Why is it that the Liberals scream foul when regular Americans demonstrate their 1st Amendment right and protest against their liberal policies. I watched 8 years of that from the left during the Bush administration. I find it a little hypocritical when I see Pelosi or Gibbs (Family Guy) calling it "astroturf." I honestly don't think that the left thought they would see this much dissention from the public. The beauty of this is, as the left keeps insulting the American people, the American people are becoming more enraged. They will show up and confront the representatives on every occasion. They are worried... The President sees his healthcare dream (our nightmare) going down the tubes. We must keep up the pressure on the representatives, the administration is attempting to discredit the uprisings. I am so proud of the people exercising their rights as Americans. It is truly inspirational. There is so many things we can do, call your representatives,(I called mine and voiced my opinion) email, twitter, attend the meetings, join a group, start a group and so on. If we sit on our hands, they will slide this by us. We cannot let this happen.
Below is a list of the Liberal insults from notorious liberal elitists (paraphrased):
Barack Obama- the ones that are protesting are the ones who caused it. They need to shut up. Let me do what I have to do.
Nancy Pelosi- said protest are illegitimate because a person held up a sign with a swastika with Obama's picture under it.
Harry Reid- Phony healthcare protests are astroturf and not grassroots.
Dick "Turban" Durbin- He doesn't hold meetings, they shouldn't fall for these sucker punches.
Robert Gibbs- calls protesters "Brooks Brothers Brigade" and they are a small group seeking to create "manufactured anger."
Barbara Boxer- That people are "storming these townhall meetings" and that the protesters are well dressed and "this is all organized."
Diane Feistein- Refused to speak with Seniors outside her office in SF and called the police on them.
Specter- "We need to get this things done in a hurry,"
The "elitists politicians have such contempt for the regular American citizen. Our founding fathers founded our Government with the representatives' duty to listen to their constituent's concerns. They work for us, on our behalf. I honestly believe these Debutantes think that we should just go along with whatever they decide. This has been a enormous wake-up call! Keep up the pressure, don't stop, you are making a huge difference. Don't be concerned about Obama's henchmen (Union thugs and Acorn punks) showing up, they cannot stop this wave of protest.
I've noticed an "effervescence of energy" from the citizen protesters and this is what the left doesn't want to confront.
Great Sites to get involved:
Quote of the day:
"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie- deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Belief in myths allows the comfort of opinions without the discomfort of thought."
John F. Kennedy
Question of the day:
Since the American people have been asked to "sacrifice." Why is Congress purchasing more than $500,000,000 in new jets? The Pentagon and administration said they don't need them. Isn't it a little hypocritical after lambasting the Automobile CEO's for using corporate jets? They can stop spending our money anytime they want. It isn't an addiction... or is it? Can you say Government Morality?