Mr. Obama, please start acting Presidential. You have been on television almost everyday since your inauguration. Stop it, you acting like an actor, your job is President of the United States. That used to be the most important leadership role in the world until you downplayed it into a third world importance. You embarrassed the country with that lame U.N. speech. It is a travesty to have France criticize you to be more stern and resolute. The world's dictators are high fivin' and congratulating each other on how they finally got a wussy in the white house. In this time of crisis, we need a strong President. We don't need you to go to Copenhagen the hawk Chicago Olympics in 2016. Let Oprah go and buy the Olympics for us. She can afford it, and it can be a first step of you redistributing the wealth. Or is she "hands off." I could give a crap. Maybe try doing your job. You spend so much time giving speeches and appearing on television, you don't have time to make important decisions like Afghanistan, the economy, unemployment, Iran, those vitriol, angry mobs! I hope you've noticed that even your water carriers and state run media are turning on you. The healthcare proposals and amendments are more complicated than Chinese math! The public option is a goner. They couldn't agree on the sky is blue. I know, you'll leave Geitner, Gates and Gibbs in charge, (the 3G's) handling the important issues. Or maybe Biden (with a muzzle)or Pelosi with a tissue because she sees angry mobs resembling the violence of San Francisco in the late 1970's. I didn't know we were murderers Nancy? I thought we were exercising our constitutional 1st amendment rights? Wasn't it you who said you liked opposition and protest? I guess not when it is positioned against your party and you. Hey SanFranGranNan, how did that fundraiser go for you hosted by Steve Elmendorf, A lobbyist representing United Healthcare? Don't tell me you accept money from those "shock and awe," eeevvvvviiiillllll ginormous private insurance companies? Also, Chuck U. Schumer, receives $1.65M from the financial industry? Is there a conflict of interest with either of these grifters? Am I just being obtuse? Since I am a racist, xenophobe, right wing fascist, gun loving, God loving, average white male who works everyday and no one has given me anything that I didn't earn? I guess I don't fit the needy, wimpy, non-working loser, kool aid drinking, without ambition type individual that this administration caters to. But I digressed...
Barack Obama & Mayor Daley = Al Capone & Charley "Lucky" Luciano
Fools on the Hill:
Today, our gallant political leaders were debating the infamous "Public Option." Even the Democrats voted against this. I wish they realize this is not in America's best interest. Fix the existing system, do not reinvent the wheel. If they push through this bill without bipartisan support, they will pay dearly in the 2010 elections.
Polls you can live by RCP Polls:
President Obama's job approval:
Approve 52.2%
Disapprove 40.8%
Congressional job approval:
Approve 26.8%
Disapprove 64%
Direction of country:
Right direction 38.8
Wrong track 53.6%
Stooge statement of the week:
"Never thought it would work this well."
Joe Biden touts stimulus program, September 24,2009
Quote of the day:
"A feeble executive implies a feeble execution of the government. A feeble execution is but another phrase for a bad execution; and a government ill executed, whatever may be its theory, must be, in practice, a bad government."
Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 70, 1788
Comments, questions or issues: email conservative09@gmail.com
The Hill
American Spectator
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