The Obama machine that is. Its hard to imagine that the Obama administration is downplaying this incredible uprising from concerned citizens in townhall meeting, tea parties and the gigantic "Taxpayer March on Washington, DC" on Saturday in which estimates have been 250,000 protesters. I was there, it was the most inspiring event I have ever attended. (Besides Mass) This is going to be a huge mistake if the administration chooses to discard the movement. Everyone at this event talked about they can't wait for the next one. That's right, it isn't going to end. Matter of fact, it is just starting. "We the people," I saw that a lot on Saturday. It's sad about the state run media, they missed out on a monumental story and decided that it wasn't worth it. Like their stock. We saw Fox News there and some smaller agencies, however, I must of missed ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and MSNBC. Since we have so many stupid bills in the house. Maybe we should craft a bill stating how the state run media should have to report the news, all of the news, fair and balanced, or they lose their press credentials. While we are at it, make the potential Congress and Senate members take a test on the Constitution. They should have to get a 100% or they can't represent us. Most professions requires some type of testing. Why are they exempt? Because they make the rules. Many of the people I spoke with Saturday, are organizing with their local organization chapters to initiate a campaign to vote out most of the incumbents. It seems citizens are ready to start fresh with their representatives. I called Fox News in New york today and asked them why they showed up in DC on Saturday when none of the competing news agencies decided it was worth it. The lady I spoke with said they thought it would be one of the biggest stories of the weekend. WOW! Imagine that. I can honestly say that I haven't watched any of the big three channels except when I watch football.
"Polls" you can live by"
Rasmussen Reports 9-13-09:
•Today, eight percent (8%) of adults rate the economy as good or excellent. That’s down from 18% a year ago. Fifty-two percent (52%) rate the economy as poor, a figure that is similar to 12 months ago. Among investors, just six percent (6%) rate the economy as good or excellent, down from 23% a year ago.
•Thirty-one percent (31%) of adults rate their own finances as good or excellent. That’s down 11 points from a year ago. Forty-six percent (46%) of investors rate their finances as good or excellent, down 12 from September 14, 2008.
•Twenty percent (20%) of adults say their own finances are getting better, while 46% say they are getting worse. Both figures are down four points from a year ago. Among investors, those numbers are 25% and 38% respectively.
•As for the overall economy, 31% say it’s getting better, but 46% say the opposite. That’s a big improvement from a year ago when just 17% said the economy was getting better and 64% said worse.
•Investors are evenly divided about the direction of the economy: 37% say it's getting better, and 39% say worse. A year ago, just 22% thought things were getting better, while 58% were pessimistic about the trend.
Put it all together and the Rasmussen Consumer Index, at 78.4, is down eight points from a year ago. The Rasmussen Investor Index is down 12 points to 89.1. Both measures of daily economic confidence are up dramatically from lows reached in early March. The all-time low for the Consumer Index was 54.7. The Investor Index hit bottom at 52.5.
Cracks in the ACORN:
Baltimore, MD, Washington, DC, Brooklyn, NY. Aren't we at a point where we should halt all funding for ACORN? They are a corrupt organization with corrupt leadership. These three incidents show what ACORN is all about. Let's not forget all of the indictments of voter fraud. I have a major issue funding this group with taxpayer's money. I think the U. S. Attorney's office should open an investigation. Do you think the President would allow that to happen? I commend the Census Bureau for severing all business with ACORN. The U. S. Government needs to follow suit. I also think we should analyze their tax exempt status if their are conspiring to break the law. Stop wasting our money!
Part 1:
Part 2:
Irony of the day:
The President spoke to the financial sector today, and warned them they can't return to the ways of the past. Call me stupid, but, don't you think Mr. Obama and congress should heed these same warnings?
Stellar Citizens of the week:
Serena Williams-U. S. Open
Kanye West-VMA Awards
Quote du jour:
"He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from opression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself,"
Thomas Paine (1737-1809)
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