I've had my fill of the double standard in regards to President Obama and the state run media. Yesterday, the President solicits Clergy to help him with his healthcare reform proposal that is in serious trouble. Politicians always turn to religion when they have issues. Can you imagine if Bush would have done this? OMG! Everyone and their brother would be crying foul. ACLU, where do you stand on this? That's what I thought. The administration's message is getting out and that is the problem. I find it very disingenuous when the President uses biblical phrases like "I am my brother's keeper? His half brother lives in Africa in a small dirt floor hut. That is what I call "keeper." How does the Clergy aforementioned feel about Obamacare funding abortions or funding abortions in the future? (President Obama speeches in 2003 & 2007, libspeak-funding reproductive procedures=funding abortions) I realize how passionate the President feels about national (socialized) healthcare. Saul Alinsky would be so proud. The problem I have is, Obama speaks about the dis-information about his healthcare program. If you read H.R. 3200, it rebukes what the president is saying. Also, do not discount what President Obama has said in his past speeches. Of course, there is video clips to back up this statement. Unfortunately for the administration, their message has been so confusing and lacking clarity, that the public has lost any confidence in this plan, and in his administration. Today, there is talk of splitting the bill in two. Whatever they conceive, I won't trust it. You can put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig! I personally, will continue to oppose this socialized healthcare proposal because the cost will be astronomical and I truly believe the administration's ulterior motive is to take-over healthcare in general. Lets not forget, insurance companies are one of the largest institutions for investment capital. The administration would love to get their hands on that.
I read a article by a company named Arduin, Laffer & Moore Econometrics that was commissioned by the State of Missouri to evaluate the national healthcare program. I thought you might be interested in this study. Rather long, but informative.
I know I am asking for a miracle when it comes to double standards. As long as we have a very liberal media, we will have to deal with this.
Stooge Alert:
"By any means necessary."
Harry Reid, D-NV speaking about passing Healthcare bill.
*912 Project: March on Washington, DC. Saturday, 9-12-09 Go to http://912dc.org. March on DC with thousands of freedom loving Patriots. Please show your support!
*Al-Megrahi, Lockerbie bomber freed to go back to Libya to die. Unfair to families of victims? Why should he get a pass? He should have died in prison.
*This week, jobless claims rose to 576,000. Is the recession recovery really happening?
Power Lunch:
Congressman Waxman and Congressman Stupak call for private insurance companies to report salaries, bonuses, retreats and vacations. Which is payback for non-support of the healthcare bill. Tell them to take a hike. Let's take a look at the Senator's and House member's salaries, bonuses, retreats and vacations? Who owns the jets the congress uses? "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks."
Quote of the day:
"Take two aspirin and call me when your cancer is stage 4."
Ann Coulter
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