Please make him stop! Is he going for a record? I think he has been on the TV everyday since January 20th. Sunday morning will be like one of those "Rambo" or "James Bond" movie marathons you find on the cable channels on Sundays. I know he is on a mission to push his healthcare bill on us, but he doesn't realize we know what it entails and we don't want it. It will increase our taxes which makes it more costly, especially on the middle class and will not improve care at all. If you noticed, Max Baucus, D-ND, came out to introduce bill by himself. Usually, the presenter has a group of supporters standing next to or behind him. The other five of the "gang of six" did not support this bill. It seems the general public doesn't support this bill either. 56% of voters nationwide oppose the healthcare bill, 43% are for it. Mr. Obama will appear on five Sunday morning shows, of course, he avoids Fox News like the plague. He is in desperation mode. He (the administration and congress) knows this healthcare bill is barely on "life support." The irony is every time Mr. Obama appears on television and promotes healthcare change, the numbers go down! He will appear on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and Univision. On Monday night, The President will appear on Letterman. Robert Gibbs, W.H. Press Secretary (Family Guy) told reporters at Friday's briefing that this will enable the President reach a broader audience and confront the misconceptions and promote the features of the current bill. I hope the President has read the current bill and has his facts straight (this time). Mr. President, look at the poll numbers above. President Obama has staked his presidency on healthcare, his "Waterloo." He is in a pickle, if he passes a bill without the public approval, he is done. If he doesn't pass a bill, he will be viewed as inept. So, what's a president to do? What I wish he do is the right thing. Tell the liberal state run media hosts that he has decided to scrap the healthcare bill and start over. That would put him on top, he would be the "anointed one" once again. It's so simple, But I am not holding my breathe. If they (congress) pass a healthcare bill with a strong public option, I believe that the American people will protest so strongly that the 912 rally in DC will look like a little get-together. And we will be right there with them. Is this representation of the people? I heard somebody say the other day that Barack Obama's presidency is like Jimmy Carters, but on steroids! I will try to stomach the Sunday shows, and you know I will be writing about them.
University of Maryland:
How's that change working out for you?
Howling at Wolf:
Wolf Blitzer, host of the Situation Room on CNN was a contestant on Celebrity Jeopardy. Wolf is a smart guy, however, he finished at a dismal minus $4600, which is almost a Jeopardy record. Better luck next time.
Stooge of the the week:
" I don't think his Mom would be pleased with him playing a pimp."
Bertha Lewis, CEO, ACORN
OMG of the week:
Kumbiya my Lord, Kumbiya, oh Lord, Kumbiya!
Daily Polls to Ponder:
31% Strongly approve of how President Obama is performing his role as POTUS.
40% strongly disapprove of how President Obama is performing his role as POTUS.
Presidential Approval Index of -9.
53% say health care plan will force them to change coverage.
50% say Obama is still partisan democrat.
Quote of the day:
"Every author, however modest, keeps a most outrageous vanity chained like a madman in the padded cell of his breast."
Logan Pearsall Smith (1865-1946)
Please contact with comments, questions or issues: Conservative09@gmail.com
Rasmussen Reports
Fox News
The Hill