America has been around only for a couple of hundred of years. We have protected our shores, our sovereignty and our people. When you don the uniform for our country, you are elevated to a higher level and you desire a higher calling. We have very young men and women, intelligent, motivated, patriotic and physical offer three to five years of their life or longer, for little pay, minimal accommodations and sparse luxuries and possibly paying the ultimate sacrifice. If you ask them, most would give everything for their country. Having said this, I am sick to my stomach, watching our President (Commander in chief) sit on a request from the General he installed to put Afghanistan back on track. I was listening to a news program today and the host was playing recordings of Chaplains in Afghanistan expressing how the Soldiers and Marines are extremely depressed about the lost of friends and lack of mission clarity. Marines were saying why should they put their life on the line if we don't support them. And that starts from the top. Like most issues, President Obama will have to consult with politicians instead of Generals on the ground overseas. I'm starting to see a Viet Nam deja vu' with Johnson and McNamara micromanaging the war into a quagmire. I know Obama has to appease the liberal, anti war left, however, he is playing with lives here. I don't care about his polls or how he looks this week. Spending 25 minutes with General McChrystal on a runway in one hundred days doesn't cut it. Ironically, he has ample time to appear on five Sunday talk shows and spend some quiet time with David Letterman. Hoe does he sleep at night? You can't be flaccid with an approach or strategy of this magnitude and importance. (I dare say) We have lost sixteen brave heroes since the beginning of October. If he decides to pull out the forces, we will have thousands of heroes who will have died in vain. Afghanistan will become the Cambodian killing fields of the twenty first century, and it will be on the President's hands. The Middle East will become more unstable than it is presently. Israel will feel even more abandoned than before. I know, he will blame it on Bush. Another disappointment has been General Jones, National Security Adviser (Yes man #2)and Robert Gates, Secretary of Defense (Yes man #1). My observations of them are they are becoming politicians and survivalists for their government careers. How else will they make it in a left leaning government? Gates was a Bush appointee and Jones is a Marine general. I wouldn't want to be in General McChrystal's shoes. He has to be frustrated with the Obama administration. I think that is why he spoke out. He knows he should go through the chain of command. You don't have to tell someone of his rank and stature. Of the three proposals, I believe the President will opt for the original 40,000 Soldiers/Marines deployment. The 10,000 and 25,000 troop proposals won't do. If Obama would allow the General to execute the war, we could probably bring home our military in the near future. America has the best two Generals in the world, General David Petraeus in Iraq (Centcom) and General Stanley McChrystal in Afghanistan. In summation, make a frickin decision, listen to the commanders, not Rahm Emmanuel, David Axelrod or Joe Biden. (I thought they surgically removed his vocal cords?) God bless the Marines, Army, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard. Thank you for your sacrifice.
They are my heroes:
It takes a special individual to do this:
"Taxman" The Beatles had it right 30 years ago:
I want it known that I loathe Nancy Pelosi. (and Ed Schultz) I can't believe she gets elected term after term. It is because her district is in probably the most liberal sections of San Francisco. It is so liberal, you could say it is communist. I honestly think she is a bit touched (as the Brits say, "all sixes and sevens") and she is a Dellasandro which is a very liberal democratic family in Maryland. She and the democrats are looking at everything to tax. "If you try to walk, they'll tax your feet." John, Paul, George and Ringo were on to something. They want this healthcare bill very bad and they will screw anyone and everyone who stands in their way. watch out! Hide your wallets!
How's that hope and change working out for ya?
Quote of the day:
"Every time President Obama lies, God kills a kitten."
Unknown four year old
Contact: Conservative09@gmail.com
Weekly Standard
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