I speak with many people in a given day. Lately, many of those people are turning against the policies of the current administration. The kool aid has worn off. The President is merely a human being. (Carbon based life form) This isn't the change they were hoping for. In a mere seven months, he has shoved down our throats the Stimulus Bill, Bank Bailout, Auto Bailout, Insurance Bailout, Crap & Trade Bill, Omnibus Bill, (full of Pork) & the biggest disaster, the Healthcare Reform Bill. It has only been seven months since his incarnation and it seems like a lifetime, in a bad way. I am intending to research the remaining 33 Czars after the resignation of Van Jones. I believe I'll find that Van Jones isn't the only Communist radical in the pride of Czars. But that is for another day. I had a friend accuse me of being a racist today because I don't agree with Obama's healthcare plan. So, a debate promptly ensued. I let him have it with both barrels. Facts always conquer opinions. By the end of the debate, I was being called all kinds of names. The ironic part was that he never read or saw any of the House Bill! Anyway, this isn't the first time this has happened. I am so excited about this Saturday, 9-12-09. The 912 project is sponsoring a protest march on Capitol Hill. They are expecting thousands who are fed up with the out-of-control spending policies of congress. We are taking a bus from my small community and I understand that this is happening all over the country. Concerned citizens are being bussed in by a plethora of Grassroots organizations. (Not Astroturf) I hope Pelosi and Reid are working Saturday. They can see exactly how the American public feel about their job performance. We will show the world that we are not going to put up with the spending and routing of our children's dreams. I have to say this, if you sit on your hands and do not show your thoughts and opinions on these matters, you should not complain when the politicians destroy our country and turn the US of A into a soviet block country. I'm begging you to get involved. It feels so empowering to be involved in something that is so much bigger than yourself. Our family members worked very hard to mold this country into the greatest civilization that ever emerged. The most important country that the rest of the world wants to emulate. I just got back from Europe. Our main stream media reports to you that the rest of the world loves Obama. However, my wife and I saw something very different. Europeans are afraid of Obama and were not a fan of the messiah. Please believe me, the last thing I want to do (being a Conservative) is to get into a political debate with Europeans. So, red blooded Americans, Please get involved and show your patriotism.
Question Authority!
McCain is looking pretty good now!
Welcome Back, Kotter (sorry) Congress:
Mr. Kotter - Barack Obama
Julie Kotter - Michelle Obama
Juan Epstein - Timothy Geitner
Arnold Horshack - Barney Frank
Vinnie Barbarino - Rahm Emanuel
Freddie "Boom Boom" Washington - Eric Holder
Hopefully, this series will only run for four years.
PROGRESS - Gradual improvement or growth or development.
CONGRESS - A meeting of elected or appointed representatives.
Currently, at a 14% approval rating by Rasmussen's telephone survey, Congress is at an embarrassing low approval rating and it's because of this past month's crucial healthcare townhall meetings and the disdain Congress has for the American people. The people has lost patience with their inept performance. I realize they stunk before that, and of all people, I am the last to endorse these clowns. In the coming months, I am going to support a movement to vote out a tidal wave of career politicians. I'm not sure how I will go about it, but, I will.
Faux Pas of the day:
"Healthcare bill is 90% done." Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid after meeting with the President, Tuesday, September 8, 2009.
You have to be kidding:
Oliver Stone and Hugo Chavez at the Venice Film Festival. Is Hollywood a bunch of Commies? (Rhetorical)
"Capitalism is Evil" No, but Michael Moore is.
strong>Quote of the day:
"Ethical axioms are found and tested not very differently from the axioms of science. Truth is what stands the test of experience."
Albert Einstein
Rasmussen Reports
Michelle Malkin.com
Weekly Standard
Fox News
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