Spreading Common Sense Conservatism for the Patriotic Citizen. Exposing the Hypocrisy of the Liberal Left.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Taxpayer March on Washington, DC
We had the privilege and honor to attend the biggest rally I had ever seen on Saturday, September 12th. We headed off to DC not knowing what to expect. We arrived in DC about 8:15am and I must say,there wasn't any traffic. I think everyone who lives in DC left for the weekend. We walked up towards the Washington Monument and we started to see hundreds and hundreds of people, couples, families, you name it, with red, white and blue attire holding signs and banners and so forth. When we made it to the staging area, there were at least 3,000 people assembling to walk down to Freedom Plaza. We were talking to people from South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, New York and almost every state in the U.S. Drivers were beeping their horns and screaming out their windows. (good things) When we made it to Freedom Plaza, there were thousands and thousands of people having a great time, I must say, some of the signs and banners were so intelligent, funny and clever. Some were wearing costumes and some were using walkers and in wheelchairs. The one thing that was prevalent was the respect and friendliness everyone had for one another. I was so inspired to see children there. Every age and race were present. It was so incredible to march down to the Capitol with thousands of like minded people. There were huge numbers of democrats, independents and of course, republicans. Affiliations aside, there were more people identifying themselves as conservatives. One of the funniest (pathetic) posters we saw was a picture of a beautiful little girl that said "I'm $38,000 dollars in debt and I'm only two." After the 15 minute walk to the Capitol, it was astonishing. I can't describe how many people were already there. I spoke to one man who said he got there at 7:30am and there were people already there. This event was well organized. My hat is off the sponsors involved. To organize this many people had to be a monumental task. Some of the speakers were very inspiring and sincere. A couple of my favorites were Dick Armey-Feedomworks, Steven Baldwin-X Treme Radio and the Reverend C.L. Bryant from Shreveport, Louisiana. He was phenomenal and had the crowd rocking. Of course, it had to rain, but that didn't spoil anything. I think I saw Nancy Pelosi peek out of her window in the Capitol. Guess who the only TV news station that showed up? You guessed it, Fox news. It is so unprofessional and bias for the state run media to avoid the inevitable opposition to the Obama administration and the congressional out of control spending and their socialistic policies. However, they were called out on this day. It is no wonder why their ratings and subscriptions have faltered to their anemic levels. Also, I didn't see any opposition protesting against us. In closing, I think this is only the beginning of a gigantic movement that will only get larger. A special thanks to Freedomworks,Campaign for Liberty,Resistnet, Tea Party organizations, speakers and the Washington, DC Police Department who kept everything organized and civil. "Go green, recycle congress."
Tea Party theme song:
I need a friend:
President Obama slid out of Washington to hawk his healthcare message in a speech to his supporters in Minnesota. Lies, lies and more lies. I don't blame him, I wouldn't want to be in Washington either. There were a lot of angry mobsters, astro turfers, especially the ones in wheelchairs! I hope he is getting the message.
Prosecute who?
The Maryland State's attorney's office has received inquiries concerning the Baltimore Acorn incident. Most of the calls have been to reiterate the prosecution of Acorn members involved. However, concerning the audio portion of the recording, It may have violated the two party consent law. I can see SA office going after the independent film maker and his assistant. I live in the "People's Republic of Maryland." If they decide to proceed, there will be an uprising and protest, rest assured. I'm sure that the whole Maryland government is democratic and carries Obama's water for him.
America is moving conservative:
I look at Gallup, Rasmussen, Luntz and Zogby everyday. They seem to be in concert, America is trending conservative. In my opinion, this has come to the forefront because of the current administration's progressive radical agenda. Currently, Gallup has 40% saying they are conservative. I think if Obama pushes a healthcare bill through, that number will trend higher.
Quote of the day:
"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant."
