Thursday, July 30, 2009

Obama and the Autocrats

Czar: definition-Merriam-Webster dictionary "One having great power or authority." I would a be hypocrite if I criticized President Obama for having Czars. Presidents Roosevelt, Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Bush I, Clinton and Bush II all had Czars in some capacity. However, President Obama has taken this to a whole other level! This circumvents the Congressional process and subverts the authority of Congress. Obviously, this gives a concentration of power to the presidency. When you bypass Congress, it diminishes the integrity of Congressional checks and balances. This also inhibits openness and transparency. Czars are not accountable to anyone in the cabinet, Congress or the American people, just the President.
Here are a couple of questions:
What is their role in the administration?
What authority will they possess?
What happens when they clash with similar departments?
Who decides their compensation?
This is an eye opener; here is the czar list I compiled:
Drug Czar- R. Gil Kerlikowske
Border Czar- Alan Bersin
Car Czar- Steve Rattner
Bailout Czar- Herb Allison
Health Czar- Nancy-Ann DeParle
Stimulus Accountability Czar- Earl Devney
Compensation Czar- Kenneth Feinberg
Energy Czar- Carol Browner
Auto Recovery Czar- Ed Montgomery
Urban Affairs Czar- Adolfo Carrion, Jr.
Information Czar- Vivek Kundra
Technology Czar- Aneesh Chopra
Great Lakes Czar- Cameron Davis
Intelligence Czar- Dennis Blair
Economic Czar- Paul Volcker
Regulation Czar- Cass Sunstein
Non Proliferation Czar- Gary Samone
Guantanamo Closure Czar- Danny Fried
Terrorism Czar- John Brennan
Faith Based Czar- Joshua DuBois
Weapons Czar- Ashton Carter
Green Jobs Czar- Van Jones
Science Czar- John Holden
AIDS Czar- Jeffrey Crowley

I listed these 24 Czars to show you how out of control this administration is. We are paying their salaries and we didn't agree to hire them. Truthfully, I would like to become the Bar Czar if the administration is hiring. When the President was campaigning, he promised an open and transparent administration. So much for that concept. The American people needs to watch this group of Czars under a microscope, since they seem to have "behind the scenes" authority.

Quote of the day:
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself."
Mark Twain

Crap & Trade - Economy Killer

Can you imagine China and India sitting around together drinking beer, laughing at the crazy Americans. I can see them high-fiving and knuckle-bumping each other wondering why the greatest nation in the world is self-destructing? I can sum that up in three words, LIBERALISM IN CHARGE! On one hand, the democrats complain about American companies moving offshore and outsourcing jobs. On the other hand, they regulate, tax and bully companies where they can't be profitable and successful. You can't have it both ways. I am in favor of protecting the environment. But I am also in favor of surviving in a global economy. China and India are dedicated to growing their economies and exports. The Obama administration doesn't care about the economy, they care about votes. Why would the administration put more pressure on businesses with unemployment rising to 10%? The minimum wage increase went into effect two days ago. That will hamper small business alone. Energy plants are going to take a hit along with coal mining operations. However, as soon as we have one power outage or rates go up, the population will scream bloody murder. President Obama should tell the environmental lobby to take a vacation. They will still support him. I would hate to be graduating college with a lot of school debt and attempting to find job let alone a career in this economy. I cringe when I hear Pelosi or Reed talk about growing the economy. Do they think we are idiots? Their agenda doesn't take in account a prospering economy. The right to emit carbon will be the new commodity the government will broker. When the higher cost trickle down to you and me, it will be late. Speaker Pelosi will still be traveling from DC to San Francisco every weekend emitting tons of pollution in her(our) big government jet. Can someone answer this question? Why can the politicians, Hollywood elite and the upper crust travel around in G-5 private jets and Escalades and we, the American public is expected to drive smart cars, Priuses and change our light bulbs?

