Spreading Common Sense Conservatism for the Patriotic Citizen. Exposing the Hypocrisy of the Liberal Left.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Obamacare's "Kill Bill" Public Option
I try to only write 6 days a week, taking Saturday off. So, as I watch the Sunday morning shows and read the posts on the web, I am extremely pleased and refreshed to see the democrats backing down on the "Public Option." The White House has sent it's strongest signals to date concerning scrapping the public option. Hopefully, this will keep the government and it's direct role in its takeover of the healthcare system. I have a notion why this is happening. I believe it is because of the overwhelming response from the protesting Americans at the townhall meetings and the outright opposition to the administration's plans. BUT, lets not start knuckle bumping. We must make August the hottest month for Obamacare supporters (politicians) and keep up and increase the pressure opposing this proposal. President Obama knows he has 60 votes and can pass a bill. What's in the bill will be dictated by the American citizen's level of opposition. If a politician believes they will be voted out of office if they support a bill everyone (constituents) disagrees with, they will have second thoughts concerning their decision. It is extremely important to protest with passion and respect. Do not scream or let your emotions escape you. The democrats would love to capitalize on a sound byte of a protester out of control at a townhall meeting. I am so proud of the American people and their perseverance and tenacity. This is what democracy is and should be. We have the democrats on the ropes, they are crumbling under the pressures of the demonstrator's determination. I don't care what Reid, Pelosi or any of the others say about the protests. We will never back own to them in regard to our freedoms and senseless spending. I think the bigger picture is the debt our country is accruing and the shrinking freedoms and liberties being discarded. It seems that healthcare was the straw that broke the camel's back. (Dromedary) Stay the course, keep up the pressure, protest and call your representatives. I don't want Uncle Sam as my doctor.
Hey SanFranGranNan, Which one is it? Hypocrisy is an art form.
Words you wish you could retract: "UPS and FEDEX are doing just fine. It's the Post Office that's always having problems." President Barack Obama attempting to sell government run healthcare in Portsmouth, NH
"Where's the President?" The Teleprompter (just kidding!)
Quote of the day: "Action is eloquence." William Shakespeare
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