Opinion 2.0
Last night, my Wife and I sat down to watch the Presidential debate. We sat in amazement watching Romney dominate Obama. Is it just me? Or did Obama look like he would rather be anywhere than the debate. Lackluster, unprepared,
defensive and un-Presidential. On the other hand, Romney showed command of the topics, extremely prepared, confident, compassionate and ready for anything Obama threw at him. The moderator, Jim Lehrer did his best. However, he was outclassed by Romney and Obama. Let's face it, Obama cannot defend a dismal economy, 23 million unemployed, 43 months of unemployment over 8%, 47 million on food stamps, 2 credit downgrades, complete foreign policy failure, divisiveness and smug, narcissistic, arrogant attitude that is not willing to work with the other side. That would a miracle to talk your way out of this debacle. Ironically, all of the main stream media and Obama's minions are spinning this just like I thought they would. I thought they would have to call 911 for the pundits of MSNBC. "Special Ed" Schultz, Chris "thrill up my leg" Matthews, Rachel Maddow and others were beside themselves. CNN, ABC, CBS declared Romney the winner. Romney called Obama a liar without calling him a liar with the 5 Sons statement. Romney rebutted every point Obama made. Obama hardly rebutted Romney. How could he? The facts are the facts.
Romney/Obama debate:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/dkrwUU_YApE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I must admit, I have been a little down in respect to the way Romney/Ryan have been running their campaign. After last night, I feel invigorated and ready to fight the good fight for the next 33 days. I happily await the Paul Ryan/Joe Biden Vice Presidential debate. Ryan will eviscerate Biden. Ryan is a numbers man. Biden is a fool. I am popping popcorn and buying Coronas for that debate, not to mention, recording that program so I can watch it when I need a lift and/or laugh.
After the Presidential debate, I watched the liberal news programs to see how they spin the debate. Chris Matthews almost cried. The main street media has created a Deity Presidential figure. Obamatuer was never vetted. After Obama was elected, in an interview, Tom Brokaw had the nerve to say that we don't know anything about Obama. Their job is to vet and find out everything about a potential Presidential candidate. They investigated George W. Bush's military experience in the Air National Guard 10 times. They had 24 thousand emails from Sarah Palin. But, they didn't know anything about the anointed one. If you read any of Obama's books, you could decipher a lot about the man and his ideology. I've posted before, Obama is an anti-Colonialist, just like his Father and Grandfather. He blames America for the plight of the rest of the world. His mentors are communists (Frank Marshall Davis), Domestic terrorists (Bill Ayers, Bernadean Dorn), Racists (Reverend
We must be steadfast and handle the onslaught of character assassinations. I read there are 42 million Tea Party members ready to vote for Romney. I hope the Ron Paul people will come to their senses and put their support on Romney. Please get involved. I realize we get caught up in our lives, however, we must save our country not so much for us, but for our kids and grand kids. Vote and get 5 neighbors to vote. We can persevere!
Obama racially charged speech 1997:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Mv0h7HEGHEM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Liberal Laughs:
Biden: You’re darned right Obama and I want to raise a trillion dollars in new taxes
Via BuzzFeed, reminds of the end of “A Few Good Men,” i.e. a ruinous admission against interest made in a fit of bravado by one of America’s sexiest grandpas. Who ordered the code red on the economy? Obama did, baby. And damned proud of it. See now why Romney’s taken to selling “Honest Joe” t-shirts in his campaign store?
This comes less than a day after The Hill published a piece titled, ominously, “Obama lets Biden talk off-script.” If you want to know what that means in practice, here you go:
One of his interactions, which was particularly priceless, occurred as Mr. Biden stopped at a food counter and poured himself a cup of vegetable beef soup while lamenting that he had to take it to go in order not to be late for the rally.“They’re hard on me, man,” Mr. Biden said to his fellow shoppers. “This vice president stuff is tough.”…Mr. Biden also chatted with a woman named Karen Foley, who told the reporter in attendance he jokingly introduced himself as “Joe Finnegan” because she had an Irish last name. When Ms. Foley responded that she was aware of who Mr. Biden really was, she said he responded with a compliment.“You’re very pretty,” he said.
This is the guy they’re banking on for a debate rebound next week. Against Paul Ryan.
Exit question: Which angle does the GOP take in attacking Obama over this clip? Presumably it’ll be the usual pushback on taxing job creators, which is an especially bad idea when the economy’s still straining to cope with Obamanomics, but I hope someone gently reminds the middle class that even a trillion dollars in new taxes on the rich won’t get us out from under the debt load of Great Society II. If you want Obama-style spending and entitlements, you — Joe Sixpack — had better be prepared to start kicking in a bunch more. I’m hoping Ryan brings this up next week, but given the fears of Mediscaring down the stretch, he might be under orders to tread lightly.
