Spreading Common Sense Conservatism for the Patriotic Citizen. Exposing the Hypocrisy of the Liberal Left.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Slash taxes and the economy will prosper!
Here we are, almost in November, 2009 and President Obama has been in office for almost ten months. Can someone tell me, what has changed for the good of the country? Unemployment seems to be ascending monthly, Afghanistan is looking a little like Viet Nam, we are spending money faster than we can print it, we have a plethura of communist czars unwelcome in the White House, our enemies are emboldened and Robert Gibbs , White House Press Secretary, sucks. Other than that, life is great! I know, I'm just an optimist. The reason I am writing about this tonight is because I've been talking to people from all walks of life. Most of them are typical Americans, living the American dream,. They've bought houses, had children, work and play hard. Now, everyone of them appears to be extremely pessimistic, cautious and negative in regards to the administration and congress. They(we) don't have confidence in that "American exceptionalism" attitude we once had. Why? We have been through other recessions before. Is it because unemployment is escalating rapidly? The dollar is in the john? Obama is at the helm? or a culmination of all of the above? Americans do not like having a wimpy President, plain and simple. I received A newsletter today from a Marine affiliated group that I belong to and it had a cartoon in it that had two different scenarios. The first part was President Obama saying "Patients are dying! Emergency! Quick! Hurry up! Panic! Don't even read it!" The second part said "Troops are dying. Relax, take your time. No rush. Let's conduct a study." Pathetic, but true! In nine months, Obama rushes two uread, undebated bills through with break neck speed and General McChrystal's recommendation has been sitting in Obama's "inbox" for two months. I guess selling private time at the White House with Obama's biggest donors is just taking up too much time. Movie night is very important to Obama and his contributors and FOO (Friends of Obama). Sidenote: I heard a rumor that Obama is kicking around he might hire a "Friends of Obama" czar. One other issue is most people I know have healthcare and they are happy with it. Yes, the cost is going up, however, our government does nothing to really fix or improve one of the best healthcare systems in the world. No, they want to take over that too. Our way of life is to live free, take advantage of ample opportunities, do the best you can and make your way in this world. This is why people from other countries desparately want to come here for the American dream, not redistribution of wealth or a nanny state. Obama could score so many points if he stopped the pursuit of Obamacare, lowered the payroll tax, abolished the capital gains tax for a specified time period, make a decision on Afghanistan, and stop apologizing for America. It is that simple. He would regain the title of "the anointed one." Unfortunately, that is a Peter Maxx psychedelic poster pipedream. Obama can not do any of the things that could help this country pull out of this financial crisis. It goes against his socialistic ideology. I haven't solidified my position on the premise, is he is doing this to create another crisis to take advantage of for Rahm Emanuel, or he doesn't care about the economy as much we do. The other conceptualisation is he doesn't know how to bring us out of this turmoil. Inexperience can be detrimental to the greatest nation on earth. Also, the Chicago political corruption machine will not work nationwide, so, Mr. Obama, you should cancel your plans to franchise. As patriotic Americans, we must contact our representatives and voice our opinions and concerns. We showed the politicians how serious we were last summer at the townhall meetings and the tea parties. The 912 Project tax rally on September 12, 2009 in Washington, DC was one of the most incredible and patriotic events I've had the priveledge to attend. We have to keep up the pressure on our representatives. Save our Constitution!
Newt Gringrich on Hannity: Founding Fathers
Harry Reid has played his trump card with the healthcare bill containing a public option. I believe the only reason he is doing this is to get the far left base off his back. He knows he is in trouble in his upcoming election in Nevada. Leiberman and others will bail on this. There is a possibility that this whole healthcare bill ordeal could die? But, with most politicians, you can't trust any of them.
What the heck is he talking about?:
Dirty Harry dissing Leiberman:
Harry Reid's acting career before he became a politician:
Danger! Will Robinson!!!
Hey Joe, what are you doing with that fillibuster in your hand?:
Opposition to Obamacare: Call your Representatives!
"We the people" must stop the Obamacare Proposals:I am formally asking (pleading) with you to muster up the initiative and enthusiasm to fight the healthcare bill that will emerge in the next couple of weeks. First, there are 5 bills (proposals) that will somehow be merged into one bill. Liberals are adamant about some form of "Public Option." (Government Run Option) I think the democrats believe they can push this bill through while we are sleeping. The democrats have blocked many bills that would allow the final bill to be posted on the internet 72 hours prior to a vote. Why? you know why. We must oppose this more than we did over the summer. Let them know, we are not against healthcare reform, just not a total makeover. Call and email your representatives. I have emailed and called mine so many times, they are referring to me by my first name. Write an old fashioned letter, it has a lot of importance. Attend your local tea parties and townhalls to voice your opinions and make a overwhelming presence. Below, is a little list how you can get involved. It is our civic duty. "It is our Country."
go to: Find your Representatives
Type in your zip code
Quote du jour:
"I will venture to assert that no combination of designing men under heaven will be capable of making a government unpopular which is in its principles a wise and good one, and vigorous in its operations."
Alexander Hamilton, speech to the New York Ratifying Convention, June, 1788
Contact: conservative09@gmail.com
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