"Every time Obama speaks, thousands lose their investment portfolio," said Zou-Zou in "It's a wonderful life." President Obama has a tendency to speak out of both sides of his mouth. Today's speech, in my opinion, was a ploy to rally his base and to wage class warfare (again). It contains the same talking points as a plethora of past Obama speeches. In an interview with Obama's teleprompter, the teleprompter rejected this speech containing the same old rhetoric and partisan politics. Joking aside, President Obama hasn't got any more ideas on changing the economic down spiral. The economy is so bad that a journalist from the Chicago Tribune is telling Obama to withdraw from the Presidential race and go away. The anointed one is not feeling the love from the homies back in Chitown. Obama knows this proposed bill will not pass. This is simply a political move to blame the republicans for the pitiful economic situation. Of course, he must blame someone. Somewhere deep down inside of all liberals, they know it is George Bush's fault. Otherwise, Obama might have to blame himself. Proposing 1.5 trillion in new taxes on the rich. The rich are defined as anyone who makes over $200K. This includes the small business owner, who is struggling more today than I have ever witnessed. We don't hang out with Warren Buffet and the uppity crowd of Martha's Vineyard. I deal with the small business owner who is making a rather meager income. Obama proclaimed his bill would cut the deficit with $1.5T through tax increases, $1.1T through winding the Military's roles in Afghanistan and Iraq (maybe), $580B in reductions in entitlement programs excluding Social Security and $430B from reductions in interest costs. This collectively, would fund his $447B (non) jobs bill that actually isn't a bill yet. I wish Obama would have run a business and been responsible for a payroll before becoming King Obama. He has been spending other people's money his whole adult life. He didn't even pay for his education. Has he thanked the taxpayers for putting him through college? Doubtful! I've written in past blogs, Obama has disdain for America, capitalism and colonialism like his Father and Grandfather. If you question that, read Obama's books, Dreams of my Teleprompter and The Audacity of Nope. (Thanks to Bill "the domestic terrorist" Ayers for writing the latter. Obama has an incredibly short memory, way back in August 2009, Obama commented on the issue with not raising taxes during a recession. Please, someone tell Obama that we are in a major recession, possibly a double dip recession. He probably skipped that class at Columbia. House speaker, John Boehner, R-OH, stated that this bill would kill any job creation falling on the backs of the job creators. Barriers remain, Barry needs a fight to jump start his campaign. He is losing his base, Jews, Independents, Hispanics and Midgets. Progressives are unhappy with Obama because he not fulfilled any campaign promises. Not to mention, he is involved in 3 wars. I hope the republicans will hold their ground. Is this President prosecuting the Cloward-Piven theory or is he a just an idiot, in over his head? You decide. We are a little over thirteen months away from the most important election in our great republic's history. Get involved now. Do it for your kids and grand kids. They will be paying for this the rest of their little lives.
Obama in August, 2009:
Obama job's speech today:
Pathetic Funnies:
Barry, your days are numbered. January 20, 2013
Recorded around March 2011, the tape is the work of Andre Howard, owner of Lone Wolf Trading Company in Glendale, Arizona– which was the primary gun dealer cooperating with ATF in “Operation Fast and Furious.” On the tape, Howard is talking with the lead case ATF Case Agent Hope MacAllister, according to CBS.
Listen to their conversation below:
Note the discussion included the admission of three weapons found.
This is significant because it means the ATF might have known months ago that there were three Fast and Furious-linked guns, not two, found near U.S. Border Agent Brian Terry after he was killed in a shootout with cartel criminals.
Originally, court records only showed two “AK-47-style” weapons linked to Fast and Furious were part of the investigation. And a ballistics report turned over to Congress months ago also only indicated two Fast and Furious associated weapons.
If a new ballistics test shows the missing third gun was in fact the one used to gun down the U.S. Border Agent, it would be hard to argue that evidence was not intentionally suppressed to avoid scandal.
Apparently, the Justice Department’s Inspector General obtained the audio tape discussing the number of weapons several months ago, and for some yet-to-be-determined reason, handed them over to the U.S. Attorney’s office in Arizona — a primary subject itself of the Fast and Furious investigation.
CBS has asked the pertinent question: ”It’s unclear why the Inspector General, who is supposed to investigate independently, would turn over evidence to an entity that is itself under investigation.”
In a national election year, a cabinet-level resignation due to scandal would be very politically damaging. For Operation “Fast and Furious,” it appears robust Congressional oversight measures will be required to get anywhere near the truth.
Quote of the day:
"This isn't class warfare. This is math."
Barack Obama's speech today on deficit reduction proposal.
I hope it isn't the same math that Obama and the liberals used on the Healthcare bill.
Waiting for an uptick in the economy during President Obama’s first term? Former President Bill Clinton says don’t hold your breath:
After reading a quote from President Clinton’s former adviser James Carville, suggesting that President Obama take a complete change of direction and “fire a lot of people,” President Clinton countered Carville’s assertion that things are not going well with:
“He became president just a few months after the financial crash. Now, keep in mind, even before the financial crash, in the eight years before the financial crash, we had almost no new jobs. Only 10% as many as we had when I was President…. Historically these things take five years to get over. And a year after the President took office, the final figures came in and it turned out that the crash was even worse than anybody thought….There’s no American alive except the people who are old enough to remember the great depression, and there are not many of them, who remember what it’s like to go through a financial crash, which normally takes four to five years to get over. So he’s got a very difficult hand to play. “
After telling Americans that the President was dealt a harsh hand, and that these things usually take four to five years to turn around, he commended the President’s current economic plan, saying “I think he finally got a plan that people can gravitate to.”
When asked by David Gregory if President Obama can be reelected if unemployment does not come down significantly from 9.1 %, President Clinton responded;
“Yes, If people believe that he had a credible plan, and the Republicans thwarted it, either because they were wrong or they just wanted to beat him. That‘s the problem they’re facing.”
When asked about the Republican field of presidential candidates in 2012, Clinton said it appears to be a two-man race between Perry and Romney, but wouldn’t count anything out.
“It‘s likely to be an unpredictable year because it’s an unpredictable time.”
President Clinton’s full interview on NBC’s Meet the Press:
Conservative Praetorian Exclusive:
Edumacation Corner:
I like the new format. Well done!