Tuesday, November 24, 2009

It's the Unemployment, Stupid!

I have been rather skeptical about the administration's claims that we are ascending from this historical recession. Today, we find out that the economy (GDP) grew by 2.8%, not 3.5% in the third quarter. Should we believe anything the Government says. I've heard pundits say we will emerge from this, just give it time. We will come out of this like President Reagan brought the country out of what Jimmy Carter created. The difference is, back then, China did not own us. Plus, Reagan cut taxes and made it advantageous for small busineses to prosper and hire new employees. Obama and his sycophants want to raise taxes and David (ObiOneKenobi) Obey, D-WI, recommended to levy a war  tax up to 5%. Are they completely out of their minds. The military men and women are already being paid in their jobs. This is another vehicle for democrats to tax us to death. I saw Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-NY, 9th District, on the Neil Cavuto Show with Stuart Varney today, and he admitted that the Government should takeover healthcare involving a single payer option. Varney called him a socialist and he did not disagree. It scares me to think that our representatives are not following our Constitution and they are running our country into the ground. Now, our politicians are talking about a second stimulus bill. Are they on drugs? We need to vote out this gang of thieves and start fresh. They are out of control.  We don't need a second stimulus, we need  to stop spending the first stimulus' monies and lower payroll taxes. The operative word is "stop." They (administration and congress) are drunk with spending. ObamaPelosiReidcare is seriously going to hinder the economy's recovery, if it is a true recovery.  My wife and I were talking the other night and we agreed that maybe this Obama disaster is good for the conservatives to unite. We attended the 912 Rally in DC, other tea parties and townhalls and it was invigorating to see patriotic Americans come together for a common cause. We really must take back our country bound by the Constitution of the United States of America. I realize President Obama doesn't believe that the Constitution is what our country should abide by. I do, and so do so many patriotic Americans. Let's get back to the economy, many economists agree that the true unemployment rate is 17.5%. Among black American males, it is an astounding 34.5%. That is unconscionable. Where are those 3 miilion jobs the stimulus would produce? Huh, my mistake. Now, the idiots  congress is kicking around a "jobs caucus."  More spending when they haven't spent the bulk of the first stimulus. I heard our President say, now that we have taken the first step, we need to focus on job creation. Ello Guvna!  Is he living in the present? I hate to rag on the President night after night, however, his inexperience is getting the best of him. I must say, I don't agree with anything he does. We shouldn't have elected a Senator from Illinois with a 5 minute career. Glenn Beck has proposed an interesting idea. He is going to be educating Americans on how to be "Community Activists."  We will give ACORN a run for our money. We are presently united, this will take it to a "hol nutha level" (Mad TV). At this volatile era in America, We must be focused, persistent and united. Let's not forget, they work for us. "United we stand, divided we fall."- Aesop

A message to the President:


RNC's Test for Purity:
(1) We support smaller government, smaller national debt, lower deficits and lower taxes by opposing bills like Obama’s “stimulus” bill;

(2) We support market-based health care reform and oppose Obama-style government run healthcare;

(3) We support market-based energy reforms by opposing cap and trade legislation;

(4) We support workers’ right to secret ballot by opposing card check;

(5) We support legal immigration and assimilation into American society by opposing amnesty for illegal immigrants;

(6) We support victory in Iraq and Afghanistan by supporting military-recommended troop surges;

(7) We support containment of Iran and North Korea, particularly effective action to eliminate their nuclear weapons threat;

(8) We support retention of the Defense of Marriage Act;

(9) We support protecting the lives of vulnerable persons by opposing health care rationing, denial of health care and government funding of abortion; and

(10) We support the right to keep and bear arms by opposing government restrictions on gun ownership

This didn't come from Michael Steele. Matter of fact, he didn't have anything to do with it. An Indiana conservative republican starting circulating a draft resolution calling for the RNC to stop funding and endorsing candidates who strays from our 10 core principles. As a candidate, you must not deviate from the list by more than 2 points or you are ostracized.  I hope this is not lip service and they can really enforce these core principles.

ClimateGate Update:
As Emeril says, "BAM." Even though the state run media hasn't mentioned the fraudulent activities by prominent scientists-global warming advocates, the internet has escalated this gigantic story on both sides of the big pond. Brits are calling for investigations, the U.S. politicians are calling for investigations. Phil Jones, call your office (and your lawyer). In retrospect, President Obama is taunting a significant
agreement with India and China concerning climate change, which is happening in Copenhagen in early December. Earth to Obama! He must feel like everything he does is turning to dung. Please don't bow.

Obamaism of the day:
"Its time to finish the job in Afghanistan."
Barack Hussein Obama

Opposition to Senate Healthcare Bill: Call your Senators!

"We the people" must stop the Obamacare Proposals:I am formally asking (pleading) with you to muster up the initiative and enthusiasm to fight the healthcare bill that will emerge in the next couple of weeks. First, there are 5 bills (proposals) that will somehow be merged into one bill. Liberals are adamant about some form of "Public Option." (Government Run Option) I think the democrats believe they can push this bill through while we are sleeping. The democrats have blocked many bills that would allow the final bill to be posted on the internet 72 hours prior to a vote. Why? you know why. We must oppose this more than we did over the summer. Let them know, we are not against healthcare reform, just not a total makeover. Call and email your representatives. I have emailed and called mine so many times, they are referring to me by my first name. Write an old fashioned letter, it has a lot of importance. Attend your local tea parties and townhalls to voice your opinions and make a overwhelming presence. Below, is a little list how you can get involved. It is our civic duty. "It is our Country."



Quote du jour:
"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."
Friedrich Hayek

Contact: conservative09@gmail.com


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