I bet the administration wished they could of gotten the healthcare bill passed before the August recess. Ello Govna! The majority of political analyst and pundits seem to be in agreement that the White House has lost it's message. I've never really understood the political spin game. My parents taught us not to lie. I assume their parents did not. I am amazed when a spokesperson, politician or political pundit can stand in front of an audience and say that they didn't say something yesterday, when we are watching the sound byte showing they did. Those sound bytes do not go away. I think the American public has had enough of the Washington spin machine. For a President that ran such an organized campaign and did everything right, they have gotten way off message. The President seems to have an inability to sell his Obamacare program which he has based his presidency on. How many times have you seen the President support the public option? 3,4, maybe 10 times? He is adamant about this key ingredient for healthcare reform. Of course, this would be a cornerstone part to a government run healthcare system. This would most likely kill private insurance. Recently, President Obama has spoke about the public option is not the whole ball of wax. He said the public option is only a sliver of the overall health coverage components. Unfortunately, the White House has sent so many mixed messages that the public does not understand what they are trying to articulate. Also, between the President, Kathleen Sebelius and Robert Gibbs, (Family Guy) even the news reporters are stumbling on the different stories. Now, Robert Gibbs is saying none of the different interviews seen in the last week, were not in any way, caving to the pressures of the opposition on the public option. Even though everybody has seen the interviews over the past weekend. The president is standing firm on the public option and would prefer a bi-partisan agreement. My worry is that Obama and the liberal democrats will pass this in a majority partisan manner. I think Pelosi and Reid could possibly strong arm enough blue dog democrats to realize their dream and unleash our nightmare. I think this would be political suicide for a lot of democratic politicians. Look at this a different way, Obama is in a predicament, if he drops the public option, he will most likely lose the left leaning democrats in the House. If he pursues the public option, he could possibly lose the blue dog democrats and definitely the republicans. You know they are steadfast on getting some type of bill passed before the end of the year. This is the time we, the American people need to step up the intensity of our protesting and opposition towards this healthcare kidnapping bill. I saw a bumper sticker on a BMW today that said, "Obama lied, Grandma died." Passions and emotions are running high concerning this paramount debate. What we do in the next month will make history. Our citizens are tenacious and will not give up the fight. It's on! Please keep it civil and show respect. We are better than them. We aren't on the TV calling our opponents Nazis, evil mongers, domestic terrorists and meanies. (gosh, I idolize you all.) Make the calls, email them repeatedly and attend a townhall meeting and/or rally. You're kids and their kids will thank you.
President Obama speaks out and often.
This scares me! Single payer = Socialized Healthcare
It seems every administration finds themselves in this situation when they attempt to accomplish some type of monumental national reform. I would love to see healthcare reform. However, I wish the representatives would fix the system we have, which is one of the best healthcare systems in the world.
Change we can do without!
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll: Wednesday, August 19: 32% Approve, 38% Disapprove, indicating a presidential approval index of -6.
WWF Smackdown - Barney Frank vs. His constituents of Dartmouth, Ma. Tuesday night, August 18th. Bring your thick skin and your issues.
Real Estate For Sale: United States of America - Cheap, imports everything. Take over payments. Incur debt service. Contact Barry or Rahm (Confidential)
Rasmussen Reports
National Review Online
Quote of the day:
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)
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