Opinion 1.0
Maybe it is wishful thinking! Harry Reid is bringing his A-game in attempt to bring a vote before Christmas. I sincerely hope the republicans can stall the vote until after the first of the year. I want the democrats to go back to their districts and have to deal with their constituents. Talk about an ear full. Plus the politicians that are up for re-election will be looking in the rear view mirror, knowing they will be in hot water with their constituents. Howard Dean, former DNC chair & medical doctor, said we should "kill the bill." Wow, that has to hurt. Ben Nelson, D-NE, said he couldn't back the bill and that the misinformation is completely untrue, that he isn't for sale. The SEIU is meeting to discuss if they should come out against this bill, because it will tax them for their Cadillac healthcare plans. Jim DeMint, R-SC, said he will have the whole bill read on the Senate floor in it's entirety. The Tea Party patriots ( me included) have had such an impact on this issue and there is more protest rallies are in the works. Of course, the polls have not been kind to the socialist democrats either, the average is 40% in favor and 56% against reform. What don't they understand, the American people do not want this type of healthcare reform. This is not what we signed up for. Does it seem the democrats are willing to pass anything, no matter how bad of a bill it is, just to make Obama look good at his State of the Union address. They are willing to destroy 1/6th of the economy just for a short lived victory. I saw the President the other day making one of his four speeches a day, threatening the American public with the federal government bankruptcy if we do not pass this reform. And he accuses the right of fear mongering? If I were the President in this predicament, I would jet off to Copenhagen, and not come back. I think the pressure is getting to President Obama and especially, Harry (Dr. Smith) Reid. Pelosi jetted of to Copenhagen right after passing the "stimulus mini me." Why does she need to go there? They have an uncanny self-importance. Of course, Nancy (SanFranGranNan) doesn't worry about her carbon footprint. We have come to a crossroad of beating down this bill. Please keep up the pressure on your representatives in the House and Senate. Let them know if they vote for this bill, we will vote them out of office. Email, call or write an old-fashioned letter. Better yet, go visit them at their office, you own part of it anyway. They work for you. Not the other way around. Be an American, exercise your civic duty. "Save the best healthcare system in the world."
Ben Nelson, I hope he means it:
Big Ben 2:
When to pull the plug on health care:
While the 2010 midterm elections are still about a year away, the two parties’ political narratives are already locked and loaded. Only the firepower of their respective messages remains in doubt. And this is where health care matters.
How the current congressional debate unfolds won’t dramatically change the Republicans’ or Democrats’ underlying rhetorical strategies next year; however, it will affect the clout of their respective messages.
Republicans will stress checks and balances in 2010. One-party rule leads to excesses, and Democrats have been on a binge. They’ve acted irresponsibly. Every major measure, including the economic stimulus, cap and trade and health care, has been done without Republican input or involvement. This dangerous experiment in one-party, partisan and ideological control must end by electing more Republicans.
Democrats, on the other hand, will return to the “change” theme. Americans elected Barack Obama as president because they wanted transformation. Tired of no progress on difficult issues such as health care and energy/environment, as well as too much coddling of greedy bankers and financiers, it was time to face tough choices and move ahead on these issues. Democrats are making progress toward this goal but need more time and even greater numbers.
Health care’s outcome will affect the caliber of these two narratives.
Passage strengthens the Democrats’ hand for several reasons. First, it underscores the change theme and validates the importance of other hard-fought legislative accomplishments. Despite tough odds and various setbacks, they triumphed. Detractors may quibble with the details or the breadth of reform, but a win is a win. Second, passage pre-empts many of the potential horror stories: health care passed, the world didn’t end and the government didn’t replace your doctor with a bureaucrat. Finally, if the bill passes without any Republican support, it reinforces the Democrats’ “the GOP is the party of no” narrative. Taken together, these three factors add accelerant to the spread of the Democrats’ message — assuming the legislation’s enactment.
Republicans’ strategy won’t change a lot either way — with or without passage of the legislation. If health care passes — and the measure remains unpopular — the GOP will point to it as another case of Democratic excess: a nearly trillion-dollar bill that won’t bend the cost curve or make health care more affordable. The measure also appears to generate a substantial amount of opposition from independent voters, a key swing bloc in November’s elections. Unless poll numbers turn around, in strictly electoral terms the legislation looks like manna from heaven for Republicans hungry for victory in 2010. If support for the bill increases after enactment, the GOP’s arguments become less salient. But that’s a bet Republicans are willing to take.
But what if it fails? GOP strategists would view this as a win, as well. They stopped a prime example of liberal excess. Republicans could claim Democrats are both dangerous and incompetent — a toxic combination for Obama’s party moving into the midterm elections. Failure also would allow Republicans to point to all the negative repercussions Americans escaped, thanks to Republicans defeating the health care measure. You can’t prove a negative, and as a result, these arguments become impossible for Democrats to refute.
Democrats must also wrestle with another problem should the reform efforts stall. How long until they pull the plug? Back in 1994, even before President Bill Clinton’s health reform was officially pronounced dead, some White House officials argued the president was “dancing with a corpse.” The longer he waltzed with the dead, the more challenging the pivot to other issues became. Many believed Clinton danced too long. And Obama faces the same timing challenge today.
It’s always hard to begin hammering the last nail in a legislative coffin — particularly when it comes to a signature initiative. But at some point, it’s time to get the mallet. It’s clearly too early for that now. Still, the White House must recognize the natural instinct to wait too long. If health care is indeed moribund early next year, the president needs to acknowledge that and gracefully pivot, lest he, too, gets stuck dancing with a corpse.
The resolution of health care will have a major impact on the power of both the Republican and Democratic narratives next year. Success or failure may not shape the substance of the messages, but it will certainly affect their potency.
Gary Andres, vice chairman for research and policy at Dutko Worldwide, was deputy assistant to President George H.W. Bush and Senate confirmation coordinator for President George W. Bush. Patrick J. Griffin, a partner at Griffin Williams Critical Point Management, served as assistant to President Bill Clinton and director of congressional affairs.
Deep Thoughts by Chuck U. Schummer:
Chucky apologized to the flight attendant he insulted on a U.S. Airways commercial flight. However, it was George W. Bush and the republican's fault. It was the republican stalling of the Seante healthcare reform bill that caused him to be a jerk.
Weather Irony:
Copenhagen is being blanketed with snow, high winds and extreme cold. Yes, it is because of Global warming. More snow on the way. How will they utilize their G-5's and limousines? OMG! Will they be forced to use public transportation with the common folk? Horrid!One of my Christmas wishes is for Copenhagen o have a blizzard and all of the eletists are stuck there for two weeks. They would kill each other. Too many egos.
Grand Scale redistribution of wealth:
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave away the bank today, committing the U.S. and other wealthy countries to give $1000B to developing nations through 2020. Is this constitutional? Can she commit money that will be under other administration's control. Doesn't congress have to vote on this? Will the world end if we don't do this? Obamao said if we don't pass healthcare, the federal government will go bankrupt. So, if we don't redistribute wealth and sell out the U.S. the world will come to an end. (Under his Presidency). Just say no.
Lord Monckton reports on Pachauri’s eye opening Copenhagen presentation:
In the Grand Ceremonial Hall of the University of Copenhagen, a splendid Nordic classical space overlooking the Church of our Lady in the heart of the old city, rows of repellent, blue plastic chairs surrounded the podium from which no less a personage than Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the IPCC, was to speak.
