What is the United States of America's Foreign Policy? I know it has to, and should change somewhat. The Obama administration promised that they would change the world's view of America. WOW! Has it changed. What are we saying to our allies? Honduras, Israel, Poland, Czech Republic, Iraq and Afghanistan? I am amazed how our President has changed his tune in the last year. It is troubling me that the state run media is ignoring this in such a cavalier manner. (Not really) We have the world's A-list of terrorists at the United Nations in New York, However, the State department has revoked the visa of the Honduran interim president Roberto Micheletti from attending the UN meetings. We side with a Central American President who wanted to change their constitution and become president for life. Now we are in the business of supporting "want-to-be" dictators who are friends with Hugo Chavez. This sends a confusing diplomatic message. If that isn't enough, last week, President Obama cancelled the Missile Defense Plan scheduled for installation in Poland and the Czech Republic. What does that say to our allies and the rest of Europe. Iran is very close to developing a nuclear missile program. I heard today that Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Advisor to former President Jimmy Carter, suggested that if Israel tries to attack Iran's Nuclear installations, that we, the United States should send up F-15's and make them bug out or engage them. Engage Israel, our closest ally and one of the only democracies in the middle east. Does Israel have the right to protect it's sovereignty? Of course they do. And you think Jimmy Carter is a idiot? Why can't these former "anythings" slide down the hospice chute like in the healthcare bill. It gets better, what about the Soviet breakaways like Georgia. What will they do with an aggressive move by Mother Russia. You know Putin is high-fivin' in the Kremlin. Has Obama been in a negotiation? Cancelling the missile defense system was a huge bargaining chip. Let's talk about Afghanistan, Candidate Obama stated adamantly that we should get out of Iraq and concentrate on Afghanistan. Then on March 27, 2009, he stated that we would finish the job there with a new strategy, whatever it takes. This past Sunday, on his talk show marathon, the President stated he has to decide whether or not to send more troops requested by General McChrystal. Our fighting men and women deserve a more definitive response when they are putting their lives on the line. I have a vested interest, my son is a U.S. Marine. Pakistan is watching what our President is doing. Their country is fragile and Al-Queda is a formidable foe. If we want this region of the middle east turn into a haven for terrorists and Jihad warriors, Mr. President, don't be decisive and firm.
The Real American Heroes
Fibber McGee of the week:
President Obama on ACORN scandal on ABC's This week with George Stephanopoulus:
"You know if - frankly, its not really something I followed closely. I didn't even know that ACORN was getting a whole lot of federal money."
I believe him, don't you?
SEIU Speech in 2007:
Can I tell a secret:
President Obama talked to Governor David Patterson, NY to resist running for re-election. Governor Patterson's poll numbers are down. If I heard correctly, Governor Patterson is going to run again. Does the President want to take over the state election process along with everything else? Will the DNC destroy Patterson like they did to Carl McCall, D, NY in 2002?
Pulitzer Prize Nominees, 2009:
James O'Keefe, 25
Hannah Giles, 20
It took two amateur videographers to bring down a giant!
Quote du jour:
"If the people who make the decisions are the people who will also bear the consequences of those decisions, perhaps better decisions will result."
John Abrams, The Company we keep: Reinventing Small Business for People, Community and Place.
Please contact with questions, comments and issues: email conservative09@gmail.com
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