Our narcissistic President will overwhelm us tonight with his 28th healthcare induced speech. I am amazed how many television appearances this mortal can make in a given month. The question is, does he try to clarify what we already know? Or does he spin it to make the people all happy and giddy? What he doesn't realize is we know what they are shoveling, and we don't want it! This will be his most important speech of his career. Jim DeMint was correct, this is Obama's Waterloo. The democrats will be rendered insignificant if they don't push this through. Congress will have a major dilemma though, do they sign on with the President's program and go against their constituent's wishes? They know that would be political suicide. Also, if this bill gets passed, I think they will witness an uprising from the American people that will make the townhall meetings look like Bridge club. Mitch McConnell spoke about fixing the system we have. It isn't that bad, it can be fixed very easily. However, you know "the anointed one" will be delivering a stellar sales pitch with catch phrases, ambiguities, mistruths, mistruths and mistruths. He will have to pander to his extreme left parasitic sychophants. But, the American people will persevere and take back this once great republic, one politician at a time. I don't want to see a public option or a trigger mechanism (libspeak for public option installation plan.) I will attempt to name any congressional member who votes for this bill. Something deep down inside me says that the President will try to change a few words and phrases so he can try to pull a fast one. Even though they (Congress) truly needs to trash the current plan and start over. I wonder if Obama will mention the trial lawyers and Tort reform? Don't hold your breathe. I wish the Messiah would spend as much time on the economy as he has on healthcare. Lipstick on a pig is still a pig! NO GOVERNMENT RUN HEALTHCARE! Period!
Go to: www.congress.org
scroll down on left to "My elected officials"
Enter your zip code
Call and email your representatives repeatedly.
Prelude to tonight:
How to Wrangle your income taxes:
If I wanted to go into politics. Would I have to become a tax cheat? Representative Charles Rangel, D, NY has a lot of "splaining to do." Unreported bank accounts, income and property omitted from his amended financial disclosure form (2002-2006 records) has created a lot of outrage. Of course, SanFranGranNan hasn't removed Ole Charlie from his position as the Chairman of the House Ways and Means committee. Hey Nancy, where is the transparency you promised? Basically, his income would be doubled with these new revelations. There has been many calls for him to resign. We expect elected officials to rise to a higher moral and ethical standard. Especially, a chair position. I guess you are above all of this if you are a democrat in a democratic dominated administration. Just ask Timothy Geitner.
Sorry Charlie
Faux pas of the day:
"Although taxpayers may recover some portion of their investment in Chrysler and GM, it is unlikely they will recover the entire amount."
Treasury Department
Current Numbers:
Public's disapproval of Obama's handling of healthcare - 52% (July 43%)
Public's disapproval of Obama's job as President - 49% (July 42%)
*Note to Mr. President, take a look above.
Quote du jour:
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics."
Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881)
Weekly Standard
Cato Institute
Washington Examiner
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