Saturday, September 19, 2009

Barack Obama, Television Personality

Please make him stop! Is he going for a record? I think he has been on the TV everyday since January 20th. Sunday morning will be like one of those "Rambo" or "James Bond" movie marathons you find on the cable channels on Sundays. I know he is on a mission to push his healthcare bill on us, but he doesn't realize we know what it entails and we don't want it. It will increase our taxes which makes it more costly, especially on the middle class and will not improve care at all. If you noticed, Max Baucus, D-ND, came out to introduce bill by himself. Usually, the presenter has a group of supporters standing next to or behind him. The other five of the "gang of six" did not support this bill. It seems the general public doesn't support this bill either. 56% of voters nationwide oppose the healthcare bill, 43% are for it. Mr. Obama will appear on five Sunday morning shows, of course, he avoids Fox News like the plague. He is in desperation mode. He (the administration and congress) knows this healthcare bill is barely on "life support." The irony is every time Mr. Obama appears on television and promotes healthcare change, the numbers go down! He will appear on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and Univision. On Monday night, The President will appear on Letterman. Robert Gibbs, W.H. Press Secretary (Family Guy) told reporters at Friday's briefing that this will enable the President reach a broader audience and confront the misconceptions and promote the features of the current bill. I hope the President has read the current bill and has his facts straight (this time). Mr. President, look at the poll numbers above. President Obama has staked his presidency on healthcare, his "Waterloo." He is in a pickle, if he passes a bill without the public approval, he is done. If he doesn't pass a bill, he will be viewed as inept. So, what's a president to do? What I wish he do is the right thing. Tell the liberal state run media hosts that he has decided to scrap the healthcare bill and start over. That would put him on top, he would be the "anointed one" once again. It's so simple, But I am not holding my breathe. If they (congress) pass a healthcare bill with a strong public option, I believe that the American people will protest so strongly that the 912 rally in DC will look like a little get-together. And we will be right there with them. Is this representation of the people? I heard somebody say the other day that Barack Obama's presidency is like Jimmy Carters, but on steroids! I will try to stomach the Sunday shows, and you know I will be writing about them.

University of Maryland:

How's that change working out for you?

Howling at Wolf:
Wolf Blitzer, host of the Situation Room on CNN was a contestant on Celebrity Jeopardy. Wolf is a smart guy, however, he finished at a dismal minus $4600, which is almost a Jeopardy record. Better luck next time.

Stooge of the the week:
" I don't think his Mom would be pleased with him playing a pimp."
Bertha Lewis, CEO, ACORN

OMG of the week:

Kumbiya my Lord, Kumbiya, oh Lord, Kumbiya!

Daily Polls to Ponder:
31% Strongly approve of how President Obama is performing his role as POTUS.
40% strongly disapprove of how President Obama is performing his role as POTUS.
Presidential Approval Index of -9.
53% say health care plan will force them to change coverage.
50% say Obama is still partisan democrat.

Quote of the day:
"Every author, however modest, keeps a most outrageous vanity chained like a madman in the padded cell of his breast."
Logan Pearsall Smith (1865-1946)

Please contact with comments, questions or issues:

Rasmussen Reports
Fox News
The Hill

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Path to Socialism

Everyday, I hear that it isn't the Obama administration's objective to take our everyday lives and move towards Socialism. I hear everyday on the tube the democratic and liberal pundits insist Obama is doing this for the welfare of the country. I'm sorry, I don't believe this for a nano second. The administration has nationalized the following:
Banks - controls our money
Investment Banks - controls our investments
Insurance (AIG largest insurance company) controls Insurance
Automobile Industry - Decides what cars you purchase
Mortgages - (Freddie Mac & Fannie May) controls 90% of mortgages. Decides who gets a mortgage.
Energy - (Crap & Trade) will control energy costs and usage.
Healthcare- (tentative) control 1/6th of economy. Controls every aspect of your health.
Student Loans - (tentative) Takeover Sallie Mae. Controls all student loans. Govt. will decide who gets loans.
Tell me I'm wrong. This is fact. What is next? Fairness Doctrine? Immigration? This is a fascist regime. I don't want to sound harsh, however, what else do you call it? I've never been one to mince words. I don't trust this administration and after attending the 912 DC rally, I'm not the only one. Where are the republicans? They are inept, bordering on dereliction of duties. I thought they were supposed to represent us. And the politicians don't understand why we follow conservative talk radio and Fox News. They speak and profess what we believe and strive for. And Fox tries to be fair and balanced. I was watching CNN, I could only handle a few minutes. They were so bias. But, I will continue, because I like to see both sides of the issues. I wish I could spend much more time writing this blog. I love to do research and decipher information. Unfortunately, I have to work for a living, comrades! Pertaining to the healthcare bill, it is a pig, no one likes it. I doubt it will get passed in it's current form. Even the democrats are running from it. We do have to worry about "reconciliation." The democrats are crass enough to go against the will of the people and pass it. On one hand, I wouldn't mind if they pass the bill, they would lose huge in the 2010 election. On the other hand, it reeks and should it should go down in flames. We are near double digit unemployment, even France is lecturing us on our fiscal policy and China is pulling our puppet strings. This healthcare bill is an economy killer. Things are good! This Sunday morning should be interesting, President Obama is appearing on five talk shows, except for Fox! He is desperate to push this healthcare bill down our throats. The state run media will cater to his wishes because he is the "anointed one." I wonder if he will get a bump from the bombardment of his appearances. The last bump only lasted a few days and then trended downward. The only saving grace is every time Obama speaks, his healthcare bill approval numbers drops. In closing, I will not stop or let up until the American people take back our glorious country.

