I've been on vacation for eleven days and I must admit, it was nice to be out of the country and unarmed without my laptop, Blackberry and lack of my typical news overdose. Without delay, as soon as I got in my car at Dulles, I hear that the POTUS is planning a televised speech to our school children Tuesday, September 8th . Hmmm, as I ponder what he would say, I immediately start researching the topic as soon as return home. I am not as concerned about his speech, I am deeply concerned about what transpires after his speech with the very liberal teacher's unions and the Department of Education. I've seen reports that the DOE will require essays about "how the school kids can support and help with the President's agenda and policies." What's next, getting sized for their brown shirts? With the country going to hell in a hand basket, why is the President doing this? He needs to stay out of our lives and run the country, which is in turmoil by the most optimistic opinions. I think parents should boycott any extra curricular activities related to Obama's agenda at school. What is next, Obama's picture in the school books like Saddam Hussein? While we are on this subject, why is the President on television every day? Are we headed for the movie, 1984? E.O. (Everything Obama) "The anointed one." I suspect, it is a good thing that the President is so impressed with himself. It will come back to bite him on the backside. I've spoken with a lot of people and they are so over his daily broadcasts. I was always under the impression that school children were in school to learn about reading, writing, arithmetic and maybe, the constitution? And not joining ACORN or Apollo Alliance? OMG! Isn't it a detriment already that our kids are indoctrinated into the liberal agenda in high school and college? Home schooling sounds better everyday! Save our Children's minds!!
Yes, I sometimes watch CNN.
History repeats itself.
In Memorandum:
Van Jones (2009-2009)
Green Jobs Czar, Co-founder of Apollo Alliance, founder of the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, co-founded Color for Change, author, attorney and civil rights activist. Self proclaimed communist! How would this man get into the white house? By circumventing the congressional approval process, that's how! Watch out though, he is involved with many groups supporting Obama. That gives him and others power and probably taxpayer funding. (i.e. ACORN)
Class and Professionalism in the Obama white house:
Faux Pas of the day:
"Vicious smear campaign" Van Jones blaming right wing opponents against healthcare reform. Not! They were just stating facts.
Quote of the day:
"A well-informed mind is the best security against the contagion of folly and of vice. The vacant mind is ever on the watch for relief, and ready to plunge into error, to escape from the languor of idleness."
Ann Radcliffe, The mysteries of Udolpho, 1764
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