After nine months of Obamaoism, the administration is still belaboring the point it was the other guy's fault. How long can Obama blame Bush for everything that is going badly in the country? He sounds like a broken record, and definitely not like the President of the United States of America. Think back (OK, you ready?) Bush, Clinton, Bush Sr., Reagan, Ford and so on, sitting Presidents never speak badly of their predecessors. There has been a deluge of complaints and whining about Bush. Start acting Presidential and you might gain some respect. If you can't handle the job, let someone else. The country needs a strong leader, someone who can make decisions knowing that people might lose their lives or not live the way they want because of your decisions. That is what Presidents do. This fight with Fox News is a perfect example and a blemish on your character. Your Presidency received a huge blow today when the state run media agencies were invited to meet with Kenneth Feinberg, Pay czar in the Obama administration, of course, Fox news was excluded. Kudos to the other networks, they insisted Fox be included or they would not. Obama needs his water carriers and they could defect to the "right" side. This administration does not need that at this time. President Bush has remained silent, even though his reputation and character has been denigrated and slandered. However, my homeboy, Dick Cheney, former Vice President for two terms under President George W. Bush emerged witha roar.
Dick Cheney appeared at the Center for Security Policy last night to receive the "Keeper of the Flame" award. Cheney lashed out at Obama and his administration on waffling on Afghanistan and threatening the military's security and ours. Also, He exposed Rahm Emanuel in regards to their plan that is basically the Bush plan given to the Obama administration before the transition. Why does the Obama camp do these types of stratagems? Are they just dishonest or is it because of the inexperience? Are they in way over their heads? Time will tell. I've always admired Dick Cheney. I'll never forget the night Dick Cheney handed John Edwards his head at a Vice Presidential debate discussing how Edwards avoided paying taxes by taking income as dividends. If you could have seen Edwards face, priceless. He looked like he ate some bad sushi. Cheney has had an incredible and honorable public service career, he worked in the Ford and Nixon White Houses, became Chief of Staff, he was Secretary of Defense for George H. W. Bush (oversaw Desert Storm in 1991), was a two term Vice President and was CEO of Haliburton. He is a true and patriotic American.
A morsel of his speech:
"There are policy differences, and then there are affronts that have to be answered every time without equivocation, and this is one of them. We cannot protect this country by putting politics over security, and turning the guns on our own guys. We cannot hope to win a war by talking down our country and those who do its hardest work - the men and women of our military and intelligence services. They are, after all, the true keepers of the flame."
Cheney slams Obama:
Family Guy slams Cheney:
Idiot of the rest of the week:
Florida, what were you thinking? Is this the best you can do?
Opposition to Obamacare:
"We the people" must stop the Obamacare Proposals:I am formally asking (pleading) with you to muster up the initiative and enthusiasm to fight the healthcare bill that will emerge in the next couple of weeks. First, there are 5 bills (proposals) that will somehow be merged into one bill. Liberals are adamant about some form of "Public Option." (Government Run Option) I think the democrats believe they can push this bill through while we are sleeping. The democrats have blocked many bills that would allow the final bill to be posted on the internet 72 hours prior to a vote. Why? you know why. We must oppose this more than we did over the summer. Let them know, we are not against healthcare reform, just not a total makeover. Call and email your representatives. I have emailed and called mine so many times, they are referring to me by my first name. Write an old fashioned letter, it has a lot of importance. Attend your local tea parties and townhalls to voice your opinions and make a overwhelming presence. Below, is a little list how you can get involved. It is our civic duty. "It is our Country."
go to: Find your Representatives
Type in your zip code
A Conservative Praetorian Exclusive:
We had a secret camera hidden in the closed door healthcare meeting at the Capital today!
With the world going to hell in a hand basket, sometimes, you just need a laugh.
Quote of the day:
"Man will ultimately be governed by God or by tyrants."
Benjamin Franklin
Contact: conservative09@gmail.com
Huffington Post
New York Times
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