Isoroku Yamamoto, Commander, Japanese Imperial Navy
Weekly standard
Friday, September 11, 2009
We Will Never Forget
September 11, 2001. I don't think anyone will ever forget where they were and what they were doing when the news flashes populated the screens of our televisions. I get choked up when I see the family members reading the names of their deceased love ones with honor and respect. It was fitting for the day to be somber, rainy and chilly. I am disappointed that the memorial has not been completed after eight years. I was full of pride after that tragic day when the country came together and it didn't matter what side of the aisle you hailed from, the country was united. Unfortunately, it didn't last as long as I'd hoped. I believe God has a plan for all of us. I was in DC on the 9th and in Northern Virginia on the 10th. Do you ever wonder why horrific tragedies happens to someone else? How could I be so lucky? My father in law said when he was in battle in Korea, friends on each side would be shot and killed and nothing happened to him. I've talked with many people who've had similar circumstances. A total of 2,974 died and 24 still remain missing.
Heroes that paid the ultimate price:
341 NYFD Firefighters
2 NYFD Paramedics
23 NYPD Officers
37 Port Authority Police Officers
8 EMTs from Private Units
It's mind boggling to imagine 19 terrorists could cause this much destruction and death. 15 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, 2 were from the UAE, 1 from Egypt and 1 from Lebannon. These animals were well educated, mature adults and devout radical Muslims. I hope we can capture and/or kill Osama Bin Laden before he dies on his own. I think it would help some heal in a small way. Are we as safe today as when President Bush was in office? I have my doubts. With some of the decisions made by the Obama administration sending mixed signals, maybe this approach undermines our defense strategies. I still call the wars our brave men and women are fighting, "the war on terror." It isn't a police action or overseas conflict or any other lame title. It is a war, pure and simple. I pray that the "seduced by power" administration lets the Generals execute the war. I don't want a Robert McNamara/Viet Nam deja vu'. After eight years, it still hurts when we see the unimaginable scenes and footage from that infamous day. My heart goes out to the victims that died and the victims that lived. "God Bless America"
Whoops! I did it again:
Yesterday, the story erupted when Acorn was "stung" in Baltimore, MD and recommended to a planted couple (pimp and hooker) to deceive and lie to the IRS, lie to the loan company, lie to everyone. Both Acorn employees in Baltimore were fired by Acorn upper management. They said it wasn't how they did business. Today, a story broke concerning the Washington, DC Acorn office was also involved in a sting and they gave the same illegal advice as the Baltimore office. Does Acorn upper management want to retract their previous statements? I'm happy to announce that the Census Bureau has severed all business with Acorn. The question is... Will Eric Holder, US Attorney General, open an investigation on the conduct and illegal actions of this mammoth organization. Or will Mr. Obama protect his own? A good informational website about ACORN. www.acorncracked.com
Faux pas of the day:
"starting to reach closure" Max Baucus, D-MT, speaking about possible healthcare bill today.
Renewed determination:
Today, I went to a Tea Party held in my town at a park amphitheater. The weather was lousy, pouring down rain, chilly and miserable. I estimated 300 people standing and sitting in the wet weather listening to a group of speakers. It was inspiring to hear citizens who feel and have the same opinions that I have. One speaker, Dr. V. (no one could pronounce his last name) who proclaimed he was a blue dog democrat, was very informative and sincere. It was educational to hear a perspective from a heart surgeon/healthcare professional and how they think about the healthcare bill. He had his staff pass out excerpts from the bill that proved the President lied in his congressional speech a few nights ago. There were 10 speakers in total and no one left early. The Tea Parties are everywhere and they are easy to find. Do your civic duty and get involved. We can stop this socialistic train wreck in it's tracks.
Quote of the day:
"Against criticism a man can neither protest nor defend himself; he must act in spite of it, and then it will gradually yield to him."