Quote of the day:
"I am a Conservative to preserve all that is good in our Constitution, a Radical to remove all that is bad. I seek to preserve property and to respect order, and I equally decree the appeal to the passions of the many or the prejudices of the few."
Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881), campaign speech at High Wycombe, England, November 27,1832.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Rationed Health Care for Seniors

I believe the elderly population will be spending the month of August making phone calls and sending emails to their representatives and attending "townhall meetings." I am perplexed why Obama would just go after the elderly and cut them off at the knees. (No pun intended) I'm not sure what is worse, funding abortions to kill off babies or send the old people down the river without a paddle, or both, I realize elderly citizens cost more and rightfully so. They also worked their whole life and paid into all of the federal tax entities their whole working life. Since the economy is in the commode, President Obama and his sycophants figure they can cut billions from senior care and move it to the younger and middle aged earners. Doesn't that sound a little Fascist? Only the strong survive! I don't want to appear pessimistic, but when Tom Daschle says that this will not be painless and elderly people should deal with old age instead of getting treatment or medicine you know it is going to be drastic.(paraphrased) How will seniors on fixed incomes afford the increases they are promoting? They will not be able to. Rationed healthcare will affect everyone, especially the elderly. Is Dr. Jack Kevorkian working as a hospice counselor? Is euthanasia going nationwide instead of just a few states? I don't want anyone speaking to my mother besides my family. Are we really listening to what the administration is saying? It reminds me of a veiled threat, of course, it is in our best interest. President Obama is on television everyday hawking this abomination. He knows it is in trouble, especially when the representatives return to their constituents and receives the "Wrath of God." I heard a poll today that 69% of people polled feel it will increase their cost and reduce the quality of their care. Hearing this, why would the administration keep going down this road. I believe President Obama feels this is his "Waterloo." (Thanks Jim DeMint) This will be a huge blow to his presidency. He is losing his mojo, poll numbers are down and he is losing political capital.
What should we do about this health care calamity? First, pay attention to what the politicians are saying. Decipher the lies and mistruths. Start making phone calls to your representatives. Email them as often as possible. Remember back when we used to sit down with pen and paper and hand write a letter? This technique has enormous impact. If you can, attend the "townhall meetings" scheduled all over the country. If thousands of citizens show up and ask questions, they will understand what we want and don't want. Starting a "tea party" type rally in your town also gets a lot of publicity. On a different note, where is the Republican version of health care reform? They are not helping matters at all. I am so unimpressed with the republican leadership, I could write a blog! Sorry. Seriously, why are we paying these people big money for weak and ineffective party leadership? Can you say term limits?
We all have someone in our life that is elderly. Family, friend or acquaintance, they are very important to us and our way of life. We need to fight back, fight for them and fight for us. We will have only ourselves to blame if we do not stand up and protest against this health care bill, H.R. 3200. Exercise your 1st Amendment right while you still can.

Go to:
Go to: my elected officials
Type in your zip code
Click on representative
Click on contact - email and phone numbers wiil appear

Quote of the Day:
"All would live long, but none would be old."
Benjamin Franklin

5 freedoms you'd lose in health care reform
1. Freedom to chose what's in your plan.
2. Freedom to be rewarded for healthy living,or pay your real costs.
3. Freedom to chose high-deductible coverage.
4. Freedom to keep your existing plan.
5. Freedom to chose your doctors. Shawn Tulley, Editor at large

Don"t Forget:
Beer Bash at the Obama's!!
6:00pm sharp

If I Were President for One Term...

If I were President for One Term... You know POTUS is probably one of the toughest jobs in the world! It seems that every President's hair turns gray after they spend 6 months in the oval office. The stress is enormous and the daily grind would wear down the strongest individual. First, before I become President, I would organize conservatives to take back the House and/or the Senate. You would need one or the other to get anything accomplished. I do not believe that will be impossible after the weak legislation we've seen and will see in the next year. The American people will decide.