I had arrived in good time to take my seat among the dignitaries in the front row. Rapidly, the room filled with enthusiastic Greenies and enviro-zombs waiting to hear the latest from ye Holy Bookes of Ipecac, yea verily.
The official party shambled in and perched on the blue plastic chairs next to me. Pachauri was just a couple of seats away, so I gave him a letter from me and Senator Fielding of Australia, pointing out that the headline graph in the IPCC’s 2007 report, purporting to show that the rate of warming over the past 150 years had itself accelerated, was fraudulent.
Would he use the bogus graph in his lecture? I had seen him do so when he received an honorary doctorate from the University of New South Wales. I watched and waited.
Sure enough, he used the bogus graph. I decided to wait until he had finished, and ask a question then.
Pachauri then produced the now wearisome list of lies, fibs, fabrications and exaggerations that comprise the entire case for alarm about “global warming”. He delivered it in a tired, unenthusiastic voice, knowing that a growing majority of the world’s peoples – particularly in those countries where comment is free – no longer believe a word the IPCC says.
They are right not to believe. Science is not a belief system. But here is what Pachauri invited the audience in Copenhagen to believe.
1. Pachauri asked us to believe that the IPCC’s documents were “peer-reviewed”. Then he revealed the truth by saying that it was the authors of the IPCC’s climate assessments who decided whether the reviewers’ comments were acceptable. That – whatever else it is – is not peer review.
2. Pachauri said that greenhouse gases had increased by 70% between 1970 and 2004. This figure was simply nonsense. I have seen this technique used time and again by climate liars. They insert an outrageous statement early in their presentations, see whether anyone reacts and, if no one reacts, they know they will get away with the rest of the lies. I did my best not to react. I wanted to hear, and write down, the rest of the lies.
3. Next came the bogus graph, which is featured three times, large and in full color, in the IPCC’s 2007 climate assessment report. The graph is bogus not only because it relies on the made-up data from the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia but also because it is overlain by four separate trend-lines, each with a start-date carefully selected to give the entirely false impression that the rate of warming over the past 150 years has itself been accelerating, especially between 1975 and 1998. The truth, however – neatly obscured by an ingenious rescaling of the graph and the superimposition of the four bogus trend lines on it – is that from 1860-1880 and again from 1910-1940 the warming rate was exactly the same as the warming rate from 1975-1998.
4. Pachauri said that there had been an “acceleration” in sea-level rise from 1993. He did not say, however, that in 1993 the method of measuring sea-level rise had switched from tide-gages to satellite altimetry against a reference geoid. The apparent increase in the rate of sea-level rise is purely an artefact of this change in the method of measurement.
5. Pachauri said that Arctic temperatures would rise twice as fast as global temperatures over the next 100 years. However, he failed to point out that the Arctic was actually 1-2 Celsius degrees warmer than the present in the 1930s and early 1940s. It has become substantially cooler than it was then.
6. Pachauri said the frequency of heavy rainfall had increased. The evidence for this proposition is largely anecdotal. Since there has been no statistically-significant “global warming” for 15 years, there is no reason to suppose that any increased rainfall in recent years is attributable to “global warming”.
7. Pachauri said that the proportion of tropical cyclones that are high-intensity storms has increased in the past three decades. However, he was very careful not to point out that the total number of intense tropical cyclones has actually fallen sharply throughout the period.
8. Pachauri said that the activity of intense Atlantic hurricanes had increased since 1970. This is simply not true, but it appears to be true if – as one very bad scientific paper in 2006 did – one takes the data back only as far as that year. Take the data over the whole century, as one should, and no trend whatsoever is evident. Here, Pachauri is again using the same statistical dodge he used with the UN’s bogus “warming-is-getting-worse” graph: he is choosing a short run of data and picking his start-date with care so as falsely to show a trend that, over a longer period, is not significant.
9. Pachauri said small islands like the Maldives were vulnerable to sea-level rise. Not if they’re made of coral, which is more than capable of outgrowing any sea-level rise. Besides, as Professor Morner has established, sea level in the Maldives is no higher now than it was 1250 years ago, and has not risen for half a century.
10. Pachauri said that if the ice-sheets of Greenland or West Antarctica were to melt there would be “meters of sea-level rise”. Yes, but his own climate panel has said that that could not happen for thousands of years, and only then if global mean surface temperatures stayed at least 2 C (3.5 F) warmer than today’s.
11. Pachauri said that if temperatures rose 2 C (3.5 F) 20-30% of all species would become extinct. This, too, is simply nonsense. For most of the past 600 million years, global temperatures have been 7 C (13.5 F) warmer than today, and yet here we all are. One has only to look at the number of species living in the tropics and the number living at the Poles to work out that warmer weather will if anything increase the number and diversity of species on the planet. There is no scientific basis whatsoever for Pachauri’s assertion about mass extinctions. It is simply made up.
12. Pachauri said that “global warming” would mean “lower quantities of water”. Not so. It would mean larger quantities of water vapor in the atmosphere, hence more rain. This is long-settled science – but, then, Pachauri is a railroad engineer.
13. Pachauri said that by 2100 100 million people would be displaced by rising sea levels. Now, where did we hear that figure before? Ah, yes, from the ludicrous Al Gore and his sidekick Bob Corell. There is no truth in it at all. Pachauri said he was presenting the results of the IPCC’s fourth assessment report. It is quite plain: the maximum possible rate of sea-level rise is put at just 2 ft, with a best estimate of 1 ft 5 in. Sea level is actually rising at around 1 ft/century. That is all.
14. Pachauri said that he had seen for himself the damage done in Bangladesh by sea-level rise. Just one problem with that. There has been no sea-level rise in Bangladesh. At all. In fact, according to Professor Moerner, who visited it recently and was the only scientist on the trip to calibrate his GPS altimeter properly by taking readings at two elevations at least 10 meters apart, sea level in Bangladesh has actually fallen a little, which is why satellite images show 70,000 sq. km more land area there than 30 years ago. Pachauri may well have seen some coastal erosion: but that was caused by the imprudent removal of nine-tenths of the mangroves in the Sunderban archipelago to make way for shrimp-farms.
15. Pachauri said we could not afford to delay reducing carbon emissions even by a year, or disaster would result. So here’s the math. There are 388 ppmv of CO2 in the air today, rising at 2 ppmv/year over the past decade. So an extra year with no action at all would warm the world by just 4.7 ln(390/388) = 0.024 C, or less than a twentieth of a Fahrenheit degree. And only that much on the assumption that the UN’s sixfold exaggeration of CO2’s true warming potential is accurate, which it is not. Either way, we can afford to wait a couple of decades to see whether anything like the rate of warming predicted by the UN’s climate panel actually occurs.
16. Pachauri said that the cost of mitigating carbon emissions would be less than 3% of gross domestic product by 2030. The only economist who thinks that is Lord Stern, whose laughable report on the economics of climate change, produced for the British Government, used a near-zero discount rate so as artificially to depress the true cost of trying to mitigate “global warming”. To reduce “global warming” to nothing, one must close down the entire global economy. Any lesser reduction is a simple fraction of the entire economy. So cutting back, say, 50% of carbon emissions by 2030, which is what various extremist groups here are advocating, would cost around 50% of GDP, not 3%.
17. Pachauri said that solar and wind power provided more jobs per $1 million invested than coal. Maybe they do, but that is a measure of their relative inefficiency. The correct policy would be to raise the standard of living of the poorest by letting them burn as much fossil fuels as they need to lift them from poverty. Anything else is organized cruelty.