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe (1749-1832)
New York Magazine
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The Morning After... Pill
I watched our President last night and I was not impressed one minute. He was lackluster, implausible, divisive, confrontational, childish and unpresidential. This was supposed to be his crowning speech of all speeches. It wasn't. I wish he would act like the POTUS and stop campaigning. It isn't working now, nor will it in the future. After last night, Mr. Obama lost any credibility he had left. Everyone I spoke with today, had nothing but rancor and criticism concerning his speech. The biggest criticisms were about how he called the American people, cable news and radio talk show hosts "liars." The only thing "bogus" was his speech. Also, there was not any mention of the healthcare opposition and protest that transpired over the summer. He mentioned $900B of waste in Medicare, why aren't fixing that right now? Obviously, because that would jeopardize the healthcare reform and probably stop it in its tracks. As always, The speech was attended to be bi-partisan, however, I feel the President was incredibly partisan. And of course, Obama had pull the heart strings and talk about Ted Kennedy. Now I don't have an issue honoring a long standing member of congress and friend who passed. I do have an issue when Mr. Obama says it is our moral obligation to pass a healthcare bill. Let's talk about morality, Mr. Obama voted babies born alive during a abortion do not have any rights. Mr. Kennedy was involved in a young woman's death after partying and drinking all night. She was pinned in the car and drown while Teddy swam to shore and walked home. That's what I call morality! I guess it's all relative. The most exciting part of the whole speech is when Joe Wilson, R-SC, screamed "your lying." Pelosi and Biden looks liked they ate some bad fish. I think I saw Nancy Pelosi's cheek actually move, it could have been the lights though. It was a full-court press that wasn't effective. We must continue to execute the people's full-court press by calling our representatives and attending rallies and whatever you can do to stop this particular healthcare bill. As I've said in previous posts, I believe healthcare needs reform, (fixing) but not Government intervention and take-over. Mr. Obama, you should read the bill before you speak about it on national television. It would save you the embarrassment of being challenged and corrected the following day.
Sales Pitch:
Joe Wilson said what everyone on the right was thinking:
ACORN Busted:
Two Acorn employees in Baltimore were fired today after being involved in a sting operation. I'm sure by now, everybody and their brother has seen the footage on this. The bigger issue is Acorn is dirty and I they think need to be investigated by the FBI. They seem to be in line with a mafia type organization. There have been so many allegations of wrong-doing in their ranks, I'm surprised they aren't in prison already. If I remember correctly, didn't our President work with Acorn when he was a community activist?
Scary Barry:
If this healthcare bill passes in it's current form, it has been estimated that it would create a new healthcare department (bureaucracy) of 53,000 government employees. I am going to build some parking garages in DC!
The UK's National Healthcare Service is so large, it is the 3rd largest employer in Europe. A look at things to come!
912 Project - Washington, DC Protest Rally
Meet at Freedom Park @ 9:00am
Saturday, September 12th
Show your support!
Never Forget:
Please display your flag on Friday, 9-11 in support and respect for the victims and families of the worst terrorist act ever on the shores of our great nation. We will always remember them!
Quote of the day:
"We will not tire, we will not falter, we will not fail."
George W. Bush (1946-)Speech after 9-11 attacks.
Cato Institute
Real Clear Politics
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
And the Academy Award goes to... Barack Obama for his portrayal of "Pinocchio"
Our narcissistic President will overwhelm us tonight with his 28th healthcare induced speech. I am amazed how many television appearances this mortal can make in a given month. The question is, does he try to clarify what we already know? Or does he spin it to make the people all happy and giddy? What he doesn't realize is we know what they are shoveling, and we don't want it! This will be his most important speech of his career. Jim DeMint was correct, this is Obama's Waterloo. The democrats will be rendered insignificant if they don't push this through. Congress will have a major dilemma though, do they sign on with the President's program and go against their constituent's wishes? They know that would be political suicide. Also, if this bill gets passed, I think they will witness an uprising from the American people that will make the townhall meetings look like Bridge club. Mitch McConnell spoke about fixing the system we have. It isn't that bad, it can be fixed very easily. However, you know "the anointed one" will be delivering a stellar sales pitch with catch phrases, ambiguities, mistruths, mistruths and mistruths. He will have to pander to his extreme left parasitic sychophants. But, the American people will persevere and take back this once great republic, one politician at a time. I don't want to see a public option or a trigger mechanism (libspeak for public option installation plan.) I will attempt to name any congressional member who votes for this bill. Something deep down inside me says that the President will try to change a few words and phrases so he can try to pull a fast one. Even though they (Congress) truly needs to trash the current plan and start over. I wonder if Obama will mention the trial lawyers and Tort reform? Don't hold your breathe. I wish the Messiah would spend as much time on the economy as he has on healthcare. Lipstick on a pig is still a pig! NO GOVERNMENT RUN HEALTHCARE! Period!