You be the judge:

SanFranGranNan has a "Hallmark moment":
Nancy Pelosi was interviewed today and she showed that she is a extreme left-wing, San Francisco-liberal philosophy wingnut. I think she got choked up, but I couldn't tell because of the Botox. But I digressed. I was in amazement how she viewed the protesters and "Teabaggers" actions. She stated that she feared the protesters and what they are saying about Messiah. And that it could turn violent with some dissidents. I think someone should put Nancy in the "fraiddy closet." Whatever she or they say, it isn't going to work. We will not heed their request.

"Bombs bursting in air," whoops! Misfire!
Hey Poland & Czech Republic, You are on your own! Hey Russia, Empower! Hey Ahmadinejad, Feel the love! President Obama cancelled the missile defense system that would have been placed in Poland and Czech republic to protect that region. He has come up with a ship based program that will be more effective and less costly. Or so he says. Republicans and Europeans have denounced this as a grave mistake. Iran will most definitely be emboldened now with our wimpy, apologizing president. I don't see our President building bridges with the rest of the world like he promised. The rest of the world should have realized how he would "roll" after his dealings with Honduras and Israel.

Say What?:

Thought of the day:
In my opinion, ACORN should be stripped of all government funding and be investigated in depth by the Attorney General's office. I don't think the American people should settle for anything less.

Quote of the day:
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."
Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Send Carter back to his Cocoon

It brings back so many (bad) memories when I see Jimmy Carter. In my opinion, Jimmy was the worst President in history. 18% interest, oil embargo, Soviet build-up and so on. Isn't that why Ronald Reagan cleaned his clock in the 1980 Presidential election. Since then, he has been meddling in other President's affairs. I don't think that what he said in the interview with Brian Williams helped the Obama administration. Carter is 80 years old and should retire with some humility. In the bigger picture, how many years has the democrats been playing the race card? 40? 45 years? It is probably just a coincidence that Maxine Waters, Hank Johnson, Jimmy Carter, Maureen Dowd and Nancy Pelosi are accusing the American people of racism? OMG! They do not have a clue what the people are thinking and protesting against. Or is this a just a coincidence? Joking aside, I feel this is an orchestrated tactical game plan to redirect the train wreck, also known as the President's radical agenda. We are not racist, we are concerned citizens. At the DC rally on Saturday, The attendees were from all walks of life, White, Black, Hispanic, Asian and Middle Eastern. We sat next to democrats in front of the Capitol. It isn't going to work this time and quite frankly, I think it will backfire this go around. The liberals and administration have denounced the protests, townhalls, tea parties and the 912 DC rally. Now we have Carter and the sycophants playing the race card. I can't help it if Jimmy Carter grew up in the south and saw racism. Why didn't he do anything about Robert Byrd, D-WV and his involvement with the KKK when he was active in politics? I thought our President was the "great uniter"? With these incredulous accusations, he will be labeled the "great divider." I think everyone should Google " Joe Wilson, R-SC." he sounds like a good guy. Maureen Dowd wrote that Joe Wilson said "you lie, boy." Or that is what he meant. We can't help it if she hears voices in her head, they have doctors for that. It is all part of the race card conspiracy. It saddens me to see the left stoop to this level. But, they've done it many times before. Do you remember the grilling of Justice Clarence Thomas and Miguel Estrada? Couldn't you call that racist? They are minorities. It was the democrats who perpetrated the accusations against these two incredible and upstanding legal minds. We, as American citizens, have to keep up the pressure on our representatives and "melt their phones and email." Its so easy, even a caveman can do it! We owe it to ourselves and to our children. In this time, we have a black President, cabinet members and so many other important positions. Yes, we have come a long way and we need to go farther. I guess if they didn't use race for gain, what would Reverends Sharpton and Jackson do for work? Why can't we just get along?