First and foremost, I would expose any politician who thought of his career and not for the best interest of the country. I wouldn't make any friends.
We would close our borders (north and south) for a specified time period and offer retired military service personnel the jobs to build the fence and defend it.
Increase support and resources to Customs and ICE.
We would stop providing benefits to illegals.
We would immediately declare a National Security Emergency and start drilling for oil here and now.
We would start Oil shale harvesting as soon as possible.
We would start Natural gas exploration as soon as possible.
We would grant building permits for at least 6 Nuclear Energy plants on US soil.
(France receives 75-90% of their energy from Nuclear).
Since China owns us, I would reduce imports as much as possible (granted, that would be touchy).
We would stop giving money to countries that support terrorist. If they need money, change. (Hezbollah & Hamas??)
We would stop the Social Security raiding. Politicians would not be able to touch it. You get out what you pay in.
We would immediately stop spending the people's money. Stop all pet projects and pork spending.
We would reduce corporate taxes. Business is not the enemy. We have some of the highest corporate taxes in the world.
We would suspend the capital gain tax.
We would simplify the tax code. (15-17% income tax, no deductions)
Incentives to Companies to manufacturer in America and stop outsourcing.
We would utilize the massive federal worker force and re task some of them to investigate Medicare and Medicaid fraud, abuse and waste.
We would stop the ridiculous malpractice lawsuits with Tort reform.
You would be able to purchase health insurance across state lines to make it competitive and reasonable.
We would keep the Government out of Industry and Health care.
I would never apologize for America. Ever
I would tell the truth whether that is what you want to hear or not.
I would stop/expose the lies and mistruths told everyday by Politicians.
We would lobby for a 2 term limit for House and Senate. This would be voted on by the citizens.
Congress would not be able to vote themselves pay raises. The people will vote for these. They impose this on private industry, let them live by the same rules.
Congress will enjoy the same health care program as the American people.
We will aggressively research alternative energy resources such as solar, wind, algae and sugar.

And then, on my second day... Just kidding, can you imagine the enemies I would make! I would have to wear a kevlar body suit. There would not be any elitist left on Capitol Hill when I am finished. Politicians would realize that they work for the American people. The money they spend is not theirs, it belongs to the American people. Serving only two terms, maybe the decisions they make will be in the best interest of the country and not their careers. Right Arlen?
This is harsh and direct. Isn't this country in dire straits? Should we not attempt to preserve our way of life. The life we've been afforded by men and women who have served and paid the ultimate sacrifice? If anything, think about our children and their children. I believe this is possible. You/We must become active in this quest,
get off your backsides and make a difference. Call or email your representatives. Tell them to do their job or we will find someone competent to replace them.

"My reading of history convinces me that most bad governm
ent results from too much government."

Thomas Jefferson

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What would William F. Buckley, Jr. say?

"Back in the thirties we were told we must collectivize the nation because the people are poor. Now we are told we must collectivize the nation because the people are so rich."
William F. Buckley, Jr.

One of the most influential and prominent figures in the conservative movement was William F. Buckley, Jr. (1925-2008) He started National review in 1955 and hosted over 1400 episodes of Firing Line. He was an author of 50+ books. He was a nationally synicated journalist. He served in the Army and CIA. Also, he ran unsuccessfully for Mayor of New York City twice. This is only a small snapshot of his accomplishments.
I am not an expert on William F. Buckley, Jr. although I think he was by far, one of the most intellectual debaters I have ever heard. Quite frankly, I loved to hear him speak. I am still attempting to learn the meanings of some of the words he used. He had total command of the english language.
Having said that, what would he be talking about at this time in politics? It is in my opinion, he would be speaking out loudly and often against the Obama administration. Mr.Buckley loved and appreciated this country and realized the exceptionalism of it's people. He believed in a small government and allowing the private sector to grow our economy. Healthcare, immigration and the nationalism of industry would have him in an uproar burning up the newspapers and a main focus of National review. I guess in a sense, I am looking for a replacement for Bill Buckley. I don't see anyone that remotely has the wit, intellect and erudition of a man of his character. I don't see a Republican politician that could come near Mr. Buckley, nor anyone in the private sector. The Republican party has become a bunch of McCain type whimps. I've received many emails with strong conservative based writings by Lee Iococca, Bill Cosby and Charley Daniels.
I know those three are very different people, however, they are patriotic Americans and they are fed up with the path of the country's idealogy and economy. Talk radio is growing by leaps and bounds because the talk show hosts are not afraid to tell it like it is. I believe Conservatives are looking to the Limbaughs, Hannitys, Ingrahams and Levins because no one has stepped up to the plate. I don't consider myself a Republican anymore. I am a Conservative. I pray to the Lord above (sorry, that is not allowed anymore) that someone emerges as the Wiiliam F. Buckley, Jr. conservative. That person would ascend quickly to the top of the Conservative party. I hope that person materializes soon.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Healthcare Bill-Call your Representative!

