Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought the right to speak out and question authority was a right of the American people.
Amendment 1 (Constitution of the United States of America)
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of Religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
The American citizens are displaying a spirit of patriotism that I haven't seen since the civil rights era. These "mobs" are regular people who see something very important and precious to them being destroyed by supposedly, representatives that represent the people. One of the reasons you witness average citizens raising their voices at townhall politicians is they do not believe what they are saying. The people are well informed. They've read the proposals. And they don't like what they see. The politicians call them "mobs" and "organized groups", of course they are organized, now. I can name 6 organizations out there fighting for our healthcare. I suppose ACORN and the SEIU isn't considered an organized group? Wasn't it members of the SEIU that were arrested for beating up a innocent man outside a townhall meeting? We are tired of their elite attitudes and condescending remarks.What the democratic politicians are doing to combat this outpouring of dissent on healthcare is attempting to demonize the protesting public at the townhall meetings. This is a direct insult from the left's leadership and this will incite more protesting. I believe the cost of this healthcare program will be astronomical. Whatever the administration says, times 2 or 3. As I've said in other articles, the politicians are not interested in fixing the existing healthcare program, they want to re-engineer the healthcare system. That way, they can spend tons of money and include pork barrel project spending. That is called the "Potomac two-step." Bait and switch. Does Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, Durbin, Gibbs and any others realize that we vote. I am a conservative, but I've spoke with many independents and democrats on this matter and most agree, we need to fix or healthcare system. The majority does not support this House bill, HR 3200 though. Most are petrified that they will lose rights and liberties. This is what it is all about. Complete control over our lives by our government. The administration tells us this isn't about socialism, but their actions are demonstrating the opposite. Nationalizing banking, insurance, automotive and now healthcare? It sure sounds like it to me. Please stand firm, do not let them intimidate you. Attend townhall meetings, call your representatives and voice your opinions. We can defeat this bill in it's current form. "Save our Republic"
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Quote Du Jour:
"I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts."
Abraham Lincoln
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