18. Pachauri said we could all demonstrate our commitment to Saving The Planet by eating less meat. The Catholic Church has long extolled the virtues of mortification of the flesh: we generally ate fish on Fridays in the UK, until the European Common Fisheries Policy meant there were no more fish. But the notion that going vegan will make any measurable impact on global temperatures is simply fatuous.
It is time for Railroad Engineer Pachauri to get back to his signal-box. About the climate, as they say in New York’s Jewish quarter, he knows from nothing.
Kill Bill Vol. III:
Opposition to Senate Healthcare Bill: Call your Senators!
"We the people" must stop the Obamacare Proposals: I am formally asking (pleading) with you to muster up the initiative and enthusiasm to fight the healthcare bill that will emerge in the end of the year. First, there are 2 bills (proposals) that will somehow be merged into one bill. Liberals are adamant about some form of "Public Option." (Government Run Option) I think the democrats believe they can push this bill through while we are sleeping. The democrats have blocked many bills that would allow the final bill to be posted on the internet 72 hours prior to a vote. Why? you know why. We must oppose this more than we did over the summer. Let them know, we are not against healthcare reform, just not a total makeover. Call and email your representatives. I have emailed and called mine so many times, they are referring to me by my first name. Write an old fashioned letter, it has a lot of importance. Attend your local tea parties and townhalls to voice your opinions and make a overwhelming presence. Below, is a little list how you can get involved. It is our civic duty. "It is our Country."
Quote du jour:
"It doesn't make a difference what temperature a room is, it's always room temperature."
Steven Wright
Contact: conservative09@gmail.com
Spreading Common Sense Conservatism for the Patriotic Citizen. Exposing the Hypocrisy of the Liberal Left.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Healthcare Fight-Round 8
Opinion 1.0
Is the republicans finally doing their jobs. Today, Bernie Sanders, D-VT, brought a 764 page, single payer, government run amendment to the senate floor. Tom Coburn, R-OK, insisted the entire amendment be read on the floor so everyone can understand the single payer, public option, government run proposal. Of course, the left went on a tyrade about the right stalling the democrats progress. Or somrthing like that, I wasn't really paying attention to their whining. Sanders was persuaded to withdraw the amendment after a couple of hours. The democrats forget Obama campaigned on a open and transparent administration on C-Span for the world to see. In contrast, many meetings behind closed doors, excluding the republicans and basically shunning them from all proceedures. The democrats and Harry Reid are trying to ramrod this healthcare bill through for the President's signature. One of the many problems is no one knows what is in this bill. Harry (Dr. Smith) Reid is like a weak and meak Frank Nitti, Al Capone's enforcer, trying to strong arm, bribe and blackmail senators not in favor of the bill. Where is their honor and respect? Listening to the republicans who still have a backbone, are in concert to defeat this obamination with the tools they have available to them. This makes me very happy. Somedays, I feel like giving up. I disagree with this administration on a daily basis. However, after attending the "Code Red Senate Healthcare" rally yesterday in DC, I have a renewed enthusiasm and motivation to exercise my constitutional rights and oppose what I deem is wrong and not in our best interest. Obama beware, the country doesn't want your healthcare dream, because it will become our nightmare. I heard a rumor that President Obama walks through the west wing hallways singing that famous ABBA song, Waterloo! This is Obama's Waterloo. He knows it, certain democrats seem willing to surrender their careers just to give Obama this victory. I wonder what they were promised? Ambassadorships? Cabinet positions? Cash? Trip to Atlantis? I think Joe Lieberman will not vote for this bill because he knows he will be finished. Ben Nelson still isn't on board and I understand there are others who are not in favor on this bill. Do not believe what you hear from Harry reid, he has lied on several occasions trying to pull the wool over our eyes. With Obama's poll numbers in the lew and the healthcare poll numbers worst than Obamas, the politicians are skiddish over this highly toxic legislation. The republicans are attempting to delay this bill until after the Christmas holiday season. They know the democrats will have to deal with their constituents at home. Christmas is about giving, and the democrats will receive an ear full from their constituents. "Never give up the fight."
Harry Reid dealing with the senators not on board with the HC bill:
Bernie Sanders-Single Payer:
Senate debate stalls as GOP forces reading - Live Pulse: Senate debate stalls as GOP forces reading, December 16, 2009
As Democrats neared completion on a health care reform bill, Senate Republicans launched an offensive Wednesday to stall the debate, signaling their intent to use every procedural tool necessary to prevent passage before Christmas.
Senate Republicans forced the Senate clerk to read a 767-page amendment establishing a government-financed health care system, sponsored by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) – but Sanders cut off the reading in the third hour by withdrawing his bill.
“We want to do what can to defeat the bill,” said Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.), a member of the Senate Republican leadership. "We are going to do everything we can in terms of the rights we have to stop the bill from passing."
Sanders criticized Republicans for “trying to bring the United States government to a halt."
The GOP move appeared to be the opening shot in a Republican attempt to delay the bill past Christmas. And while Democrats were able to halt the reading by pulling Sanders’ amendment, they won’t be to do the same when Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) presents an amendment containing a compromise he hopes will win 60 votes.
Sanders offered the amendment and asked to dispense with the reading of it, which is almost always agreed to by unanimous consent. But Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) objected - it takes only one senator - forcing the reading.
Sanders called it a "bit absurd" that Coburn was objecting. And Coburn insisted he wasn't intentionally stalling the bill. "We're going to understand what single payer is all about and read the bill," he said.
Coburn’s move would have prevented senators from offering, debating or voting on any other amendments. While it might seem like the reading would set back efforts to finish the bill by Christmas, the timetable doesn't really depend on what happens on the floor.
It depends entirely on Reid's ability to reach a compromise on the bill that can pick up 60 votes to thwart any filibuster.
Before forcing the reading, Coburn asked to certify that every senator has read and understands the bill. But Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.) said it would be impossible for the Senate to certify that all its members understand the bill.
Sanders called it a "a stalling tactic on the part of Republicans."
"Sen. Coburn is so impressed by the Medicare-for-all, single-payer program that he apparently feels all the people of our country have to hear every single word for the next many, many hours about how the single payer program would be the only way to bring universal, comprehensive, cost-effective health care to all Americans," he said. " I really do appreciate his desire to make Americans know this. I think he may have overdone it a bit."
Reid has a tight timeline if he hopes to pass the bill by Christmas.
Under the rosiest scenario, he needs to begin taking the procedural steps by Friday to end the debate – and it would still take until Dec. 23 or 24 until the bill reaches final passage. This scenario depends on whether Reid receives a cost analysis from the Congressional Budget Office within the next day, which is not guaranteed. Undecided senators have said they need to review the analysis before committing their vote.
But as Wednesday’s event signified, Republicans do not intend to cooperate. They can also force a reading of the “manager’s amendment,” which will include the compromise that Reid struck in order to win 60 votes. It is likely to be a lengthy document, as well.
Thune would not say whether Republicans planned to force more readings.
“I do think we are aware of what those opportunities and options are for us,” he said. “And the goal here is to defeat this thing.”
Reid told reporters that the forced reading of the bill is having a side effect: it is slowing down the Senate’s efforts to get to a Pentagon spending bill. He said that Sanders was prepared to take a voice vote on the amendment, and also insisted that the bill would get out of the Senate this year.
“We’re going to finish this bill before we leave here, and everybody knows that, Democrats know it. I think the Republicans are beginning to realize I,” Reid said. “It’s just too bad that they are using these types of things, but I accept it, I’m not complaining, I just think it shows the American people how they’ve been stalling for all these months – now they’re holding up the defense bill as we’re waiting to get that from the House.”
