If I were President for One Term... You know POTUS is probably one of the toughest jobs in the world! It seems that every President's hair turns gray after they spend 6 months in the oval office. The stress is enormous and the daily grind would wear down the strongest individual. First, before I become President, I would organize conservatives to take back the House and/or the Senate. You would need one or the other to get anything accomplished. I do not believe that will be impossible after the weak legislation we've seen and will see in the next year. The American people will decide.
First and foremost, I would expose any politician who thought of his career and not for the best interest of the country. I wouldn't make any friends.
We would close our borders (north and south) for a specified time period and offer retired military service personnel the jobs to build the fence and defend it.
Increase support and resources to Customs and ICE.
We would stop providing benefits to illegals.
We would immediately declare a National Security Emergency and start drilling for oil here and now.
We would start Oil shale harvesting as soon as possible.
We would start Natural gas exploration as soon as possible.
We would grant building permits for at least 6 Nuclear Energy plants on US soil.
(France receives 75-90% of their energy from Nuclear).
Since China owns us, I would reduce imports as much as possible (granted, that would be touchy).
We would stop giving money to countries that support terrorist. If they need money, change. (Hezbollah & Hamas??)
We would stop the Social Security raiding. Politicians would not be able to touch it. You get out what you pay in.
We would immediately stop spending the people's money. Stop all pet projects and pork spending.
We would reduce corporate taxes. Business is not the enemy. We have some of the highest corporate taxes in the world.
We would suspend the capital gain tax.
We would simplify the tax code. (15-17% income tax, no deductions)
Incentives to Companies to manufacturer in America and stop outsourcing.
We would utilize the massive federal worker force and re task some of them to investigate Medicare and Medicaid fraud, abuse and waste.
We would stop the ridiculous malpractice lawsuits with Tort reform.
You would be able to purchase health insurance across state lines to make it competitive and reasonable.
We would keep the Government out of Industry and Health care.
I would never apologize for America. Ever
I would tell the truth whether that is what you want to hear or not.
I would stop/expose the lies and mistruths told everyday by Politicians.
We would lobby for a 2 term limit for House and Senate. This would be voted on by the citizens.
Congress would not be able to vote themselves pay raises. The people will vote for these. They impose this on private industry, let them live by the same rules.
Congress will enjoy the same health care program as the American people.
We will aggressively research alternative energy resources such as solar, wind, algae and sugar.
And then, on my second day... Just kidding, can you imagine the enemies I would make! I would have to wear a kevlar body suit. There would not be any elitist left on Capitol Hill when I am finished. Politicians would realize that they work for the American people. The money they spend is not theirs, it belongs to the American people. Serving only two terms, maybe the decisions they make will be in the best interest of the country and not their careers. Right Arlen?
This is harsh and direct. Isn't this country in dire straits? Should we not attempt to preserve our way of life. The life we've been afforded by men and women who have served and paid the ultimate sacrifice? If anything, think about our children and their children. I believe this is possible. You/We must become active in this quest,
get off your backsides and make a difference. Call or email your representatives. Tell them to do their job or we will find someone competent to replace them.
"My reading of history convinces me that most bad governm
ent results from too much government."
Thomas Jefferson
ReplyDeleteI'd vote for you!
I have the name?