It brings back so many (bad) memories when I see Jimmy Carter. In my opinion, Jimmy was the worst President in history. 18% interest, oil embargo, Soviet build-up and so on. Isn't that why Ronald Reagan cleaned his clock in the 1980 Presidential election. Since then, he has been meddling in other President's affairs. I don't think that what he said in the interview with Brian Williams helped the Obama administration. Carter is 80 years old and should retire with some humility. In the bigger picture, how many years has the democrats been playing the race card? 40? 45 years? It is probably just a coincidence that Maxine Waters, Hank Johnson, Jimmy Carter, Maureen Dowd and Nancy Pelosi are accusing the American people of racism? OMG! They do not have a clue what the people are thinking and protesting against. Or is this a just a coincidence? Joking aside, I feel this is an orchestrated tactical game plan to redirect the train wreck, also known as the President's radical agenda. We are not racist, we are concerned citizens. At the DC rally on Saturday, The attendees were from all walks of life, White, Black, Hispanic, Asian and Middle Eastern. We sat next to democrats in front of the Capitol. It isn't going to work this time and quite frankly, I think it will backfire this go around. The liberals and administration have denounced the protests, townhalls, tea parties and the 912 DC rally. Now we have Carter and the sycophants playing the race card. I can't help it if Jimmy Carter grew up in the south and saw racism. Why didn't he do anything about Robert Byrd, D-WV and his involvement with the KKK when he was active in politics? I thought our President was the "great uniter"? With these incredulous accusations, he will be labeled the "great divider." I think everyone should Google " Joe Wilson, R-SC." he sounds like a good guy. Maureen Dowd wrote that Joe Wilson said "you lie, boy." Or that is what he meant. We can't help it if she hears voices in her head, they have doctors for that. It is all part of the race card conspiracy. It saddens me to see the left stoop to this level. But, they've done it many times before. Do you remember the grilling of Justice Clarence Thomas and Miguel Estrada? Couldn't you call that racist? They are minorities. It was the democrats who perpetrated the accusations against these two incredible and upstanding legal minds. We, as American citizens, have to keep up the pressure on our representatives and "melt their phones and email." Its so easy, even a caveman can do it! We owe it to ourselves and to our children. In this time, we have a black President, cabinet members and so many other important positions. Yes, we have come a long way and we need to go farther. I guess if they didn't use race for gain, what would Reverends Sharpton and Jackson do for work? Why can't we just get along?
Come on Jimmy, take your meds.
The Cocoon is calling.
Thought of the day:
Wasn't it Candidate Obama who said that his grandmother " was a typical white person." But, that's not racist! Just ask Reverend Wright.
Heathcare Bill, "Just Say No":
Even Jay Rockefeller, D-WV, said he can't vote for this abomination in it's current form. The democrats don't like it, the republicans don't like it. But, Max Baucus likes it! Again, I know I sound like a broken record or "Ground Hog's Day" with Bill Murray, but, we need to light up the congressional switchboards and flood them with emails. My wife and I attended the 912 DC rally and we were so honored to be there and inspired to the point that we can't wait for the next protest rally. It isn't about a black President, it is about the economy, political ideology and the future of our country. We are watching the country we love and respect move in the wrong direction. Take it back!
Deep Thoughts with John:
With all of the race debates, I have something on my mind. I hear African American, Hispanic American, Japanese American and so forth. Wrong, you are either American or you are not. I am of Irish decent, I don't call myself anything but American. My family supposedly came over from County Cork in 1870. Sorry, I didn't know them. This is my country and I lay claim here only. President Obama is a American. I am a American. So what?
News on Polls :
65% of Doctors oppose healthcare bill (IBD)
45% of Doctors would consider quitting if healthcare bill passes (IBD)
55% of Americans oppose healthcare bill overhaul (Rasmussen)
42% of Americans support Healthcare bill overhaul (Rasmussen)
12% believe opposition to Obamacare are racist (Rasmussen)
Quote du jour:
"The chief obstacle to the human race is the human race."
Don Marquis (1878-1937)
If you have questions, concerns or comments, please email at conservative09@gmail.com
Rasmussen Reports
Drudge Reports
The Hill
American Thinker
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