I know I've written about this topic before. However, I can't believe how the democratic politicians and liberal media are demeaning the American citizen's right to disagree and protest against their representative's decisions.
Here is a little note to our President:
Mr. Obama,
The people do not subscribe to your healthcare reform proposal. It is plain and simple. We are well informed and this is not in our best interest. Start over and come up with something that makes sense that includes Tort reform, competitive health plans available across state lines and stop regulating the healthcare related companies to death. You are spending our money like a drunken sailor. You have quadrupled the national debt in 6 months! We do not have faith in most government run programs and this healthcare proposal will be the worst and most expensive program we will be mandated to support. Please note the Post Office, Amtrak, Medicare/Medicaid & Social Security. They are disasters! We will not be controlled by the government and your sycophants. This is the biggest power grab in history. We won't let this happen. Don't forget in 2010, we will vote. The people I've met at townhall meetings and in casual conservations are from all walks of life. Right, left and in the middle, they are not happy with you. Some might have voted for you, however, this is not what they wanted or expected. We will be voting again in the year 2012. And, if you are planning on using the "Nuclear Option", this will be your biggest mistake of your career. Please think before you act. Actions have consequences!
Hillary Clinton (just kidding)
I am appalled the elected leaders and the media's disdain of the American people. Our citizens are not idiots. They are the backbone of America. They will not sit on their hands while this administration destroys our country and economy. I am of the belief that Rahm Emanuel emails and faxes the "gameplan of the day" for the left to demonize and insult the hard working people of this country. If you don't believe me, look at what Maureen Dowd of the NY times and Mr. Levine of the Huffington Post wrote today. They are the true idiots.
Taken From CMPI Advance-Hands off my Healthcare
Owner of UK Hospital Urges Americans to Reject Government-run Health Care
"A single-payer system may appear attractive to some. But as someone with more than 30 years of experience running a leading hospital company with international operations, I have firsthand knowledge of the hidden costs...If hospitals had to rely solely on Medicare reimbursements for operating revenue, as would occur under a single-payer system, many hospitals would be forced to eliminate services, cut investments in advanced medical technology, reduce the number of nurses and other employees, and provide less care for the patients they serve. And with the government in control, Americans eventually will see rationing, the denial of high-priced drugs and sophisticated procedures, and long waits for care." - OpEd, Alan Miller, Wall Street Journal
U.S. Health Reform Proposal is "A Dangerous Step in the Wrong Direction" According to UK Reporter"But the idea of transplanting the principles of the British National Health Service would be like forcing Americans to use Marmite instead of tomato ketchup, and any mention of the NHS on U.S. television (now increasingly frequent) is likely to strike fear into the hearts of viewers rather than admiration. With good reason, the outdated and ageing National Health Service, with its history of inefficiency, endless queues, bloated bureaucracy and often substandard health provision, is now regularly cited by opponents of President Obama's health care reform proposals as the shape of things to come for America." - Telegraph (UK) blog
Canadian Government-run Health System is "Crumbling" "Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a resident fellow at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, says the single-payer edifice is starting to crumble. 'What you're starting to see in Canada is that it is falling apart, and you're seeing the growth of a private market for a lot of essential services,' he said. That private market was born after a 2005 Canadian Supreme Court ruling ended the government's monopoly on some health care services." - FOX News
CMPI Advance
NY Times
Huffington Post
Telegraph (UK)Blog
Fox News
Quote of the day:
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth."
Lenin (1870-1924)
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