Fridays are always interesting. This morning, I wake up to find the "Anointed one" has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. This will undoubtedly diminish Nobel's integrity (what's left of it) and lower it's standing in the international spectrum. Ironically, President Obama was only twelve days into his presidency when he was nominated. He had accomplished nothing, nada, zilch! If I become a socialist, do you think I could win a Nobel? I believe this is a proclamation for Obama to continue down this path he envisions. And he isn't George Bush. I thought this once prestigious award was awarded to an individual or individuals who make a huge contribution to mankind. The rest of the world loves to hear Obama trash our great nation, talk about a nuclear free world and teeter on the war in Afghanistan. However, right after receiving the Nobel news, Obama attacks the moon! The moon didn't declare war on us or attack us. This will be seen as an aggressive posturing by the Intergalactic Universal Legal Qualm with Obama as supreme leader. Just kidding, or am I? I guess every so often, the Nobel committee has to give out a "Rookie of the Year" Peace Prize. Honestly, I haven't paid any attention to Nobel since it awarded Albert Gore with a Nobel prize for his work (lies) on climate change. Will they rescind his Nobel prize when we prove his work is untrue? Let's look at another Nobel winner, Jimmy Carter, former President, was instrumental with his work on the Mideast peace accord. I was young back then, I don't remember a lot about what transpired with the accord. Looking at it from today's standpoint, he didn't accomplish much. But, I do remember the long lines at the gas stations and interest at 18%. They were the good 'ol days. Isn't it strange that only democrats win this prize. I'm not sure what party affiliation Arafat belonged to? Lets take a look at a few leaders that made huge contributions to the world. Ronald Reagan brought down the Berlin Wall and Russia, and saved the U.S. economy and our way of life. Bill Clinton, Who raised approximately a billion dollars for third world countries and the needy. ( I wish I was a fly on Clinton's wall when he found out about Obama's award) I hope this isn't because a spot on a dress? Clinton is the only living democrat President that hasn't been awarded a Nobel Prize. George Bush liberated 50M Muslims from dictatorships and tyranny. I won't hold my breathe for Bush taking home a prize. Presidents Roosevelt and Wilson made huge contributions in their times, Obama gives up America, concedes our greatness and sings "Kumbiya, my Obama, Kumbiya, O Obama, Kumbiya." The American people will persevere. We have the motivation and the forbearance to defeat the socialistic Obama administration and their agenda. Melt the phones of your representatives, email them until you get carpal tunnel syndrome and attend tea parties and townhall meetings so often, the representatives will know your first names by heart. Nobody has the right to change our way of life. "Don't tread on me."
He said he didn't deserve it, but he surely accepted it, you could not have pulled the award away from him with the jaws of life. (philosophical) And he isn't George Bush.
Fox News and others didn't buy it:
Czar Spotlight:
Cass R. Sunstein - Regulation Czar- Sunstein is a very intelligent law professor who has taught law at the University of Chicago for the last 27 years. My problem with his views are Sunstein would like to change the first amendment. Leave it alone, it's fine the way it is. Next, he believes that the government should harvest organs from deceased individuals without consent. I'm glad they are not alive, then I would have a real issue. He is a huge animal rights advocate. I think that is wonderful, however, he believes animal should have legal representation. I can see it now, "if the collar doesn't fit, you must acquit." His official title in the Obama administration is Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. Keep your eye on this guy, he has a lot of ambition and I read a few weeks ago, he was meddling in the second amendment.
Daft Video of the Day: Acorn
I believe her, don't you. It's all trumped up. Right wing conspiracy, probably.
Quote of the day:
"Government, in my humble opinion, should be formed to secure and to enlarge the exercise of the natural rights of its members; and every government, which has not this in view, as its principal object, is not a government of the legitimate kind."
James Wilson, Lectures on Law, 1791
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