We see video of Hugo Chavez, Venezuela Dictator, talking about the indoctrination of socialism of school aged children and the violence in the streets of parents protesting. I know a lady that is from Venezuela. She left because her father was in the military and was in fear of his life and his family's well being. Her Brother brought his family to the states five years ago because Venezuela has been promoting socialism for at least five years. Fast forward to this morning. I was appalled and astonished viewing this video of school children singing an indoctrination song to Barack Obama. Yes, that is what I said. Shockingly similar to what the Venezuelan school children sing to Chavez. Why did this teacher think this is OK, normal?
Did Ms. Carney-Nunes have permission to videotape the performance?
Were parents notified that their children would be participating in this activity prior to the lesson?
Was Ms. Carney-Nunes invited to the school to teach the children the song and about her book, “I am Barack Obama?”
Was the principal aware of this event and taping?
Michelle Malkin emailed these questions to the principle of B. Bernice Young Elementary in Burlington Township, NJ. The teacher, Charisse Carney-Nunes, SVP of the Jamestown Project and award winning author of children's books like "I am Barack Obama," 2009. She was a graduate of Harvard Law School, where she claims to be a classmate of the "anointed one." I hope these questions receive answers. This type of behavior from adults is unacceptable. In a different situation, since I have been posting on this blog, I have been debating liberals daily. I love to do this, however, the point I want to make is they accuse the conservatives of being status quo with the same old views, not wanting healthcare reform. They (liberals) are upset because we (conservatives) will not fall in line behind Obama, support his initiatives and give him a chance for the good of the country. So when I go on a diatribe why we don't support him at all without being rude or disrespectful. That is when I am called a racist or xenophobe, cracker, etc... Why can't they be civil when they debate? It isn't that hard if you back up what you say with facts. The healthcare debate has been the most popular, obviously, the most important issue we will face in our lives. To me, the left seems they are not researching the facts. They seem to be all for a public option and that the big, bad, private insurance companies will be forced to compete with a government run public plan that is non-profit. The public companies can not compete with a company that does not need to make a profit, plain and simple. Thus, the government run single payer health care program is born. I am going to fight this path to socialism until I can't fight anymore. I can't believe what is happening to our amazing country. I am very concerned how some Americans are letting this happen with their eyes wide open. Get involved now, or someday, you will be discussing with your kids or grand kids back when America was a free country.
Turning little minds to mush:
Indoctrination of School Kids:
Barry's Nuke Initiative:
Why does our President think that Russia and China would go along with anything the U.S. proposes? They could care less what or who comes up with lame proposals on how America will reduce our nuclear arsenal and our adversaries (China and Russia) do not have any measurable reductions to their arsenals. Mr. Obama, you sure know how to barter a incredible deal for our national security.
Tasty Tidbits:
Contradiction or Forgetful?:
*2007: In an address to ACORN-"I have been fighting along side ACORN on issues you care about my entire career."
*2009: On ABC's This Week-"Frankly, it's not something I've followed closely. This is not the biggest issue facing the country. It's not something I'm paying a lot of attention to."
*Liar, liar, pants on fire. Doesn't his handlers realize the American public sees right through his lies.
What's this?:
*Polls we can live by:
Overall, 51% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President's performance. Forty-eight (48%) now disapprove.
33% strongly approve of how President Obama is performing his role as President.
38% strongly disapprove of how President Obama is performing his role as President.
Presidential Approval Rating of minus 5.
59% of voters say that the current level of political anger in the country is higher than when George W. Bush was President. Ouch! Change is good!
56% oppose Obama and Congressional healthcare proposal.
44% strongly oppose.
43% approve of the healthcare proposal.
24% strongly approve.
Quote du jour:
"Dignity consists not in possessing honors, but in the consciousness that we deserve them."
To contact with comments, questions and issues:
email at conservative09@gmail.com
Rasmussen Reports
The Hill
American Thinker
Leo Alberti-(photoshop picture)
Drudge Report
Washington Examiner
Cato Institute
Michael Savage
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