Czar: definition-Merriam-Webster dictionary "One having great power or authority." I would a be hypocrite if I criticized President Obama for having Czars. Presidents Roosevelt, Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Bush I, Clinton and Bush II all had Czars in some capacity. However, President Obama has taken this to a whole other level! This circumvents the Congressional process and subverts the authority of Congress. Obviously, this gives a concentration of power to the presidency. When you bypass Congress, it diminishes the integrity of Congressional checks and balances. This also inhibits openness and transparency. Czars are not accountable to anyone in the cabinet, Congress or the American people, just the President.
Here are a couple of questions:
What is their role in the administration?
What authority will they possess?
What happens when they clash with similar departments?
Who decides their compensation?
This is an eye opener; here is the czar list I compiled:
Drug Czar- R. Gil Kerlikowske
Border Czar- Alan Bersin
Car Czar- Steve Rattner
Bailout Czar- Herb Allison
Health Czar- Nancy-Ann DeParle
Stimulus Accountability Czar- Earl Devney
Compensation Czar- Kenneth Feinberg
Energy Czar- Carol Browner
Auto Recovery Czar- Ed Montgomery
Urban Affairs Czar- Adolfo Carrion, Jr.
Information Czar- Vivek Kundra
Technology Czar- Aneesh Chopra
Great Lakes Czar- Cameron Davis
Intelligence Czar- Dennis Blair
Economic Czar- Paul Volcker
Regulation Czar- Cass Sunstein
Non Proliferation Czar- Gary Samone
Guantanamo Closure Czar- Danny Fried
Terrorism Czar- John Brennan
Faith Based Czar- Joshua DuBois
Weapons Czar- Ashton Carter
Green Jobs Czar- Van Jones
Science Czar- John Holden
AIDS Czar- Jeffrey Crowley
I listed these 24 Czars to show you how out of control this administration is. We are paying their salaries and we didn't agree to hire them. Truthfully, I would like to become the Bar Czar if the administration is hiring. When the President was campaigning, he promised an open and transparent administration. So much for that concept. The American people needs to watch this group of Czars under a microscope, since they seem to have "behind the scenes" authority.
Quote of the day:
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself."
Mark Twain