-- Carrie Budoff Brown, Chris Frates and Manu Raju
Daft Statement by Al Gore, Jr:
"the latest research showed that the Arctic could be completely ice-free in five years."
(An inconvenience mis-truth)
Chewing Copenhagen:
This has been the biggest embarrassment I have seen in years. The Commies are rioting, the representatives can't agree on the color of shat, and the Danish president of the U.N. Climate Conference, Connie Hedegaard resigned. This has been a great party week for the eletists. They have created more pollution than a small third world country. Let them fund Ethiopia. To top things off, there is a major snowstorm hampering the private jets and limousines. Flewbin-flobbin-fleebin-flowbin.
Eletist's statement of the week:
Senator Chuck U. Schummer, D-NY, said about a flight attendant on a U.S. Airways commercial flight.
Kill Bill Vol. III:
Opposition to Senate Healthcare Bill: Call your Senators!
"We the people" must stop the Obamacare Proposals: I am formally asking (pleading) with you to muster up the initiative and enthusiasm to fight the healthcare bill that will emerge in the end of the year. First, there are 2 bills (proposals) that will somehow be merged into one bill. Liberals are adamant about some form of "Public Option." (Government Run Option) I think the democrats believe they can push this bill through while we are sleeping. The democrats have blocked many bills that would allow the final bill to be posted on the internet 72 hours prior to a vote. Why? you know why. We must oppose this more than we did over the summer. Let them know, we are not against healthcare reform, just not a total makeover. Call and email your representatives. I have emailed and called mine so many times, they are referring to me by my first name. Write an old fashioned letter, it has a lot of importance. Attend your local tea parties and townhalls to voice your opinions and make a overwhelming presence. Below, is a little list how you can get involved. It is our civic duty. "It is our Country."
Polls you can live by:
28% Strongly approve of President Obama's job performance.
40% Strongly disapprove.
Presidential Approval Rating Index: -12
45% Somewhat approve of President's job performance.
54% Somewhat disapprove
40% Approve of healthcare reform.
56% Disapprove of healthcare reform
-16 difference.
68% Support drilling for oil.
Quote du jour:
"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here."
Patrick Henry
Contact: conservative09@gmail.com
Is the republicans finally doing their jobs. Today, Bernie Sanders, D-VT, brought a 764 page, single payer, government run amendment to the senate floor. Tom Coburn, R-OK, insisted the entire amendment be read on the floor so everyone can understand the single payer, public option, government run proposal. Of course, the left went on a tyrade about the right stalling the democrats progress. Or somrthing like that, I wasn't really paying attention to their whining. Sanders was persuaded to withdraw the amendment after a couple of hours. The democrats forget Obama campaigned on a open and transparent administration on C-Span for the world to see. In contrast, many meetings behind closed doors, excluding the republicans and basically shunning them from all proceedures. The democrats and Harry Reid are trying to ramrod this healthcare bill through for the President's signature. One of the many problems is no one knows what is in this bill. Harry (Dr. Smith) Reid is like a weak and meak Frank Nitti, Al Capone's enforcer, trying to strong arm, bribe and blackmail senators not in favor of the bill. Where is their honor and respect? Listening to the republicans who still have a backbone, are in concert to defeat this obamination with the tools they have available to them. This makes me very happy. Somedays, I feel like giving up. I disagree with this administration on a daily basis. However, after attending the "Code Red Senate Healthcare" rally yesterday in DC, I have a renewed enthusiasm and motivation to exercise my constitutional rights and oppose what I deem is wrong and not in our best interest. Obama beware, the country doesn't want your healthcare dream, because it will become our nightmare. I heard a rumor that President Obama walks through the west wing hallways singing that famous ABBA song, Waterloo! This is Obama's Waterloo. He knows it, certain democrats seem willing to surrender their careers just to give Obama this victory. I wonder what they were promised? Ambassadorships? Cabinet positions? Cash? Trip to Atlantis? I think Joe Lieberman will not vote for this bill because he knows he will be finished. Ben Nelson still isn't on board and I understand there are others who are not in favor on this bill. Do not believe what you hear from Harry reid, he has lied on several occasions trying to pull the wool over our eyes. With Obama's poll numbers in the lew and the healthcare poll numbers worst than Obamas, the politicians are skiddish over this highly toxic legislation. The republicans are attempting to delay this bill until after the Christmas holiday season. They know the democrats will have to deal with their constituents at home. Christmas is about giving, and the democrats will receive an ear full from their constituents. "Never give up the fight."
Harry Reid dealing with the senators not on board with the HC bill:
Bernie Sanders-Single Payer:
Senate debate stalls as GOP forces reading - Live Pulse: Senate debate stalls as GOP forces reading, December 16, 2009
As Democrats neared completion on a health care reform bill, Senate Republicans launched an offensive Wednesday to stall the debate, signaling their intent to use every procedural tool necessary to prevent passage before Christmas.
Senate Republicans forced the Senate clerk to read a 767-page amendment establishing a government-financed health care system, sponsored by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) – but Sanders cut off the reading in the third hour by withdrawing his bill.
“We want to do what can to defeat the bill,” said Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.), a member of the Senate Republican leadership. "We are going to do everything we can in terms of the rights we have to stop the bill from passing."
Sanders criticized Republicans for “trying to bring the United States government to a halt."
The GOP move appeared to be the opening shot in a Republican attempt to delay the bill past Christmas. And while Democrats were able to halt the reading by pulling Sanders’ amendment, they won’t be to do the same when Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) presents an amendment containing a compromise he hopes will win 60 votes.
Sanders offered the amendment and asked to dispense with the reading of it, which is almost always agreed to by unanimous consent. But Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) objected - it takes only one senator - forcing the reading.
Sanders called it a "bit absurd" that Coburn was objecting. And Coburn insisted he wasn't intentionally stalling the bill. "We're going to understand what single payer is all about and read the bill," he said.
Coburn’s move would have prevented senators from offering, debating or voting on any other amendments. While it might seem like the reading would set back efforts to finish the bill by Christmas, the timetable doesn't really depend on what happens on the floor.
It depends entirely on Reid's ability to reach a compromise on the bill that can pick up 60 votes to thwart any filibuster.
Before forcing the reading, Coburn asked to certify that every senator has read and understands the bill. But Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.) said it would be impossible for the Senate to certify that all its members understand the bill.
Sanders called it a "a stalling tactic on the part of Republicans."
"Sen. Coburn is so impressed by the Medicare-for-all, single-payer program that he apparently feels all the people of our country have to hear every single word for the next many, many hours about how the single payer program would be the only way to bring universal, comprehensive, cost-effective health care to all Americans," he said. " I really do appreciate his desire to make Americans know this. I think he may have overdone it a bit."
Reid has a tight timeline if he hopes to pass the bill by Christmas.
Under the rosiest scenario, he needs to begin taking the procedural steps by Friday to end the debate – and it would still take until Dec. 23 or 24 until the bill reaches final passage. This scenario depends on whether Reid receives a cost analysis from the Congressional Budget Office within the next day, which is not guaranteed. Undecided senators have said they need to review the analysis before committing their vote.
But as Wednesday’s event signified, Republicans do not intend to cooperate. They can also force a reading of the “manager’s amendment,” which will include the compromise that Reid struck in order to win 60 votes. It is likely to be a lengthy document, as well.
Thune would not say whether Republicans planned to force more readings.
“I do think we are aware of what those opportunities and options are for us,” he said. “And the goal here is to defeat this thing.”
