First, I want to tell the families, friends and fellow soldiers of the innocent victims of the tragic and cowardly shooting and murder that occured yesterday at Fort Hood. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families. They are American heroes. I am appalled at the state run media and President Obama how they have spun this act of terrorism. To hell with the political correctness, it is what it is. Witnesses said that Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan calmly stood up and shouted "Allahu Akbar" as he opened fire on young soldiers. They said he was calm and methodical as he mowed down unarmed troops. Will we ever know the true motivation of a Muslim Army officer who turns on his own. The U.S. Army has spent $600,000 on his education for him to become a psychiatrist. He didn't want to be deployed to Afghanistan and fight Muslims. I'm sure the Army will figure out this flagrant act of violence. I don't want to hear how he was a victim, save that crap, he is a terrorist that perpetrated an act of terror on American soil. He acted on his own free will. Using two handguns is not a impulsive decision, this was premeditated. He took an oath as an Army officer and broke it. He should be tried for aiding and abedding foreign enemies, murder, attempted murder and treason. Commander Cone of Fort Hood, is certain that they will get to the bottom of the reasons why this happened on the biggest base in the world. My hat is off to Police officer, Sgt. Kimberly Munley who engaged Hasan as he massacred fellow soldiers. She shot him four times and then helped other victims. She didn't realized she had been shot in the thighs until she was outside. Most of this information you can find anywhere. I beliveve the important question is American Muslims who serve in our military, will they be loyal to the U.S. or to the Muslim faith. The Quaran says a Muslim can not kill a Muslim. A classmate of Hasan said Hasan proclaimed that the war on terror is a war on Islam. Husan never served overseas. This is not Post Tramatic Stress Syndrome. He made outlandish statements on foreign policy and the war on Islam. He was told at officers meetings to stop arguing against the war. He received a substandard evaluation at Walter Reed Hospital for attempting to convert recovering patients to Islam. Husan went on websites that shows the virtues of suicide bombers? What if this coward was a Christian who screamed "Jesus saves." The lame run media would have gone beserk. I don't want to paint all Muslims with a broad brush, however, this is a serious issue as long as we are at war with terror. This is a war with terror, not a overseas conflict, misunderstanding or strenuous debate. It is a war with Islamic terrorist, usually men, sometimes females. They want to kill us, that is evident is all over the world. Why does the administration "wuss out" when it comes to terrorism. I don't think it is in our best interest to play soft with this major issue. The safety of the American people on the shores of the United States is the President's most sacred task. Nothing else matters. I pray to GOD that Obama grows some and takes a definitive stance against these animals. At Fort Hood, 13 dead and 38 injured, Hasan is alive, unfortunately, he will make it. Obama said, "don't jump to conclusions," okay, what does that mean? Is Husan just misunderstood. I see scary correlations between Neville Chamberlain and Barack Hussein Obama. They are both pacifist. I don't want to end up like Britain or Europe in 1939. The bad guys will abuse us if we let them. We are better and stronger than that. George Bush realized this after September 11, 2001. Like it or not, he took the fight to them. Otherwise, we probably would have been attacked again. The other issue we must explore is homgrown terrorist. American or foreign, how can we uncover these threats? I think the FBI and other law enforcement entities do a terrific job, however, they are only so many, and they have strict guidelines to follow that seem to favor the terrorists. Some of these self proclaimed terrorist are Americans. I know, they are like us, so what? I would not hesitate taking out a fellow American who wanted to harm innocent Americans. Some would say that is wrong, I say it is the only way. "Protect our Sovereignty"
Ft. Hood Tragedy:
Who Is the Fort Hood Shooter?
Female Officer Stopped Fort Hood Shooter
I apologize. I had it all wrong. The liberals are right. Watch this video and you will become a believer.
Government is the Answer!:
10.2% Unemployment:
"If we pass the Stimulus bill, unemployment will not exceed 8%!" (paraphrased). Mr. Obama, care to change your statement. Or you and your sycophants can play the "blame Bush" game. Stop misrepresenting the number of jobs created by the stimulus, nobody believes you. Americans want you to spent more time on the complexities of our economy and unemployment and stop the madness with democrats healthcare and climate change. Those things won't matter if we are all unemployed. If not, in 2012, you will be unemployed.
Blue Dogs are howling:
SanFranGranNan needs approximately 49 democrats to pass this bill. If they join her, they will be voted out of office in 2010. George (the commie) Soros' group, Moveon.org has raised 3.5 million to fight against the democrats who vote "no" on this bill. I hope they use common sense and heed to the American people's wishes.
Daft statement of the day:
"Can you imagine if, five years ago, protesters had compared our government to Hitler?" Robert (Family Guy) Gibbs, WH Press Secretary, today. They did, you Ninny! And worse.
Polls we can live by:
49% Somewhat agree with the President's job performance.
51% somewhat disapprove.
22% believe congress has a good understanding of the healthcare legislation.
Another Emergency House Call:
Washington, DC
On the Capital steps, Saturday, November 7,2009 at 1:00pm. Before the tentative healthcare vote. Show your support.
Quote du jour:
"The American, by nature, is optimistic. He is experimental, an inventor and a builder who builds best when called upon to build greatly."
John F. Kennedy
Contact: conservative09@gmail.com
Rasmussen Reports
My heart and prayers go out to all the victims, and the victims family and friends.
ReplyDeleteFrom all the news reports it appears this Major is a career military man and that in his current position for less than a year and was not going well. He did not want to be deployed and in fact wanted out of the Army, so he paid back his military student loans and hired an attorney.
The reason may have been that he was being harassed and called names like “camel jockey ”. I guess all that sensitivity training for those with bigotry tendencies are all for not. (Can training real change the way you were brought up?)
Another reason is called PTSD by proxy, the stress of treating PTSD in other soldiers make you go a little crazy yourself. Its even more stressful because most of the higher ranks don’t even believe in such thing as PTSD. Their denial prompts them to tell suffering soldiers to “drink it off.” Some civilians in the defense dept feel the same way no doubt IMO, it’s why hardly anything is mentioned of PTSD until one of these violent episodes occurs. These people see PTSD as a cop-out or an excuse. First we need to have an understanding that PTSD actually is real before we can ever hope to help treat it (does anyone believe that being shot at or killing your fellow man is not going to affect you in some way either then or in the future?). I guess with the high soldier suicide rate before and after deployment kinda takes care of the complaints from coming in (so those who said he should have just killed himself, well that’s already happening ). What real pissed me off when I heard that the military was trying to say that some soldiers coming back from this war with PTSD or other psychological disorders had “Pre-Existing Conditions” and that the military would not pay to treat them, I think it has been corrected but what a bunch of asses they break you and don’t want to pay.
The final issue is why does the military want to keep people in their ranks that no longer want to be there is it just sheer number? I mean is it ten percent, twenty percent. Is it that it is the only contract in the US that you can’t get out of unless to kill yourself or kill your fellow soldiers? It does not make any sense to me.
I guess the Major could just be another wacko like Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nicholas, of course McVeigh was executed and apparently because Nicholas became a Christian he received a life sentenced. I real think if he gets that far the Major will get the former and not in a million years the latter.
This is so messed up, hopefully they will make some changes that make sense.