Former Medicare Chief: Wealth Redistribution a ‘Fact About Proper Health Care’
Berwick, who appeared at a Politico“Pro Health Care” luncheon at the Newseum in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, told CNSNews.com that the Affordable Care Act, a.k.a. Obamacare, is an “amazing and important step” for the country.
CNSNews.com asked Berwick, a proponent of the government-run National Health Service in England, if the health reform passed in this country aligns with his views.
“You have said that any health care system that is civilized and humane must redistribute wealth and also that rationing would have to be involved,” CNSNews.com asked. “Do you believe that the Affordable Care Act does those two things?”
“Well, I never said rationing should be involved, and it shouldn’t be,” the former administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services said. “I’m against rationing. I abhor it. I think we have plenty of resources in American health care to give all the care that people want and need. We just have to configure that care properly.”
“So, we don’t have to deny people any care at all,” he said. “And the people that say that about my position haven’t asked me that, it’s not true.”
“With respect to … redistribution, yeah, this is a fact and there’s a relationship between poverty or income and health,” Berwick said.
“So, if you’re going to have a health care system that actually makes sure that everybody can get health care, there’ll naturally be support to people of low-income because they’re the people with more illness,” he said. “That’s the redistributional quality of it.”
“It just, it’s not a political position,” he added. “It’s a fact about proper health care.”
CNSNews.com then asked, “And that’s what the Affordable Care Act, does it do an adequate job of that?”
Berwick said, “The Affordable Care Act is a great step in America towards making health care a human right in our country where if you’re an American you can get health care, which isn’t true now, lots of people are left out of the system, people have to worry they’re going to lose their insurance if they get sick, or if they have a preexisting condition, they can’t find insurance.”
President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden react to cheers as they arrive in the East Room of the White House in Washington, Tuesday, March 23, 2010, for the signing ceremony for the health care bill. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
“That’s a very important step,” said Berwick.
CNSNews.com then asked Berwick to clarify his past statement that, “The decision is not whether or not we will ration care — the decision is whether we will ration with our eyes open.”
“That’s a mis -- that’s extracted from a longer statement,” he said. “What I was talking about was insurance companies right now decide what benefits you get or not. They say, ‘Well that’s covered, that’s not covered.’ And then they do it in secret.”
“Nobody’s accountable,” Berwick said. “Nobody says, ‘Well, how did you decide that? How did you decide I can’t have that test?’ That’s rationing.”
“And I said, look, we have a choice America,” he said. “We can let them do that in secret or we can require them with transparency to tell us what they’re doing. That’s a comment about accountability with these back rooms where decisions are being made about what people will and will not get.”
Berwick continued: “My own daughter needed a test a number of years ago -- I’m a doctor, a pediatrician -- and the insurance company said, ‘Oh no, we don’t cover that test.’ And I said, ‘You don’t cover that test? She needs it, what are you talking about? Who made that decision?’ And that’s what I was talking about there.”
“We’re either going to turn the lights on on that or not,” he said. “I think that decision should be accountable and I think that people should get the health care that they want.”
In an interview with Biotechnology Healthcare in 2009, Berwick was asked about critics of the Department of Health and Human Services’s Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER) program, which makes recommendations for treatments, who say it will lead to healthcare rationing.
“We can make a sensible social decision and say, ‘Well, at this point, to have access to a particular additional benefit [new drug or medical intervention] is so expensive that our taxpayers have better use for those funds,’” Berwick said. “We make those decisions all the time. The decision is not whether or not we will ration care — the decision is whether we will ration with our eyes open. And right now, we are doing it blindly.”
In a speech in England celebrating its government-run National Health Service in 2008, Berwick said: “Any health care funding plan that is just, equitable, civilized and humane must – must -- redistribute wealth from the richer among us to the poorer and the less fortunate. Excellent health care is by definition redistributional. Britain, you chose well.”
Thursday’s event in Washington, D.C. took place one day after the first presidential debate between President Obama and his challenger Mitt Romney, of which Berwick said the president “did a great job” defending his health care law.
“I think he did a great job,” said Berwick. “And I think that the good thing is Obamacare is, it’s an amazing and important new step for America. So, he’s got a lot of opportunity here to explain to Americans why this law is so good for them. It makes care more available to all of us who really need it, and it makes care better.”
“There’s tremendous amount of Obamacare that’s an investment in making the quality of health care better,” Berwick added. “So, I think he did a fine job.”
*Daniel Berwick is a major liberal/socialist. He believes in Redistribution and Government healthcare.
Quote of the week:
Vice President Joe "Gaffemaster" Biden
Founding Fathers
Bill of Rights
Amendment VIII
Bail, fines, punishment
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
Elizabeth Harrington
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