctable in a good existing program. It usually means throwing a lot of money at it. Why can't our elected officials fix problems the right way and not just expediently. I believe it was 2004, Obama was in an interview complaining about President Bush and his administration rushing bills through with break-neck speed. I saw the video, imagine what he will say now as he pushes these horrific bills through. I'm sure he has a terrific reason why they have to speed through, and of course, there isn't any hypocrisy! Bottom line, we must stop this assault on America's healthcare system. Keep doing what you do. The Democratic party is imploding! They can insult us all they want... Don't forget, we are voters also. It makes a huge difference when Aunt Bessie is part of a fascist right wing conspiracy known as the Seniors Mafia Family (SMF) and executes protest orders by Swastika Brothers of Schutzstaffel (SBS) in a tailored Brooks Brothers suit. I must admit, I feel all giddy inside when I see the community start organizing against the community organizer. Democracy and Patriotism in motion. "Save our Republic"
Quote Du Jour:
"Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it."
George Bernard Shaw
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