Everyday, I hear that it isn't the Obama administration's objective to take our everyday lives and move towards Socialism. I hear everyday on the tube the democratic and liberal pundits insist Obama is doing this for the welfare of the country. I'm sorry, I don't believe this for a nano second. The administration has nationalized the following:
Banks - controls our money
Investment Banks - controls our investments
Insurance (AIG largest insurance company) controls Insurance
Automobile Industry - Decides what cars you purchase
Mortgages - (Freddie Mac & Fannie May) controls 90% of mortgages. Decides who gets a mortgage.
Energy - (Crap & Trade) will control energy costs and usage.
Healthcare- (tentative) control 1/6th of economy. Controls every aspect of your health.
Student Loans - (tentative) Takeover Sallie Mae. Controls all student loans. Govt. will decide who gets loans.
Tell me I'm wrong. This is fact. What is next? Fairness Doctrine? Immigration? This is a fascist regime. I don't want to sound harsh, however, what else do you call it? I've never been one to mince words. I don't trust this administration and after attending the 912 DC rally, I'm not the only one. Where are the republicans? They are inept, bordering on dereliction of duties. I thought they were supposed to represent us. And the politicians don't understand why we follow conservative talk radio and Fox News. They speak and profess what we believe and strive for. And Fox tries to be fair and balanced. I was watching CNN, I could only handle a few minutes. They were so bias. But, I will continue, because I like to see both sides of the issues. I wish I could spend much more time writing this blog. I love to do research and decipher information. Unfortunately, I have to work for a living, comrades! Pertaining to the healthcare bill, it is a pig, no one likes it. I doubt it will get passed in it's current form. Even the democrats are running from it. We do have to worry about "reconciliation." The democrats are crass enough to go against the will of the people and pass it. On one hand, I wouldn't mind if they pass the bill, they would lose huge in the 2010 election. On the other hand, it reeks and should it should go down in flames. We are near double digit unemployment, even France is lecturing us on our fiscal policy and China is pulling our puppet strings. This healthcare bill is an economy killer. Things are good! This Sunday morning should be interesting, President Obama is appearing on five talk shows, except for Fox! He is desperate to push this healthcare bill down our throats. The state run media will cater to his wishes because he is the "anointed one." I wonder if he will get a bump from the bombardment of his appearances. The last bump only lasted a few days and then trended downward. The only saving grace is every time Obama speaks, his healthcare bill approval numbers drops. In closing, I will not stop or let up until the American people take back our glorious country.
You be the judge:
SanFranGranNan has a "Hallmark moment":
Nancy Pelosi was interviewed today and she showed that she is a extreme left-wing, San Francisco-liberal philosophy wingnut. I think she got choked up, but I couldn't tell because of the Botox. But I digressed. I was in amazement how she viewed the protesters and "Teabaggers" actions. She stated that she feared the protesters and what they are saying about Messiah. And that it could turn violent with some dissidents. I think someone should put Nancy in the "fraiddy closet." Whatever she or they say, it isn't going to work. We will not heed their request.
"Bombs bursting in air," whoops! Misfire!
Hey Poland & Czech Republic, You are on your own! Hey Russia, Empower! Hey Ahmadinejad, Feel the love! President Obama cancelled the missile defense system that would have been placed in Poland and Czech republic to protect that region. He has come up with a ship based program that will be more effective and less costly. Or so he says. Republicans and Europeans have denounced this as a grave mistake. Iran will most definitely be emboldened now with our wimpy, apologizing president. I don't see our President building bridges with the rest of the world like he promised. The rest of the world should have realized how he would "roll" after his dealings with Honduras and Israel.
Say What?:
Thought of the day:
In my opinion, ACORN should be stripped of all government funding and be investigated in depth by the Attorney General's office. I don't think the American people should settle for anything less.
Quote of the day:
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."
Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)
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