Come on Jimmy, take your meds.

The Cocoon is calling.

Thought of the day:
Wasn't it Candidate Obama who said that his grandmother " was a typical white person." But, that's not racist! Just ask Reverend Wright.

Heathcare Bill, "Just Say No":
Even Jay Rockefeller, D-WV, said he can't vote for this abomination in it's current form. The democrats don't like it, the republicans don't like it. But, Max Baucus likes it! Again, I know I sound like a broken record or "Ground Hog's Day" with Bill Murray, but, we need to light up the congressional switchboards and flood them with emails. My wife and I attended the 912 DC rally and we were so honored to be there and inspired to the point that we can't wait for the next protest rally. It isn't about a black President, it is about the economy, political ideology and the future of our country. We are watching the country we love and respect move in the wrong direction. Take it back!

Deep Thoughts with John:
With all of the race debates, I have something on my mind. I hear African American, Hispanic American, Japanese American and so forth. Wrong, you are either American or you are not. I am of Irish decent, I don't call myself anything but American. My family supposedly came over from County Cork in 1870. Sorry, I didn't know them. This is my country and I lay claim here only. President Obama is a American. I am a American. So what?

News on Polls :
65% of Doctors oppose healthcare bill (IBD)
45% of Doctors would consider quitting if healthcare bill passes (IBD)
55% of Americans oppose healthcare bill overhaul (Rasmussen)
42% of Americans support Healthcare bill overhaul (Rasmussen)
12% believe opposition to Obamacare are racist (Rasmussen)

Quote du jour:
"The chief obstacle to the human race is the human race."
Don Marquis (1878-1937)

If you have questions, concerns or comments, please email at

Rasmussen Reports
Drudge Reports
The Hill
American Thinker

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

No Government Funding for Acorn

Why is the U.S. government giving money to a corrupt organization like ACORN? No one knows how much money they receive from the taxpayers. Congratulations to the Census Bureau for severing all business with this group. The House just voted to stop HUD monies going to ACORN. There were seven representatives that voted to keep funding ACORN. Here are the seven that voted to keep funding the illegal immigrant child prostitution, pimp helping, IRS violating conspirators.

Dick "Turban" Durbin, D-IL
Roland Burris, D-IL
Bob Casey, D-PA
Kirsten Gillibrand, D-NY
Pat Leahy, D-VT
Bernie Sanders, D-VT
Sheldon Whitehouse, D-RI
Citizens of PA, NY, VT, RI and IL, this is your wake up call! We need to vote these representatives out of office. This is not in the best interest of our country.

This is a small sample of violations (crimes) perpertrated by ACORN employees:

Baltimore "Pimp-Hooker" sting operation

Washington, DC "Pimp-Hooker" sting operation

Brooklyn, NY "Pimp-Hooker" sting operation

CO 2005 Two ex-ACORN employees were convicted in Denver of perjury for submitting false voter registrations

CT 2008 The New York Post reported that ACORN submitted a voter registration card for a 7-year-old Bridgeport girl. Another 8,000 cards from the same city will be scrutinized for possible fraud.

FL 2008 Election officials in Brevard County have given prosecutors more than 23 suspect registrations from ACORN. The state's Division of Elections is also investigating complaints in Orange and Broward Counties.

IN 2008 Election officials in Indiana have thrown out more than 4,000 ACORN-submitted voter registrations after finding they had identical handwriting and included the names of many deceased Indianans, and even the name of a fast food restaurant.

MI 2008 Clerks in Detroit found a "sizeable number of duplicate and fraudulent [voter] applications" from the Michigan branch of ACORN. Those applications have been turned over to the U.S. Attorney's office for investigation.

MO 2008 Nearly 400 ACORN-submitted registrations in Kansas City have been rejected due to duplication or fake information.
2007 Four ACORN employees were indicted in Kansas City for charges including identity theft and filing false registrations during the 2006 election.
2006 Eight ACORN employees in St. Louis were indicted on federal election fraud charges. Each of the eight faces up to five years in prison for forging signatures and submitting false information.
2003 Of 5,379 voter registration cards ACORN submitted in St. Louis, only 2,013 of those appeared to be valid. At least 1,000 are believed to be attempts to register voters illegally.

What else do you need to see... If this was a republican or conservative group, they would be under federal indictment from the first day. What really worries me is ACORN has submitted applications to receive billions in stimulus funding! That's right, I said billions! The Mafia would love to be in this situation. I believe ACORN should not receive another taxpayer dollar. End of story. There are honest organizations out there that could serve the people. I know President Obama worked with ACORN in the past and still supports the organization wholeheartedly. Why not, they are his foot soldiers committing voter fraud and solidifying a voter base for the democratic party. I would like to see everyone to call their representatives and demand them to stop sending a corrupt organization our taxpayer dollars. The "HUD stop funding" vote still has to make it through committee!

