Everyday adds a new spin on the political machine of the Obama administration. I learned today that the White house is looking for information on anyone who speaks out against Obamacare. Yes, Big Brother is watching. They set up a website for this. I'm sure the ACLU will be all over this? Right? How often is the White House going to step into it. What happened to free speech? The 1st Amendment? In 2004, wasn't it Hillary Clinton screaming about if the Democrats/Liberals speak out about the Bush administration policies, it was 'patriotic' and "American." My, how things change in 5 years! What President Obama and Rahm Emanuel did in Chicago should have stayed in Chicago. Senator Byrd (D-WV) has sent a letter to the White House about the hiring of Czars. Senator Byrd said that "Obama's czars are dangerous." He noted that the numerous czars gives the President too much power. Darrell Issa, ranking member of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform-Republicans sent Rahm Emanuel a letter telling him to "back off." Emanuel has been running interference on the Republicans and strong-arming politicians to get their desired results. (From the Chicago Political Machine Handbook) Click on the link at the bottom. You know they are freaking out about the Townhall Meetings strong disagreement on the Government run healthcare plans. The American people are not stupid or incompetent. We have read over the healthcare bill(s). The citizens have read more of this bill than the representatives. Plainly put, the American people don't want it. The people that attend these meetings are not insurance company operatives, they are normal citizens, neighbors, friends that are fed up with the power grab and spend-crazy Government. The American people know that if we could limit the Government interference and regulation, take care of the immigration issue, reduce the abuse, fraud and waste in our health care system, initiate Tort reform and start the option of purchasing insurance policies across state lines would bring down the overall cost of health care dramatically. Hello politicians, do you hear us? What we really need to accomplish as the American people is to vote out the incumbent (career) politicians and vote in new intelligent, practical and common sense candidates. I am so sick of the Politician's condescending attitude towards the American public who disagree with them. Yes, there are healthcare problems, however, let's take it slow and work out a smart plan that isn't going to cost trillions. 78% say the passage of the reform will lead to higher taxes for the middle class.(Gallup) As I said in previous blogs, call your representatives and attend the "Townhall meetings." They do make a huge difference. Just ask a Democratic politician lately. "Save our Republic."
CBS News
Quote of the day:
"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free Government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty."
John Adams (1735-1826) Journal, 1772
Classified Ads: Wanted: If the Government is having a "Cash for old Washers & Dryers" please contact me. We want the really neat looking ones.
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