We live in a time where the citizens of the United States of America elect a part time Senator with a five minute career and has relationships with terrorists, (Bill Ayers) racist preachers, (Reverend Wright) self proclaimed communists, (Van Jones) a plethora of tax cheats, (Timothy Geitner, Kathleen Sebelius, Tom Daschle, Charley Rangel, John Kerry) and all around slum lord bad guy financier, Tony Rezko. Is it because the country is moving to the left? Or is it because this past election was a referendum on President Bush? Or is it because this country has misplaced it's moral compass? President Obama would not make it through the congressional vetting process. As I've said in previous posts, I was truly hoping this President would prove me wrong. However, it is business as usual, Chicago corruption gone nationwide. I sometimes get overwhelmed with the daily onslaught of the Obama administration. The healthcare bill will pass and the democrats don't care. We will get the short end of this plan, and we will pay a lot more in taxes. There are so many lies told on any given day. The Liberals must keep a scorecard for the mis-truths. I don't believe the country is moving to the left, actually, after what has been transpiring in the current administration and congress, I Think we are moving to the right. Also, I think Bush was a major factor in Obama's win. I surely didn't agree with a lot of Bush policies. The big question is, "Has America lost it's moral compass?" I think so. We don't seem to have a family nucleus like it was when I was a kid. Today, it is in style to be a single parent. I know that is a broad statement, but people don't seem to need to be married to have children. That is their prerogative, I feel and have concerns for the children that have only one parent to look up to. I use to say that America was the most ethical and moral country, today, I can't say that. We have kids killing kids, people taking a life without thought or regret. You can blame it on television or the internet. Maybe we should blame ourselves? We don't have religion in our lives.( Guilty as charged) Most schools do not teach anything on the Constitution or our founding fathers. So, how do they get any historical education, ideas of morality and compassion, structure in living in a society and being productive. I don't have the answers, but this is a topic of great importance. Just ask the citizens of Chicago.
Now, let's look at some of President Obama's Accomplishments:
Stimulus Bill- Has it created jobs? improved the economy?
Unemployment - Won't go above 8%. Enough said (9.7%)
Transparent Administration- Has been secretive, hiring czars, making deals behind closed doors.
Lockerbie Bomber- Couldn't convince Scotland to keep Medhi locked up.
China & India- Failed to get agreement on greenhouse emissions.
Rebuild relationships around the world- Threw Israel, Poland, Czech Republic and Honduras under the proverbial Obama bus.
U.N.-Totally lost face and respect from leaders around the world and the American public. Obama appears weak to world leaders.
Auto Bailout - 50B (maybe more) shot to Hades.
Race Relations - Professor Gates was innocent, "the police acted stupidly."
Olympics - It takes a fool to go to Copenhagen and not know you have already won the games. Rookie mistake. The IOC doesn't drink kool aid.
Guantanamo Bay - Looks like it isn't going to happen in January. Bad move.
Military out of Iraq - Not yet.
Improve Afghanistan- Not yet or will it happen.
Venezuela - Chavez is growing bold talking to Iran about helping with nuclear program.
Healthcare Reform - Pushing it down our throats, we don't want it. They will pass something.
Immigration Reform - Not to date. I'm sure they are penning a bill.
Global Warming - He said he would make the oceans drop by an inch, right? Part the seas or something?
Cash for Clunkers - Did wonders for the economy (of Japan)
Tarp - Remains to be seen. (Bush initiated this one)
Iran's Nukes - In your face!
North Korea - Kim Jong Mental Il likes the new "Amelican reader."
ACORN - Skeletons in your closet.
Missile Defense - Cancelled too early, should have used this as bargaining chip with Russia, again, rookie mistake, lack of foreign policy experience.
Crap & Trade (Tax) - Energy costs skyrocketing. Carbon credit scam. Thanks Al Gore, you putz.
I'm sure I have missed a few accomplishments. This happened in the first ten months of his Presidency. It makes me giddy to think what will happen in the next three years and four months. God have mercy on our souls.
Saturday Night Live Parody of Obama.
I don't watch SNL. This is funny.
Hypocrisy in Congress:
Today, republicans were shot down on a bill to remove House Ways and Means Committee Chair Charles Rangel, D-NY. Mr. Rangel had a case of the "forgets" possible Dementia, concerning his taxes, income and investment properties. Listen, I have this problem all the time. I don't know if I have one million or two million dollars any given year! The elitists think they are exempt from the laws that made this country great. SanFranGranNan do your job. Remove this pompous, liberal tax evader or we will expose you for the hypocrite and fraud you are, again.
Daft statement of the day:
"No, this is like asking a woman how short was your skirt after she’s been raped.”
Michael Moore appearing on Sean Hannity/Fox
Polls we can live by:
21% approve of congress job performance (39% in March '09)-Gallup
29% strongly approve of the President's job performance - Rasmussen
37% strongly disapprove - Rasmussen
Presidential Approval Index Rating: minus 8.- Rasmussen
49% somewhat approve of the President's job performance - Rasmussen
50% somewhat disapprove - Rasmussen
Quote of the day:
"We the People are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts--not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."
Abraham Lincoln
Contact: conservative09@gmail.com
Saturday Night Live
Duke Misnik-picture
ReplyDeleteTrade imbalance with China, unfair currency value of China, Economy failure, Unemployment rate due to global outsourcing, continuous sprial up of national debt, but above all:
Too much partisan Rhetorics, a divider not a uniter.