Reid told reporters that the forced reading of the bill is having a side effect: it is slowing down the Senate’s efforts to get to a Pentagon spending bill. He said that Sanders was prepared to take a voice vote on the amendment, and also insisted that the bill would get out of the Senate this year.
“We’re going to finish this bill before we leave here, and everybody knows that, Democrats know it. I think the Republicans are beginning to realize I,” Reid said. “It’s just too bad that they are using these types of things, but I accept it, I’m not complaining, I just think it shows the American people how they’ve been stalling for all these months – now they’re holding up the defense bill as we’re waiting to get that from the House.”
-- Carrie Budoff Brown, Chris Frates and Manu Raju
Daft Statement by Al Gore, Jr:
"the latest research showed that the Arctic could be completely ice-free in five years."
(An inconvenience mis-truth)
Chewing Copenhagen:
This has been the biggest embarrassment I have seen in years. The Commies are rioting, the representatives can't agree on the color of shat, and the Danish president of the U.N. Climate Conference, Connie Hedegaard resigned. This has been a great party week for the eletists. They have created more pollution than a small third world country. Let them fund Ethiopia. To top things off, there is a major snowstorm hampering the private jets and limousines. Flewbin-flobbin-fleebin-flowbin.
Eletist's statement of the week:
Senator Chuck U. Schummer, D-NY, said about a flight attendant on a U.S. Airways commercial flight.
Kill Bill Vol. III:
Opposition to Senate Healthcare Bill: Call your Senators!
"We the people" must stop the Obamacare Proposals: I am formally asking (pleading) with you to muster up the initiative and enthusiasm to fight the healthcare bill that will emerge in the end of the year. First, there are 2 bills (proposals) that will somehow be merged into one bill. Liberals are adamant about some form of "Public Option." (Government Run Option) I think the democrats believe they can push this bill through while we are sleeping. The democrats have blocked many bills that would allow the final bill to be posted on the internet 72 hours prior to a vote. Why? you know why. We must oppose this more than we did over the summer. Let them know, we are not against healthcare reform, just not a total makeover. Call and email your representatives. I have emailed and called mine so many times, they are referring to me by my first name. Write an old fashioned letter, it has a lot of importance. Attend your local tea parties and townhalls to voice your opinions and make a overwhelming presence. Below, is a little list how you can get involved. It is our civic duty. "It is our Country."
Polls you can live by:
28% Strongly approve of President Obama's job performance.
40% Strongly disapprove.
Presidential Approval Rating Index: -12
45% Somewhat approve of President's job performance.
54% Somewhat disapprove
40% Approve of healthcare reform.
56% Disapprove of healthcare reform
-16 difference.
68% Support drilling for oil.
Quote du jour:
"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here."
Patrick Henry
Contact: conservative09@gmail.com
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Will Joe Lieberman be the present day Benedict Arnold?
Opinion 1.0
Did Harry Reid offer Joe Lieberman hundreds of millions of dollars for his healthcare vote? If he did, then the answer to the above question is "yes." It is sad because I always liked Lieberman, especially when he shunned the democratic party and joined the Independent party. The DNC conspired to get rid of Lieberman and spent quite a bit of money trying to do so. What I find incredulous is Reid bribing these weak spined senators with taxpayer funded stimulus money that was for economic stimulus, not a congressional and Presidential slush fund. It appears the representatives have lost all sense of why they were elected. Chicago corruption politics with a national franchise. A supposed blue dog democrat, Ben Nelson, D-NE, who has swayed in the direction of not voting for this obamination, wanting any abortion proceedures not to be funded in the healthcare bill. Rumor has it, Rahm "twinkle toes" Emanuel is threatening to close a Air Force base in Nelson's home state of Nebraska if he doesn't vote for this bill. Rahm and Barry don't care if it is a national security breach to close this very important military base. Why is it so damn important to pass a bill right now if it doesn't have a public option, or cuts medicare? There isn't, Obama knows his time is running out for his domination plan to take over America. Joe Lieberman, D-CT, said months back that he was for a "medicare buy-in." Why the flip flop, I smell something fishy. One possibility is blogs like the Daily Kos (a very liberal blog) is calling for Lieberman's wife be fired from the Susan G. Komen foundation because of Joe's stance on healthcare. I attended the "Code Red" Protest rally in Washington, DC, today. Citizens came from all over the country. I estimated about 10,000. There were many speakers including Dick Armey of Freedon Works, conservative Senators, Michelle Bachmann and the headliner, Laura Ingraham. The people were motivated to kill the bill and start over. The other theme was to stop spending our money. This has to care politicians who see these protest. I was at the protest a month ago with Michelle Bachmann as host, and there were an estimated 20,000 patriots there. This is the time we turn up the heat. Call and email your Senators daily. Send them Christmas cards and phone them often. We can persevere if we have the heart to do so. "Save our healthcare.'
Joe on Joe on Joe:
Healthcare Protest at Capital, Washington, DC 12-15-09:
Compilation of key ClimateGate emails:
Wrong data and practices
From: Tom Wigley, Date: Fri, 06 Nov 2009 17:36:15 -0700
We probably need to say more about this. Land warming since 1980 has been twice the ocean warming — and skeptics might claim that this proves that urban warming is real and important.
From: Kevin Trenberth, before Wed, 14 Oct 2009 01:01:24 -0600
The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t. The CERES data published in the August BAMS 09 supplement on 2008 shows there should be even more warming: but the data are surely wrong. Our observing system is inadequate.
From: Michael Mann Date: 27/10/2009, 16:54
Perhaps we'll do a simple update to the Yamal post, e.g. linking Keith/s new page--Gavin t? As to the issues of robustness, particularly w.r.t. inclusion of the Yamal series, we actually emphasized that (including the Osborn and Briffa '06 sensitivity test) in our original post! As we all know, this isn't about truth at all, its about plausibly deniable accusations.
Phil Jones, Date: Thu Mar 19 17:02:53 2009
In my 2 slides worth at Bethesda I will be showing London's UHI and the effect that it hasn't got any bigger since 1900. It's easy to do with 3 long time series
From: Darrell Kaufman, Date: Sat, 5 Sep 2009 08:44:19 -0700
Regarding the "upside down man", as Nick's plot shows, when flipped, the Korttajarvi series has little impact on the overall reconstructions. Also, the series was not included in the calibration. Nonetheless, it's unfortunate that I flipped the Korttajarvi data. We used the density data as the temperature proxy, as recommended to me by Antii Ojala (co-author of the original work). It's weakly inversely related to organic matter content. I should have used the inverse of density as the temperature proxy. I probably got confused by the fact that the 20th century shows very high density values and I inadvertently equated that directly with temperature.
From: Keith Briffa, Date: Sun Apr 29 19:53:16 2007
I tried hard to balance the needs of the science and the IPCC , which were not always the same. I worried that you might think I gave the impression of not supporting you well enough while trying to report on the issues and uncertainties . Much had to be removed and I was particularly unhappy that I could not get the statement into the SPM regarding the AR4 reinforcement of the results and conclusions of the TAR. I tried my best but we were basically railroaded by Susan.
Fixing the data
From: Date: Sat, 5 Sep 2009 08:44:19 -0700
I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) amd from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline.
From: Tom Wigley, Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 23:25:38 -0600
So, if we could reduce the ocean blip by, say, 0.15 degC, then this would be significant for the global mean – but we’d still have to explain the land blip. I’ve chosen 0.15 here deliberately. This still leaves an ocean blip, and i think one needs to have some form of ocean blip to explain the land blip (via either some common forcing, or ocean forcing land, or vice versa, or all of these).