As I learn more about this healthcare bill, my fear increases tenfold. My sainted Mother (78 years old) had triple bypass surgery last November. She also had mild cancer. Would this healthcare bill dictate she is too old and has too many ailments? Would President Obama put her out to pasture? I can tell you that since she had these surgeries, she has such a increased quality of life and is more active than ever. I think the hospice counselor is going to have a long wait to see her. I really like my primary Doctor, he is great and he takes time with me. Our insurance is great. I don't need much more. I don't want a bureaucrat select a doctor for me and tell me what I can have done. Also, I don't want to pay for abortions. Private insurance will go away and we will be herded into the healthcare nightmare that Socailist countries have embraced. We need to scrap this bill and start over. In the meantime, this is what we need to do. Unite! When you're Representatives return home on their August recess. We must unite and coordinate a full-court press relating to calling and writing your House & Senate representatives. When thousands of their constituents bombard their phones and mailboxes, I believe they will understand how passionate we are about our healthcare. Also, this isn't just about healthcare. This is about our freedoms and liberties. The current administration wants to control every aspect of our life. Banking, insurance, automobile manufacturers and now, healthcare? I am not going to drive a smart car or wait a year for a MRI. I happen to think this is the greatest country in the world and we have "American exceptionalism." Who would want to become a doctor if they know they are going to be a federal employee? That will pay off the school loans! I ask you to contact your representatives and more than one time. The American people defeated the Immigration bill and we can beat this healthcare disaster. Go to and click "find your officials" under the banner, to the right. Put in your zip code and you have the information you need. We, the American people can defeat this and any bill that isn't in the country's best interest. Say "no" to H.R. 3200.
"I predict future hapiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."
Thomas Jefferson

Sunday, July 26, 2009

2nd Amendment - Citizen Concerns

Over the weekend, I went to a large gunshow in Virginia. It was overwhelming to see how many citizens purchasing firearms & ammunition. I believe many people think that they are all a bunch of stereotypical males buying their 25th firearm. On the contrary, it was a lot of females and couples purchasing, most likely, their first firearm. I made it a point to speak with as many different attendees as possible as research for this article. Everyone had a unique reason for being there. I spoke at length with an attorney who was there with his wife and 2 children. In the past 4 months, he has purchased 3 firearms (handguns) for target shooting and home self defense. His wife goes to the range and has become a competent shooter. I followed up with why? He mentioned a neighbor who had a break-in and messed up their house badly. He travels often and his wife is home with the kids alone, of course, I suggested a good alarm system. He laughed and said his was very expensive. I also spoke to a young married couple. They were buying their first firearm and videos on self defense. He mentioned that they live in an apartment complex and would feel safer with a fiream in their home. Lastly, I met a wonderful older couple. They live in the country and can target shoot on their property. The gentleman mentioned in all his years, including two wars, he has never been so worried about our freedom, liberties and our way of life, ever! They were spending a lot of money there, especially on ammunition. He mentioned we should start enforcing the estimated 2,200 gun laws and not impune the 2nd Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. I could not substantiate that number of gun laws. In closing, it is in my opinion, if the government took away our right to keep and bear arms, wouldn't the criminals be armed and the law-abiding citizens unarmed? Guns do not kill people, people kill people. What would be after guns? Knives, baseball bats or fists?

2nd Amendment
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.