Iran, Afghanistan, economy, unemployment and healthcare. Our President finds it imperative to go to Copenhagen, Denmark to promote Chicago for the 2016 Olympics! Is this what the President should be involving himself in? Can you say unbelievable! Sorry America, We voted in this rookie with a five minute career. I don't know where to start. The "we are the world" attitude with the United Nations shows very little promise with the world's most prominent dictators and rogue nations. I am sickened about the weak and ineffective speech President Obama gave in concert with Brown and Sarkozy. It's embarrassing to see Brown and Sarkozy sound stronger and much more forceful. Following the speech, Iran launches three missiles, Chavez has open dialogue with Russia concerning uranium, China and Russia will not assist with sanctions against Iran. General McChrystal has to bear the brunt of seeing his request for more boots on the ground tabled while Soldiers and Marines are being killed. I think it is unconscienable that the Commander in Chief can't decide on such a important matter and stick to his strategy from March 27, 2009. I think the rest of the world portrays Mr. Obama as a patsy. However, my main concern is terrorism. Five attempts foiled in the last month. It seems the the bad guys are feeling emboldened. If we had an attack, it would severely undermine our economy for some time. I do have incredible faith and respect for our law enforcements communities. They will do their jobs with perseverance and professionalism. The economy is still in the doldrums, unemployment was estimated at 52% for young people. The experts are saying it will be years before that gets better. The people with experience looking for work will fill the jobs that may come available. That stimulus bill has made miraculous improvements. Right? Unemployment wouldn't go above 8%? It is currently 9.6%. I believe we could very easily emerge from this economic recession. Let the free markets remain free. Keep the government out of their business. The markets would prosper if left alone. The administration creates and manufactures the financial crisis. This fits into their plan to take over America. The "health scare" reform is barely on life support. President Obama knows they don't need republican support to pass a bill, however, I know they only care about their careers and controlling power. If they pass the healthcare bill, (HR 3200)the republicans will gain numerous seats in the House and Senate in the 2010 election. That could be our saving grace. As I've said in the past, continue calling your representatives, attend the townhall meetings and the tea parties. We can take back America and our desired way of life.
Contact your representatives:
go to congress.org
scroll down to "find your officials"
enter your zip code
call them, email them, write them.
"Save our country"
Polls you can live by from Rasmussen Reports, 9-28-09:
49% say somewhat approve of President's performance
51% disapprove
30% of voters say they strongly approve of President's performance
39% of voters say they strongly disapprove of President's performance.
41% in favor of healthcare bill (down two points from last week)
56% oppose healthcare bill
What is it with ex-Presidents?:
Was it the "right-wing conspiracy" that ruined Monica's blue dress?
Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Truism of the week:
" The U.N. is the international equivalent of ACORN."
Mike Huckabee
Stooge of the week:
Can you imagine how our fighting men and women feel about this statement?
Quote du jour:
"However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results."
Sir Winston Churchill
Questions, comments or issues: Please contact at conservative09@gmail.com
Brutally Honest
American Thinker
Drudge Report
Real clear Politics
Rasmussen Reports
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