From: Tom Crowley, Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2005 15:13:28 -0400
I have been fiddling with the best way to illustrate the stable nature of the medieval warm period - the attached plot has eight sites that go from 946-1960
From: Gary Funkhouser, Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 15:37:09 -0700
I really wish I could be more positive about the Kyrgyzstan material, but I swear I pulled every trick out of my sleeve trying to milk something out of that. (...) I don't think it'd be productive to try and juggle the chronology statistics any more than I already have - they just are what they are (that does sound Graybillian.
From: Keith Briffa, Date: Wed Sep 22 16:19:06 1999
I know there is pressure to present a nice tidy story as regards 'apparent unprecedented warming in a thousand years or more in the proxy data' but in reality the situation is not quite so simple. We don't have a lot of proxies that come right up to date and those that do (at least a significant number of tree proxies ) some unexpected changes in response that do not match the recent warming.
From: ????
Another serious issue to be considered relates to the fact that the PC1 time series in the Mann et al. analysis was adjusted to reduce the positive slope in the last 150 years (on the assumption - following an earlier paper by Lamarche et al. - that this incressing growth was evidence of carbon dioxide fertilization) , by differencing the data from another record produced by other workers in northern Alaska and Canada (which incidentally was standardised in a totally different way). This last adjustment obviously will have a large influence on the quantification of the link between these Western US trees and N.Hemisphere temperatures. At this point, it is fair to say that this adjustment was arbitrary and the link between Bristlecone pine growth and CO2 is , at the very least, arguable.
From: Michael E. Mann, Date: Wed, 04 Jun 2003 10:17:57 -0400
Phil and I have recently submitted a paper using about a dozen NH records that fit this category, and many of which are available nearly 2K back--I think that trying to adopt a timeframe of 2K, rather than the usual 1K, addresses a good earlier point that Peck made w/ regard to the memo, that it would be nice to try to "contain" the putative "MWP", even if we don't yet have a hemispheric mean reconstruction available that far back
From: Phil Jones, Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2000 13:04:24 +0000
As all our (Mike, Tom and CRU) all show that the first few centuries of the millennium were cooler than the 20th century, we will come in for some flak from the skeptics saying we’re wrong because everyone knows it was warmer in the Medieval period. We can show why we believe we are correct with independent data from glacial advances and even slower responding proxies, however, what are the chances of putting together a group of a very few borhole series that are deep enough to get the last 1000 years. Basically trying to head off criticisms of the IPCC chapter, but good science in that we will be rewriting people’s perceived wisdom about the course of temperature change over the past millennium.
Deleting the data
From: Phil Jones, Date: Mon Feb 21 16:28:32 2005
The skeptics seem to be building up a head of steam here ! Maybe we can use this to our advantage to get the series updated ! Odd idea to update the proxies with satellite estimates of the lower troposphere rather than surface data !. Odder still that they don’t realise that Moberg et al used the Jones and Moberg updated series ! Francis Zwiers is till onside. He said that PC1s produce hockey sticks. He stressed that the late 20th century is the warmest of the millennium, but Regaldo didn’t bother with that. Also ignored Francis’ comment about all the other series looking similar to MBH. The IPCC comes in for a lot of stick. Leave it to you to delete as appropriate!
From: Phil Jones, 2/2/2005 09:41 AM
The two MMs have been after the CRU station data for years. If they ever hear there is a Freedom of Information Act now in the UK, I think I'll delete the file rather than send to anyone.
From: Phil Jones, Date: Thu May 29 11:04:11 2008
Can you delete any emails you may have had with Keith re AR4? Keith will do likewise. He’s not in at the moment – minor family crisis. Can you also email Gene and get him to do the same? I don’t have his new email address. We will be getting Caspar to do likewise.
From: Phil Jones, Date: Fri Jan 16 13:25:59 2004
This is for YOURS EYES ONLY. Delete after reading - please ! I'm trying to redress the balance. One reply from Pfister said you should make all available !! Pot calling the kettle black - Christian doesn't make his methods available. I replied to the wrong Christian message so you don't get to see what he said. Probably best. Told Steve separately and to get more advice from a few others as well as Kluwer and legal. PLEASE DELETE - just for you, not even Ray and Malcolm
From: Phil Jones, Date: Mon Feb 21 16:28:32 2005
I’m getting hassled by a couple of people to release the CRU station temperature data. Don’t any of you three tell anybody that the UK has a Freedom of Information Act !
From: Michael E. Mann, Date: Mon, 04 Aug 2003 09:05:47 -0400
It is true that the skeptics twist the truth clockwise rather than counterclockwise in the Southern Hemisphere? There was indeed a lot of activity last week. Hans Von Storch's resignation as chief editor of CR, which I think took a lot of guts, couldn't have come at a better time. (..) It was on the night before before the notorious "James Inhofe", Chair of the Senate "Environment and Public Works Committee" attempted to provide a public stage for Willie Soon and David Legates to peddle their garbage (...) Fortunately, these two are clowns, neither remotely as sharp as Lindzen or as slick as Michaels, and it wasn't too difficult to deal with them. Suffice it to say, the event did *not* go the way Inhofe and the republicans had hoped. The democrats, conveniently, had received word of Hans' resignation, but the republicans and Soon/Legates had not.
From: Phil Jones, Date: Tue Jul 5 15:51:55 2005
If anything, I would like to see the climate change happen, so the science could be proved right, regardless of the consequences. This isn't being political, it is being selfish.
From: Ben Santer, Date: Fri, 09 Oct 2009 11:07:56 -0700
Next time I see Pat Michaels at a scientific meeting, I'll be tempted to beat the crap out of him. Very tempted.
Hiding information
From: Michael E. Mann, Date: Thu, 09 Feb 2006 16:51:53 -0500
Anyway, I wanted you guys to know that you're free to use RC in any way you think would be helpful. Gavin and I are going to be careful about what comments we screen through, and we'll be very careful to answer any questions that come up to any extent we can. On the other hand, you might want to visit the thread and post replies yourself. We can hold comments up in the queue and contact you about whether or not you think they should be screened through or not, and if so, any comments you'd like us to include.
From: Michael E. Mann, Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 11:18:24 -0400
Attached are the calibration residual series for experiments based on available networks back to:
AD 1000
AD 1400
AD 1600
(...) But basically, you'll see that the residuals are pretty red for the first 2 cases, and then not significantly red for the 3rd case--its even a bit better for the AD 1700 and 1820 cases, but I can't seem to dig them up. (...) p.s. I know I probably don't need to mention this, but just to insure absolutely clarify on this, I'm providing these for your own personal use, since you're a trusted colleague. So please don't pass this along to others without checking w/ me first. This is the sort of "dirty laundry" one doesn't want to fall into the hands of those who might potentially try to distort things...
From: Phil Jones, Date:Wednesday, September 12, 2007 11:30 AM
You likely know that McIntyre will check this one to make sure it hasn't changed since the IPCC close-off date July 2006! Hard copies of the WG1 report from CUP have arrived here today. Ammann/Wahl - try and change the Received date! Don't give those skeptics something to amuse themselves with.
From: Phil Jones, before 19/06/03 12:33 -0400
Keith and I have discussed the email below. I don't want to start a discussion of it and I don't want you sending it around to anyone else, but it serves as a warning as to where the debate might go should the EOS piece come out.
From: Phil Jones, Date: Mon Feb 9 09:23:43 2004
I hid behind the fact that some of the data had been received from individuals and not directly from Met Services through the Global Telecommunications Service (GTS) or through GCOS.