Go to: www.congress.org
scroll down on left to "My elected officials"
Enter your zip code
Call and email your representatives repeatedly.
Prelude to tonight:
How to Wrangle your income taxes:
If I wanted to go into politics. Would I have to become a tax cheat? Representative Charles Rangel, D, NY has a lot of "splaining to do." Unreported bank accounts, income and property omitted from his amended financial disclosure form (2002-2006 records) has created a lot of outrage. Of course, SanFranGranNan hasn't removed Ole Charlie from his position as the Chairman of the House Ways and Means committee. Hey Nancy, where is the transparency you promised? Basically, his income would be doubled with these new revelations. There has been many calls for him to resign. We expect elected officials to rise to a higher moral and ethical standard. Especially, a chair position. I guess you are above all of this if you are a democrat in a democratic dominated administration. Just ask Timothy Geitner.
Sorry Charlie
Faux pas of the day:
"Although taxpayers may recover some portion of their investment in Chrysler and GM, it is unlikely they will recover the entire amount."
Treasury Department
Current Numbers:
Public's disapproval of Obama's handling of healthcare - 52% (July 43%)
Public's disapproval of Obama's job as President - 49% (July 42%)
*Note to Mr. President, take a look above.
Quote du jour:
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics."
Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881)
Weekly Standard
Cato Institute
Washington Examiner
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Wake Up America
I speak with many people in a given day. Lately, many of those people are turning against the policies of the current administration. The kool aid has worn off. The President is merely a human being. (Carbon based life form) This isn't the change they were hoping for. In a mere seven months, he has shoved down our throats the Stimulus Bill, Bank Bailout, Auto Bailout, Insurance Bailout, Crap & Trade Bill, Omnibus Bill, (full of Pork) & the biggest disaster, the Healthcare Reform Bill. It has only been seven months since his incarnation and it seems like a lifetime, in a bad way. I am intending to research the remaining 33 Czars after the resignation of Van Jones. I believe I'll find that Van Jones isn't the only Communist radical in the pride of Czars. But that is for another day. I had a friend accuse me of being a racist today because I don't agree with Obama's healthcare plan. So, a debate promptly ensued. I let him have it with both barrels. Facts always conquer opinions. By the end of the debate, I was being called all kinds of names. The ironic part was that he never read or saw any of the House Bill! Anyway, this isn't the first time this has happened. I am so excited about this Saturday, 9-12-09. The 912 project is sponsoring a protest march on Capitol Hill. They are expecting thousands who are fed up with the out-of-control spending policies of congress. We are taking a bus from my small community and I understand that this is happening all over the country. Concerned citizens are being bussed in by a plethora of Grassroots organizations. (Not Astroturf) I hope Pelosi and Reid are working Saturday. They can see exactly how the American public feel about their job performance. We will show the world that we are not going to put up with the spending and routing of our children's dreams. I have to say this, if you sit on your hands and do not show your thoughts and opinions on these matters, you should not complain when the politicians destroy our country and turn the US of A into a soviet block country. I'm begging you to get involved. It feels so empowering to be involved in something that is so much bigger than yourself. Our family members worked very hard to mold this country into the greatest civilization that ever emerged. The most important country that the rest of the world wants to emulate. I just got back from Europe. Our main stream media reports to you that the rest of the world loves Obama. However, my wife and I saw something very different. Europeans are afraid of Obama and were not a fan of the messiah. Please believe me, the last thing I want to do (being a Conservative) is to get into a political debate with Europeans. So, red blooded Americans, Please get involved and show your patriotism.
