My good friend, Duke sent this to me. As I read this, eureka, it definitely applies to everything that is happening today. We constantly send each other emails about the state of our world. I find myself reading about our founding fathers often. Abraham Lincoln, I must admit, has never been one of my favorites. Albeit, probably one of the most important figures in American history. That brings me to tonight's posting. President Obama has often said he favors himself similar to Lincoln. The only thing in common is they both came from Illinois, period! Note to Mr. Obama, read the paper above. His agenda and what is written are complete opposites. I believe Abraham Lincoln was a true patriot and was a strong advocate for capitalism and democracy. Our President violates every point Lincoln made. I don't want everyone to think I hate the President, I don't. When the Messiah was inaugurated, I sincerely hoped (prayed) that he would prove me wrong. I told friends and associates that I would stand corrected if he implemented what he campaigned for. I truly believe that his objectives are to grow the government and take over everything they can. We are on the "path to socialism." I know my counterparts on the other side Will try to take me to task, however, I can and will utilize the argument what the administration and congress has already have done! Not to mention, what they are going to attempt to do in the future. The democrats are voting down everything the republicans present. Yesterday, the republicans presented a measure to require the Czars to be vetted by congress and it was shot down by the democrats. Max Baucus is treating the republicans like schoolchildren in the amendment debates for healthcare reform. I don't want to sound like a liberal, sorry, crybaby, but they feel like they are superior to anyone alive. This will accomplish nothing. Support for the healthcare reform (Obamacare) has dwindled to it's lowest numbers, and public support descends daily. The seniors have started up again with the latest talk about cutting $500M from Medicare. Huh! Do you think that would effect old people? It would be devastating to them. It is called robbing Peter (Seniors) to pay Paul (Uninsured). What worries me is that the left is desperate, willing to pass a bad bill just to say they reformed healthcare. Yes, they are that stupid and inept. I hope they will not have the votes to pass this dog! God save the Republic!
911 call at the United Nations:
Quadaffi's interpreter had a breakdown during his "landmark" U.N. speech. the interpreter, in which Quadaffi brought with him, said "he couldn't take any longer," and passed out. I couldn't stop laughing when I heard this. A second string U.N. supplied scab interpreter filled in for the last 18 minutes. I think that is when he was rambling on about the JFK assassination. I admire any dictator who wears a "Bozo the clown" hat and hair costume. There were rumors Quaddafi was spotted at McDonalds eating a Big Mac and fries rapping to Tupac with Ronald McDonald!
Koo Koo, Koo Koo:
Iran v. the World>>>A Nuclear Showdown:
"Let's play a game of hide and seek," Adminejad exclaimed. Joking aside, what do we do with a renegade, terrorist and tyrannical country who would like to blow up all of the infidels, Israel first. This also brings in to question, what the hell has the IAEA been doing? I trust that organization as far as I can throw it. This is a direct showdown with the international community. Brown, Sarkozy and Obama spoke today condemning the lies and perceived betrayal. Israel is probably fueling the attack jets as we speak, and who could blame them? I think the little guy, Adminejad is a little off his rocker. Or is this how the terrorist's handbook instructs them? Whatever the international community decides to do, they must act definitively, in unison and hopefully, react like Ronald Reagan would have.
Fool on the hill:
Dictator Chavez takes advice from Sean Penn?:
Quote du jour:
"We know that dictators are quick to choose aggression, while free nations strive to resolve differences in peace. We know that oppressive governments support terror, while free governments fight the terrorists in their midst. We know that free peoples embrace progress and life, instead of becoming the recruits for murderous ideologies."
George W. Bush (1946 - ), Speech to UN General Assembly, September 21, 2004
Comments, Questions or issues: Email at conservative09@gmail.com
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