From: Phil Jones, Date: Wed Aug 20 09:32:52 2008
Keith/Tim still getting FOI requests as well as MOHC and Reading. All our FOI officers have been in discussions and are now using the same exceptions not to respond - advice they got from the Information Commissioner. (...) The FOI line we're all using is this. IPCC is exempt from any countries FOI - the skeptics have been told this. Even though we (MOHC, CRU/UEA) possibly hold relevant info the IPCC is not part our remit (mission statement, aims etc) therefore we don't have an obligation to pass it on.
From: Phil Jones, Date: Fri Jan 21 15:20:06 2005
If FOIA does ever get used by anyone, there is also IPR to consider as well. Data is covered by all the agreements we sign with people, so I will be hiding behind them.
Peer-review interference
From: Tom Wigley, Date: 1/20/2005 04:30 PM
If you think that Saiers is in the greenhouse skeptics camp, then, if we can find documentary evidence of this, we could go through official AGU channels to get him ousted.
From: Phil Jones, Date: Fri Aug 13 13:38:32 2004
I'd rather you didn't. I think it should be sufficient to forward the para from Andrew Conrie's email that says the paper has been rejected by all 3 reviewers. You can say that the paper was an extended and updated version of that which appeared in CR. Obviously, under no circumstances should any of this get back to Pielke.
From: Michael E. Mann, Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2003 08:14:49 -0500
This was the danger of always criticising the skeptics for not publishing in the "peer-reviewed literature". Obviously, they found a solution to that--take over a journal! So what do we do about this? I think we have to stop considering "Climate Research" as a legitimate peer-reviewed journal. Perhaps we should encourage our colleagues in the climate research community to no longer submit to, or cite papers in, this journal. We would also need to consider what we tell or request of our more reasonable colleagues who currently sit on the editorial board...
From: Edward Cook, Date: 6/4/03 09:50 AM -0400
I got a paper to review (submitted to the Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Sciences), written by a Korean guy and someone from Berkeley, that claims that the method of reconstruction that we use in dendroclimatology (reverse regression) is wrong, biased, lousy, horrible, etc. They use your Tornetrask recon as the main whipping boy. (...) If published as is, this paper could really do some damage. It is also an ugly paper to review because it is rather mathematical, with a lot of Box-Jenkins stuff in it. It won't be easy to dismiss out of hand as the math appears to be correct theoretically (...) I am really sorry but I have to nag about that review - Confidentially I now need a hard and if required extensive case for rejecting - to support Dave Stahle's and really as soon as you can. Please
From: Tom Wigley, Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2003 09:17:29 -0600
Mike's idea to get editorial board members to resign will probably not work -- must get rid of von Storch too, otherwise holes will eventually fill up with people like Legates, Balling, Lindzen, Michaels, Singer, etc. I have heard that the publishers are not happy with von Storch, so the above approach might remove that hurdle too.
From: Phil Jones, Date: Thu Mar 19 17:02:53 2009
I'm having a dispute with the new editor of Weather. I've complained about him to the RMS Chief Exec. If I don't get him to back down, I won't be sending any more papers to any RMS journals and I'll be resigning from the RMS.
From: Benjamin D. Santer, Date: 19/03/2009 16:48
If the RMS is going to require authors to make ALL data available - raw data PLUS results from all intermediate calculations - I will not submit any further papers to RMS journals.
From: Phil Jones, Date: Thu Jul 8 16:30:16 2004
I can't see either of these papers being in the next IPCC report. Kevin and I will keep them out somehow - even if we have to redefine what the peer-review literature is!
Financial practices
From: Andrew Manning, Date: 06/10/2009 00:13
is this another witch hunt (like Mann et al.)? How should I respond to the below? (I’m in the process of trying to persuade Siemens Corp. (a company with half a million employees in 190 countries!) to donate me a little cash to do some CO2 measurments here in the UK – looking promising, so the last thing I need is news articles calling into question (again) observed temperature increases – I thought we’d moved the debate beyond this, but seems that these sceptics are real die-hards!!).
From: Tatiana M. Dedkova, Date: Thu, 7 Mar 96 09:41:07 +0500
Also, it is important for us if you can transfer the ADVANCE money on the personal accounts which we gave you earlier and the sum for one occasion transfer (for example, during one day) will not be more than 10,000 USD. Only in this case we can avoid big taxes and use money for our work as much as possible.
From: Phil Jones, before 19/06/03 12:33 -0400There are also some snipes at CRU and our funding, but we're ignoring these here. Also Mike comes in for some stick, so stay cool Mike - you're a married man now ! So let's keep this amongst ourselves . (...) I say this as this might come out if things get nasty.
From: Mick Kelly, Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 14:17:15
NOAA want to give us more money for the El Nino work with IGCN. How much do we have left from the last budget? I reckon most has been spent but we need to show some left to cover the costs of the trip Roger didn't make and also the fees/equipment/computer money we haven't spent otherwise NOAA will be suspicious. Politically this money may have to go through Simon's institute but there overhead rate is high so maybe not!
Publicada por EcoTretas em 18:10
Etiquetas: Aquecimento Global, Fraude CientÃfica, peer-review
Code Red Rally In DC, 12-15-09
Daft statement of the day:
"Kill the Senate bill."
Howard Dean
Kill Bill Vol. III:
Opposition to Senate Healthcare Bill: Call your Senators!
"We the people" must stop the Obamacare Proposals: I am formally asking (pleading) with you to muster up the initiative and enthusiasm to fight the healthcare bill that will emerge in the end of the year. First, there are 2 bills (proposals) that will somehow be merged into one bill. Liberals are adamant about some form of "Public Option." (Government Run Option) I think the democrats believe they can push this bill through while we are sleeping. The democrats have blocked many bills that would allow the final bill to be posted on the internet 72 hours prior to a vote. Why? you know why. We must oppose this more than we did over the summer. Let them know, we are not against healthcare reform, just not a total makeover. Call and email your representatives. I have emailed and called mine so many times, they are referring to me by my first name. Write an old fashioned letter, it has a lot of importance. Attend your local tea parties and townhalls to voice your opinions and make a overwhelming presence. Below, is a little list how you can get involved. It is our civic duty. "It is our Country."
The future of healthcare after reform:
Polls you can live by:
26% Strongly approve of President Obama's job performance.
41% Strongly disapprove.
Presidential Approval Rating Index: -15
46% Somewhat approve of President's job performance.
53% Somewhat disapprove
40% Approve of healthcare reform.
56% Disapprove of healthcare reform
-16 difference.
62% Say Afghanistan will be harder fight than Iraq.
Why Democrats push health care, even if it kills them:
By: Byron York
Chief Political Correspondent
December 15, 2009
To some observers, the Democrats' race to pass national health care seems irrational -- even suicidal. Don't party leaders understand how much the public opposes the bills currently on the table? Don't they know that voters are likely to take their revenge at the polls next year? Given that, why do they keep rushing ahead?
Just look at the RealClearPolitics average of polls, which shows that Americans oppose the national health care bills currently on the table by a margin of 53 percent to 38 percent. That's not just one poll that might tilt right or left, it's an average of several polls by several pollsters. And the margin of opposition seems to be growing, not diminishing. And yet Democrats seem determined to defy public opinion. Why?
I put the question to a Democratic strategist who asked to remain anonymous. Yes, Democrats certainly understand that voters don't like the current bills, he told me, and they are fully aware they will probably pay a price next year. But they have found a way to view going ahead anyway as the logical thing to do, at least in their eyes.
