President Obama went ahead and did it. He sold the United States of America down the river. He is most comfortable when he is tearing down, criticizing and apologizing for America and of course, telling everyone how great he is. I was in a good mood this morning and then I listened to the POTUS speak at the United Nations. I have never been so embarrassed and fighting mad at the same time. Mr. Obama wants to be President of the world! He accomplished what he set out to do. First and foremost, in all of the United Nations Presidential speeches I've seen, I have never heard a U.S. President critcize a former U.S. President. It is tasteless, petty and in bad form. Next, Mr, Obama spoke of how we aren't a super power any longer. Does this mere mortal realize the incredible sacrifice bore by our relatives and ancestors. What this great nation has done it less than 250 years. We have led the world in most categories. Why doesn't he realize how fortunate he is to live in this country? America is exceptional in every way. He never speaks positively about our nation. Is it his intention to someday turn over the U.S. to the world court where King Obama will preside and sing "Kumbiya?" Also, he disses our allies like Israel. He said the U.S. did not recognize or support the illegimate Israeli settlements in the West Bank, but believes Israel and the Palestinians should get together for a cookout. (Talks) If I was an ally of the United States at this time in history, I would be very cautious and skeptical. It appears we are abandonning our old friends. In Obama's mind, the U.S. did nothing before his personification. Especially on the environment. He exclaimed how in eight months, he and he alone has done more with carbon emissions than anyone ever, and I mean ever. He didn't mention unemployment or government spending in those eight months. A small oversight, he was nervous, probably. I could go on for days, however, it isn't worth it. I was completely disgusted with his arrogant and condescending demeanor. In closing, President Obama sounded niave, advocated a plethora of multilateralism, made America and his presidency sound incredibly weak and I feel the world powers have finally found their American patsy! Now, let's talk about the Quaddafi speech, or at least, I think it was a speech. I was cracking up listening to the translator. He was almost as bad as Muammar. He rambled on for ninety minutes. ( I thought I was watching a fillibuster on CSPAN) He is maniacal. He called Obama "our son" and "my son." Where did he get that K-Mart halloween costume, "Bozo the clown" hat and hair combination. Please someone tell him he is too early for Halloween! Does anyone feel the same way I do about the U.N.? They are a bunch of Dictators, Tyrants, Murderers and Thugs. I would love for the U.S. to opt out of the United Nations. They are a bunch of blowhards spending other people's money like the U.S. government. John Bolton, former Ambassador to the U.N. said this address was "A post American speech by our first post American President." "We are the world."
President Obama's speech Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Fox News take on Muammar Quaddafi(duck)U.N. speech:
Tasty Tidbits:
ACORN suing Breitbart, O'Keefe and Giles
BALTIMORE (AP) – Community activist group ACORN is suing the makers of a hidden-camera video that showed employees of its Baltimore office giving tax advice to a man posing as a pimp and a woman posing as a prostitute.
The liberal group contends that the audio portion of the video was obtained illegally because Maryland requires two-party consent to create sound recordings.
The two employees seen in the video were fired after it was posted online. The lawsuit says the employees, Tonja Thompson and Shera Williams, suffered “extreme emotional distress.”
Troop request to come soon:
General McChrystal should send the troop request by the end of the week to Robert Gates, Secretary of Defense. Gates is going to sit of this until the administration decides whether or not to escalate the Afghanistan committment. My problem with this is, while they contemplate the war, (Obama has to make time between his speeches and TV appearances)fighting men and women are dying. I know the President has forgotten his strategy he made on March 27, 2009. If we pull out and abandon the Afghans, they will be massacred by the Taliban and Al Queda in the same manner as the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia and the killing fields. Afghanistan will become a "Jihad" tourist destination for training and indoctrination. Come on Mr. President, grow some stones! Support the troops or pull them out, either way, you and only you, own this.
Mr. President: Take on the trial lawyers:
The administration has spoke of token "demonstration projects" on Tort reform. This is a smoke screen, Obama, Reid and Pelosi are owned by the trial lawyer lobby. However, a couple of states have had Tort reform for years and it works. Mississippi and Texas have incorporated tort reform and seems to be working well. This would save a large amount of money and free up a lot of court time.
Quote of the day:
"Lawyers are the only persons in whom ignorance of the law is not punished." Jeremy Bentham (1748 - 1832)
The Hill
Washington Examiner
Fox News
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