Stooge of the week:
"If we don't censure Joe Wilson for yelling "you lie," then the KKK will ride through the countryside."
Representative Hank Johnson, Democrat

Where do they get these people?

Quote of the Day:
" Our greatest strength as a human race is our ability to acknowledge our differences, our greatest weakness is our failure to embrace them."
Judith Henderson

Fox News
Duke Misnik

Monday, September 14, 2009

Rage Against the Machine

The Obama machine that is. Its hard to imagine that the Obama administration is downplaying this incredible uprising from concerned citizens in townhall meeting, tea parties and the gigantic "Taxpayer March on Washington, DC" on Saturday in which estimates have been 250,000 protesters. I was there, it was the most inspiring event I have ever attended. (Besides Mass) This is going to be a huge mistake if the administration chooses to discard the movement. Everyone at this event talked about they can't wait for the next one. That's right, it isn't going to end. Matter of fact, it is just starting. "We the people," I saw that a lot on Saturday. It's sad about the state run media, they missed out on a monumental story and decided that it wasn't worth it. Like their stock. We saw Fox News there and some smaller agencies, however, I must of missed ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and MSNBC. Since we have so many stupid bills in the house. Maybe we should craft a bill stating how the state run media should have to report the news, all of the news, fair and balanced, or they lose their press credentials. While we are at it, make the potential Congress and Senate members take a test on the Constitution. They should have to get a 100% or they can't represent us. Most professions requires some type of testing. Why are they exempt? Because they make the rules. Many of the people I spoke with Saturday, are organizing with their local organization chapters to initiate a campaign to vote out most of the incumbents. It seems citizens are ready to start fresh with their representatives. I called Fox News in New york today and asked them why they showed up in DC on Saturday when none of the competing news agencies decided it was worth it. The lady I spoke with said they thought it would be one of the biggest stories of the weekend. WOW! Imagine that. I can honestly say that I haven't watched any of the big three channels except when I watch football.

"Polls" you can live by"
Rasmussen Reports 9-13-09:
•Today, eight percent (8%) of adults rate the economy as good or excellent. That’s down from 18% a year ago. Fifty-two percent (52%) rate the economy as poor, a figure that is similar to 12 months ago. Among investors, just six percent (6%) rate the economy as good or excellent, down from 23% a year ago.
•Thirty-one percent (31%) of adults rate their own finances as good or excellent. That’s down 11 points from a year ago. Forty-six percent (46%) of investors rate their finances as good or excellent, down 12 from September 14, 2008.
•Twenty percent (20%) of adults say their own finances are getting better, while 46% say they are getting worse. Both figures are down four points from a year ago. Among investors, those numbers are 25% and 38% respectively.
•As for the overall economy, 31% say it’s getting better, but 46% say the opposite. That’s a big improvement from a year ago when just 17% said the economy was getting better and 64% said worse.
•Investors are evenly divided about the direction of the economy: 37% say it's getting better, and 39% say worse. A year ago, just 22% thought things were getting better, while 58% were pessimistic about the trend.

Put it all together and the Rasmussen Consumer Index, at 78.4, is down eight points from a year ago. The Rasmussen Investor Index is down 12 points to 89.1. Both measures of daily economic confidence are up dramatically from lows reached in early March. The all-time low for the Consumer Index was 54.7. The Investor Index hit bottom at 52.5.

Cracks in the ACORN:
Baltimore, MD, Washington, DC, Brooklyn, NY. Aren't we at a point where we should halt all funding for ACORN? They are a corrupt organization with corrupt leadership. These three incidents show what ACORN is all about. Let's not forget all of the indictments of voter fraud. I have a major issue funding this group with taxpayer's money. I think the U. S. Attorney's office should open an investigation. Do you think the President would allow that to happen? I commend the Census Bureau for severing all business with ACORN. The U. S. Government needs to follow suit. I also think we should analyze their tax exempt status if their are conspiring to break the law. Stop wasting our money!

Part 1:

Part 2:

Irony of the day:
The President spoke to the financial sector today, and warned them they can't return to the ways of the past. Call me stupid, but, don't you think Mr. Obama and congress should heed these same warnings?

Stellar Citizens of the week:
Serena Williams-U. S. Open
Kanye West-VMA Awards

Quote du jour:
"He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from opression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself,"
Thomas Paine (1737-1809)

If you have questions, concerns or comments: email @

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Human Events