Thursday, October 1, 2009

"What A Wicked Web We Weave"

Why does the elites of Chicago want the Olympics in 2016 so badly? I think it goes much deeper than just hosting the games. First, I don't trust Mayor Daley as far as I can throw him. Forty nine people in his administration has been indicted since 1990. That is one heck of a record. However, business as usual in Chicago. Chitown is split on hosting the Olympics. A lot of Chicagoans think it will put them in the poor house. They are not up for the task. Take a look at other cities who have hosted the games. Athens, Montreal, Sydney, Beijing & salt Lake City. The only one that made money is Salt Lake City because of Mitt Romney's intervention and eradicating the corruption. London is already over budget for the 2012 Olympics. Chicago can not handle the traffic, influx of people and mass transit is deficient at best. So why the big push by the President you ask? Paybacks! President Obama has a lot of political debt to pay off. Let's discuss the President's consigliere, Valerie Jarrett. She is Obama's closest and most trusted friend. Her official job with the White House is Senior Adviser and Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement. She is a high level operative in the White House. She goes way back with the Obamas. She sat on the board with Michelle at the Chicago Hospital and the "Patient Dumping Scheme." Ms. Jarrett managed the Habitat Company for twelve years, and to this day, she refuses to answer questions about the dilapidated buildings in her portfolio. Competition with Tony Rezko, another Obama crony? She also co-chaired the transition team for the Obama administration. Also she was a senior adviser to his campaign. Fast forward to today, she is smack dab in the middle of OlympicGate. (I just made that up) Ms. Jarrett said she only wanted to bring the Olympics to Chicago for Mayor Daley. I believe there is an ulterior motive. If the Olympics were awarded to Chicago, Property owners (friends and associates) would have an outlet to sell (at high prices) dilapidated properties and useless land. Does Valerie Jarrett own or have an interest in these land/property companies? Does the Obamas? It's needless to say, I don't trust the whole lot from Chicago. It reminds me of the 1930's-1940's corrupt Chicago with the gangsters and guns. Now the gangsters wear Brioni and Canali suits and use Mont Blanc pens instead of guns. It is the same. Next, Chicago can't afford it, the city is having major economic and financial issues. However, they would be eligible for stimulus money in the billions, which would end up in many pockets that didn't deserve it. Again, the hard working people of Chitown would get the shaft, and I'm not talking about Richard Roundtree and Moses Gunn. "Shut your mouth." Change you can get rich in.

The Chitown Hustlers, Not:

Carbon Footprints in the sand:
The First Lady, Valerie Jarrett and Oprah Winfrey left Wednesday for Copenhagen to lobby for Chicago to host the 2016 Olympic Summer Games. Of course, she signed out a government jet for the ensemble to rough it. You know Oprah is on a budget and can't afford it. That Madoff thing, I guess. Michelle is so dedicated to America, she said in an interview that she sacrificed to do this for Chicago and America in which she is so proud of, now. Hubby is flying over to join her in a full court press and maybe a little arm twisting. (Speaking about arms, Michelle has fabulous arms!)How much money is it costing America for two separate jets (maybe more) to fly over there for a short period of time only to benefit Chicago, Illinois? And what about the carbon footprint? I can't believe the gall they have knowing that Mr. Obama is hoping to get the "Crap & Trade" bill passed. With all of the issues happening here and abroad, is this what a strong President does in the time of crisis? The rest of the world loves a weak President.

Classic Old One-Sacrifice:

Foolish Words:
""we risk consigning future generations to an irreversible catastrophe"
President Obama at the U.N. Climate summit, September 22, 2009

Polls we can live by:
43% view Obama's trip to Copenhagen as bad.
36% disagree.

29% of voters strongly approve of Obama performing his role as President.
37% of voters strongly disagree.
Presidential Approval Index Rating of minus 7.

Quote du jour:
"The jaws of power are always open to devour, and her arm is always stretched out, if possible, to destroy the freedom of thinking, speaking, and writing."
John Adams

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American Thinker
Rasmussen Reports

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