Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Rationed Health Care for Seniors

I believe the elderly population will be spending the month of August making phone calls and sending emails to their representatives and attending "townhall meetings." I am perplexed why Obama would just go after the elderly and cut them off at the knees. (No pun intended) I'm not sure what is worse, funding abortions to kill off babies or send the old people down the river without a paddle, or both, I realize elderly citizens cost more and rightfully so. They also worked their whole life and paid into all of the federal tax entities their whole working life. Since the economy is in the commode, President Obama and his sycophants figure they can cut billions from senior care and move it to the younger and middle aged earners. Doesn't that sound a little Fascist? Only the strong survive! I don't want to appear pessimistic, but when Tom Daschle says that this will not be painless and elderly people should deal with old age instead of getting treatment or medicine you know it is going to be drastic.(paraphrased) How will seniors on fixed incomes afford the increases they are promoting? They will not be able to. Rationed healthcare will affect everyone, especially the elderly. Is Dr. Jack Kevorkian working as a hospice counselor? Is euthanasia going nationwide instead of just a few states? I don't want anyone speaking to my mother besides my family. Are we really listening to what the administration is saying? It reminds me of a veiled threat, of course, it is in our best interest. President Obama is on television everyday hawking this abomination. He knows it is in trouble, especially when the representatives return to their constituents and receives the "Wrath of God." I heard a poll today that 69% of people polled feel it will increase their cost and reduce the quality of their care. Hearing this, why would the administration keep going down this road. I believe President Obama feels this is his "Waterloo." (Thanks Jim DeMint) This will be a huge blow to his presidency. He is losing his mojo, poll numbers are down and he is losing political capital.
What should we do about this health care calamity? First, pay attention to what the politicians are saying. Decipher the lies and mistruths. Start making phone calls to your representatives. Email them as often as possible. Remember back when we used to sit down with pen and paper and hand write a letter? This technique has enormous impact. If you can, attend the "townhall meetings" scheduled all over the country. If thousands of citizens show up and ask questions, they will understand what we want and don't want. Starting a "tea party" type rally in your town also gets a lot of publicity. On a different note, where is the Republican version of health care reform? They are not helping matters at all. I am so unimpressed with the republican leadership, I could write a blog! Sorry. Seriously, why are we paying these people big money for weak and ineffective party leadership? Can you say term limits?
We all have someone in our life that is elderly. Family, friend or acquaintance, they are very important to us and our way of life. We need to fight back, fight for them and fight for us. We will have only ourselves to blame if we do not stand up and protest against this health care bill, H.R. 3200. Exercise your 1st Amendment right while you still can.

Go to:
Go to: my elected officials
Type in your zip code
Click on representative
Click on contact - email and phone numbers wiil appear

Quote of the Day:
"All would live long, but none would be old."
Benjamin Franklin

5 freedoms you'd lose in health care reform
1. Freedom to chose what's in your plan.
2. Freedom to be rewarded for healthy living,or pay your real costs.
3. Freedom to chose high-deductible coverage.
4. Freedom to keep your existing plan.
5. Freedom to chose your doctors. Shawn Tulley, Editor at large

Don"t Forget:
Beer Bash at the Obama's!!
6:00pm sharp

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