You have to look at the issue from three different Democratic perspectives: the House of Representatives, the White House and the Senate.
"In the House, the view of [California Rep. Henry] Waxman and [House Speaker Nancy] Pelosi is that we've waited two generations to get health care passed, and the 20 or 40 members of Congress who are going to lose their seats as a result are transitional players at best," he said. "This is something the party has wanted since Franklin Roosevelt." In this view, losses are just the price of doing something great and historic. (The strategist also noted that it's easy for Waxman and Pelosi to say that, since they come from safely liberal districts.)
"At the White House, the picture is slightly different," he continued. "Their view is, 'We're all in on this, totally committed, and we don't have to run for re-election next year. There will never be a better time to do it than now.'"
"And in the Senate, they look at the most vulnerable Democrats -- like [Christopher] Dodd and [Majority Leader Harry] Reid -- and say those vulnerabilities will probably not change whether health care reform passes or fails. So in that view, if they pass reform, Democrats will lose the same number of seats they were going to lose before."
All those scenarios have a certain logic (even if the Senate calculation undercounts the number of potentially vulnerable Democrats). But each scenario is premised on passing an unpopular bill that hurts the party. Even if there's a strategic rationale for doing it, why are Democrats dead-set on hurting themselves?
"Because they think they know what's best for the public," the strategist said. "They think the facts are being distorted and the public's being told a story that is not entirely true, and that they are in Congress to be leaders. And they are going to make the decision because Goddammit, it's good for the public."
Of course, going forward has turned out to be harder than many Democrats thought. And now, with various proposals lying wrecked along the road, the true believers are practicing what the strategist calls "principled damage control."
But still, does it make sense? In the end, perhaps the most compelling explanation for Democratic behavior is that they are simply in too deep to do anything else. "Once you've gone this far, what is the cost of failure?" asks the strategist.
At that point -- Republicans will love this -- he compared congressional Democrats with robbers who have passed the point of no return in deciding to hold up a bank. Whatever they do, they're guilty of something. "They're in the bank, they've got their guns out. They can run outside with no money, or they can stick it out, go through the gunfight, and get away with the money."
That's it. Democrats are all in. They're going through with it. Even if it kills them.
Byron York, The Examiner's chief political correspondent, can be contacted at byork@washingtonexaminer.com. His column appears on Tuesday and Friday, and his stories and blog posts appears on ExaminerPolitics
Quote du jour:
''Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every free state."
Thomas Jefferson
Contact: conservative09@gmail.com
Publicada por EcoTretas
Monday, December 14, 2009
An Apple a day, keeps Bankruptcy away!
Opinion 1.0
What's another trillion? We can print all the cash we need. Who cares that this bill has approximately 5,000 earmarks (pork). All kidding aside, President Obama and the democratic congress are crazy-drunk with out-of-control spending. The public is outraged with the fudiciary malpractice and the complete disregard of a logical economic policy. On the Oprah Winfrey Christmas Special, President Obama gave himself a "solid B-Plus." Of course, as he pain-stakingly inherited the worst economy since Roosevelt. He has been ragging on President Bush for eleven months straight. When, if ever, will this man take responsibility for the economy and his mistakes and inept policies. When does the President get to grade himself? He doesn't. I think the public will show him how bad his administration has failed next November. I find the President a bit disingenuous to boost about how he and he alone, brought the United States of America back from the brink of destruction. Is he living on earth? He said unemployment would not go above 8%. Enough said. We are out of the recession. Enough said. Iraq and Afghanistan, Iran, healthcare and crap and trade. He also mentioned that he has elevated our likability around the world. I believe when the President of the United States travels the world apologizing for America, he is looked upon as a weak leader. Iran has never been so bold. Today, Obama lectures the nation's top bankers about lending money and paying bonuses. They don't want to lend to people who can't pay back the mortgage, This is partly to blame for the mortgage meltdown recently. Yet, congress okays a trillion dollar bill added on top of our already mountainous debt. This on top of the healthcare bill, if it passes, will definitely put the brakes on growth or expansion of our economy. If the President could come down off his throne and deal with what is important. which is one word, JOBS. My wife and I were visiting New York City for the weekend and mostly everyone were talking about jobs and unemployment. Not one person was speaking about healthcare, cap & trade or immigration. One issue New Yorkers were discussing was the terrorists' trials planned for the city. They are unamiously against it. We travelled down to Ground Zero. It is hallowed ground. It is hard to imagine what happened on September 11, 2001. I say, try them in hell. Americans are resilient, especially in New York will emerge victorious and will face down the terrorist when they arrive. "We will never forget." (That goes for your administration too, Mr. Obama)
B+, my butt:
Oprah doesn't look like she buys it:
Reds Turn Green in Copenhagen
Save the Planet, Scrap Capitalism!
CFACT exclusive, shocking video and interviews of prominent socialist and communist participation in “People’s Rally” for climate action at Copenhagen Summit
Exclusive video taken by CFACT shows masses of communists and socialists rallying in Copenhagen during the UN climate summit demanding that the world abandon capitalism and embrace socialism to stop global warming.
“It was truly shocking to arrive at a climate action rally in Copenhagen and literally see a sea of red flags and banners with hammers and sickles,” says CFACT President David Rothbard. “I don’t believe most environmentalists are secretly communists, but it interesting to see that many communists believe the green agenda is the best path toward socialist policies.”
Some marchers wore hats saying, “Save the Planet. Scrap Capitalism.” One marcher said, “We fight for a socialist society and a socialist program for the climate. I believe in international solidarity in socialism. That’s the way forward.”
Reds Turn Green in Copenhagen:
Daft statement of the day:
"I give myself a solid B+."
Barack Hussein Obama
CODE RED Action Alert:
We need you to show up at the Capital in Washington, DC on Tuesday, December 15, 2009 at 1:30pm. There will be a lot of people there to protest the healthcare reform and spending in general. Reid and his sycophants are pushing this Obamination of a bill. We need to push back twice as hard. This is your opportunity to voice your disgust and opposition. Please show up and make your presence known.
Kill Bill Vol. III:
Opposition to Senate Healthcare Bill: Call your Senators!
"We the people" must stop the Obamacare Proposals: I am formally asking (pleading) with you to muster up the initiative and enthusiasm to fight the healthcare bill that will emerge in the end of the year. First, there are 2 bills (proposals) that will somehow be merged into one bill. Liberals are adamant about some form of "Public Option." (Government Run Option) I think the democrats believe they can push this bill through while we are sleeping. The democrats have blocked many bills that would allow the final bill to be posted on the internet 72 hours prior to a vote. Why? you know why. We must oppose this more than we did over the summer. Let them know, we are not against healthcare reform, just not a total makeover. Call and email your representatives. I have emailed and called mine so many times, they are referring to me by my first name. Write an old fashioned letter, it has a lot of importance. Attend your local tea parties and townhalls to voice your opinions and make a overwhelming presence. Below, is a little list how you can get involved. It is our civic duty. "It is our Country."
Polls you can live by:
24% Strongly approve of President Obama's job performance.
42% Strongly disapprove.
Presidential Approval Rating Index: -18
44% Somewhat approve of President's job performance.
55% Somewhat disapprove
40% Approve of healthcare reform.
56% Disapprove of healthcare reform
-15 difference.
30% Say U.S. is heading in right direction. (less than 1/3?)
Quote du jour:
" Discretion in speech is more than eloquence."
Sir Francis Bacon
Craig Rucker
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