I watched our President last night and I was not impressed one minute. He was lackluster, implausible, divisive, confrontational, childish and unpresidential. This was supposed to be his crowning speech of all speeches. It wasn't. I wish he would act like the POTUS and stop campaigning. It isn't working now, nor will it in the future. After last night, Mr. Obama lost any credibility he had left. Everyone I spoke with today, had nothing but rancor and criticism concerning his speech. The biggest criticisms were about how he called the American people, cable news and radio talk show hosts "liars." The only thing "bogus" was his speech. Also, there was not any mention of the healthcare opposition and protest that transpired over the summer. He mentioned $900B of waste in Medicare, why aren't fixing that right now? Obviously, because that would jeopardize the healthcare reform and probably stop it in its tracks. As always, The speech was attended to be bi-partisan, however, I feel the President was incredibly partisan. And of course, Obama had pull the heart strings and talk about Ted Kennedy. Now I don't have an issue honoring a long standing member of congress and friend who passed. I do have an issue when Mr. Obama says it is our moral obligation to pass a healthcare bill. Let's talk about morality, Mr. Obama voted babies born alive during a abortion do not have any rights. Mr. Kennedy was involved in a young woman's death after partying and drinking all night. She was pinned in the car and drown while Teddy swam to shore and walked home. That's what I call morality! I guess it's all relative. The most exciting part of the whole speech is when Joe Wilson, R-SC, screamed "your lying." Pelosi and Biden looks liked they ate some bad fish. I think I saw Nancy Pelosi's cheek actually move, it could have been the lights though. It was a full-court press that wasn't effective. We must continue to execute the people's full-court press by calling our representatives and attending rallies and whatever you can do to stop this particular healthcare bill. As I've said in previous posts, I believe healthcare needs reform, (fixing) but not Government intervention and take-over. Mr. Obama, you should read the bill before you speak about it on national television. It would save you the embarrassment of being challenged and corrected the following day.
Sales Pitch:
Joe Wilson said what everyone on the right was thinking:
ACORN Busted:
Two Acorn employees in Baltimore were fired today after being involved in a sting operation. I'm sure by now, everybody and their brother has seen the footage on this. The bigger issue is Acorn is dirty and I they think need to be investigated by the FBI. They seem to be in line with a mafia type organization. There have been so many allegations of wrong-doing in their ranks, I'm surprised they aren't in prison already. If I remember correctly, didn't our President work with Acorn when he was a community activist?
Scary Barry:
If this healthcare bill passes in it's current form, it has been estimated that it would create a new healthcare department (bureaucracy) of 53,000 government employees. I am going to build some parking garages in DC!
The UK's National Healthcare Service is so large, it is the 3rd largest employer in Europe. A look at things to come!
912 Project - Washington, DC Protest Rally
Meet at Freedom Park @ 9:00am
Saturday, September 12th
Show your support!
Never Forget:
Please display your flag on Friday, 9-11 in support and respect for the victims and families of the worst terrorist act ever on the shores of our great nation. We will always remember them!
Quote of the day:
"We will not tire, we will not falter, we will not fail."
George W. Bush (1946-)Speech after 9-11 attacks.
Cato Institute
Real Clear Politics
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