Question Authority!
McCain is looking pretty good now!
Welcome Back, Kotter (sorry) Congress:
Mr. Kotter - Barack Obama
Julie Kotter - Michelle Obama
Juan Epstein - Timothy Geitner
Arnold Horshack - Barney Frank
Vinnie Barbarino - Rahm Emanuel
Freddie "Boom Boom" Washington - Eric Holder
Hopefully, this series will only run for four years.
PROGRESS - Gradual improvement or growth or development.
CONGRESS - A meeting of elected or appointed representatives.
Currently, at a 14% approval rating by Rasmussen's telephone survey, Congress is at an embarrassing low approval rating and it's because of this past month's crucial healthcare townhall meetings and the disdain Congress has for the American people. The people has lost patience with their inept performance. I realize they stunk before that, and of all people, I am the last to endorse these clowns. In the coming months, I am going to support a movement to vote out a tidal wave of career politicians. I'm not sure how I will go about it, but, I will.
Faux Pas of the day:
"Healthcare bill is 90% done." Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid after meeting with the President, Tuesday, September 8, 2009.
You have to be kidding:
Oliver Stone and Hugo Chavez at the Venice Film Festival. Is Hollywood a bunch of Commies? (Rhetorical)
"Capitalism is Evil" No, but Michael Moore is.
strong>Quote of the day:
"Ethical axioms are found and tested not very differently from the axioms of science. Truth is what stands the test of experience."
Albert Einstein
Rasmussen Reports
Michelle Malkin.com
Weekly Standard
Fox News
Monday, September 7, 2009
Keep Your Hands Off My Children!
I've been on vacation for eleven days and I must admit, it was nice to be out of the country and unarmed without my laptop, Blackberry and lack of my typical news overdose. Without delay, as soon as I got in my car at Dulles, I hear that the POTUS is planning a televised speech to our school children Tuesday, September 8th . Hmmm, as I ponder what he would say, I immediately start researching the topic as soon as return home. I am not as concerned about his speech, I am deeply concerned about what transpires after his speech with the very liberal teacher's unions and the Department of Education. I've seen reports that the DOE will require essays about "how the school kids can support and help with the President's agenda and policies." What's next, getting sized for their brown shirts? With the country going to hell in a hand basket, why is the President doing this? He needs to stay out of our lives and run the country, which is in turmoil by the most optimistic opinions. I think parents should boycott any extra curricular activities related to Obama's agenda at school. What is next, Obama's picture in the school books like Saddam Hussein? While we are on this subject, why is the President on television every day? Are we headed for the movie, 1984? E.O. (Everything Obama) "The anointed one." I suspect, it is a good thing that the President is so impressed with himself. It will come back to bite him on the backside. I've spoken with a lot of people and they are so over his daily broadcasts. I was always under the impression that school children were in school to learn about reading, writing, arithmetic and maybe, the constitution? And not joining ACORN or Apollo Alliance? OMG! Isn't it a detriment already that our kids are indoctrinated into the liberal agenda in high school and college? Home schooling sounds better everyday! Save our Children's minds!!
Yes, I sometimes watch CNN.
History repeats itself.
In Memorandum:
Van Jones (2009-2009)
Green Jobs Czar, Co-founder of Apollo Alliance, founder of the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, co-founded Color for Change, author, attorney and civil rights activist. Self proclaimed communist! How would this man get into the white house? By circumventing the congressional approval process, that's how! Watch out though, he is involved with many groups supporting Obama. That gives him and others power and probably taxpayer funding. (i.e. ACORN)
Class and Professionalism in the Obama white house:
Faux Pas of the day:
"Vicious smear campaign" Van Jones blaming right wing opponents against healthcare reform. Not! They were just stating facts.
Quote of the day:
"A well-informed mind is the best security against the contagion of folly and of vice. The vacant mind is ever on the watch for relief, and ready to plunge into error, to escape from the languor of idleness."
Ann Radcliffe, The mysteries of Udolpho, 1764
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