September 11, 2001. I don't think anyone will ever forget where they were and what they were doing when the news flashes populated the screens of our televisions. I get choked up when I see the family members reading the names of their deceased love ones with honor and respect. It was fitting for the day to be somber, rainy and chilly. I am disappointed that the memorial has not been completed after eight years. I was full of pride after that tragic day when the country came together and it didn't matter what side of the aisle you hailed from, the country was united. Unfortunately, it didn't last as long as I'd hoped. I believe God has a plan for all of us. I was in DC on the 9th and in Northern Virginia on the 10th. Do you ever wonder why horrific tragedies happens to someone else? How could I be so lucky? My father in law said when he was in battle in Korea, friends on each side would be shot and killed and nothing happened to him. I've talked with many people who've had similar circumstances. A total of 2,974 died and 24 still remain missing.
Heroes that paid the ultimate price:
341 NYFD Firefighters
2 NYFD Paramedics
23 NYPD Officers
37 Port Authority Police Officers
8 EMTs from Private Units
It's mind boggling to imagine 19 terrorists could cause this much destruction and death. 15 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, 2 were from the UAE, 1 from Egypt and 1 from Lebannon. These animals were well educated, mature adults and devout radical Muslims. I hope we can capture and/or kill Osama Bin Laden before he dies on his own. I think it would help some heal in a small way. Are we as safe today as when President Bush was in office? I have my doubts. With some of the decisions made by the Obama administration sending mixed signals, maybe this approach undermines our defense strategies. I still call the wars our brave men and women are fighting, "the war on terror." It isn't a police action or overseas conflict or any other lame title. It is a war, pure and simple. I pray that the "seduced by power" administration lets the Generals execute the war. I don't want a Robert McNamara/Viet Nam deja vu'. After eight years, it still hurts when we see the unimaginable scenes and footage from that infamous day. My heart goes out to the victims that died and the victims that lived. "God Bless America"
Whoops! I did it again:
Yesterday, the story erupted when Acorn was "stung" in Baltimore, MD and recommended to a planted couple (pimp and hooker) to deceive and lie to the IRS, lie to the loan company, lie to everyone. Both Acorn employees in Baltimore were fired by Acorn upper management. They said it wasn't how they did business. Today, a story broke concerning the Washington, DC Acorn office was also involved in a sting and they gave the same illegal advice as the Baltimore office. Does Acorn upper management want to retract their previous statements? I'm happy to announce that the Census Bureau has severed all business with Acorn. The question is... Will Eric Holder, US Attorney General, open an investigation on the conduct and illegal actions of this mammoth organization. Or will Mr. Obama protect his own? A good informational website about ACORN. www.acorncracked.com
Faux pas of the day:
"starting to reach closure" Max Baucus, D-MT, speaking about possible healthcare bill today.
Renewed determination:
Today, I went to a Tea Party held in my town at a park amphitheater. The weather was lousy, pouring down rain, chilly and miserable. I estimated 300 people standing and sitting in the wet weather listening to a group of speakers. It was inspiring to hear citizens who feel and have the same opinions that I have. One speaker, Dr. V. (no one could pronounce his last name) who proclaimed he was a blue dog democrat, was very informative and sincere. It was educational to hear a perspective from a heart surgeon/healthcare professional and how they think about the healthcare bill. He had his staff pass out excerpts from the bill that proved the President lied in his congressional speech a few nights ago. There were 10 speakers in total and no one left early. The Tea Parties are everywhere and they are easy to find. Do your civic duty and get involved. We can stop this socialistic train wreck in it's tracks.
Quote of the day:
"Against criticism a man can neither protest nor defend himself; he must act in spite of it, and then it will gradually yield to him."
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe (1749-1832)
New York Magazine
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