Opinion 2.0
Last night, I watched Greta on Fox News with guest, Catherine Herridge. Wow! What a development! One month prior to the September 11th terrorist attack on our Consulate which left four Americans dead, our Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, destroyed and empowered the terrorist groups. Senators, Congressmen and right leaning journalists have called for information pertinent to this attack, cover up and media cover up. Fox's Catherine Herridge, a true and professional journalist, broke this story yesterday, while there were cricket sounds from the main stream media. The cables exclaimed that the there were 10 Al Queda groups in Benghazi and the Consulate could not withstand a coordinated terrorists attack. These incriminating communications went up to the Secretary of State's office. If Hillary Clinton made this decision to deny rescue or if it went to Obama and he denied 3 requests for rescue of the Ambassador and other Consulate personnel, America has the right to know. The families of the deceased deserve to know. With the biggest and most important election in five days, Obama and his sycophants think they can run the clock out until after the election. The truth will set you free... Or lose an election. The dishonesty and deception of this administration will go down in infamous history. We need to know the truth? In my humbled opinion, this scandal is much worse than Watergate. Watergate didn't get anyone killed. If Clinton had any self respect or dignity, she would resign. However, it appears none of the Obama administration never sees the need to resign, they are above the law and resignation. My real regret is for the families. Ms. Smith, Sean's Mother and Mr. Woods, Tyrone Woods Father, along with the other family members, deserve so much gratitude, appreciation and honor. What they got were lies, excuses and the Potomac two-step. These men were American heroes, deliberately disobeying orders knowing that they probably wouldn't survive. But they did it anyway. Is this what the Obama foreign policy has become?
Americans should take this tragedy into consideration when they go to vote next Tuesday. Along with Fast & Furious, in which a US Border Patrolmen was murdered and hundreds of Mexicans. There has been so many scandals in this administration, it is hard to remember them all. The biggest scandal is the anemic economy, unemployment above 8% for 43 consecutive months (23 million Americans), 3 credit downgrades, 47 million Americans on food stamps and so on. Obama said he would fix it, a huge opportunity.Unfortunately for us, he has made it much worse with his socialistic ideology. America deserves better. America needs real change. I believe the Romney/Ryan presidency will be exactly what our country needs at this time. Next Tuesday, get out there and vote. Take your neighbors, family and friends to the polling stations. It is our most important civic duty.
Catherine Herridge on Benghazi cables:
Exclusive: Classified cable warned consulate couldn't withstand 'coordinated attack'
Published October 31, 2012
The U.S. Mission in Benghazi convened an “emergency meeting” less than a month before the assault that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans, because Al Qaeda had training camps in Benghazi and the consulate could not defend against a “coordinated attack,” according to a classified cable reviewed by Fox News.
Summarizing an Aug. 15 emergency meeting convened by the U.S. Mission in Benghazi, the Aug. 16 cable marked “SECRET” said that the State Department’s senior security officer, also known as the RSO, did not believe the consulate could be protected.
“RSO (Regional Security Officer) expressed concerns with the ability to defend Post in the event of a coordinated attack due to limited manpower, security measures, weapons capabilities, host nation support, and the overall size of the compound,” the cable said.
According to a review of the cable addressed to the Office of the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Emergency Action Committee was also briefed "on the location of approximately ten Islamist militias and AQ training camps within Benghazi … these groups ran the spectrum from Islamist militias, such as the QRF Brigade and Ansar al-Sharia, to ‘Takfirist thugs.’” Each U.S. mission has a so-called Emergency Action Committee that is responsible for security measures and emergency planning.
The details in the cable seemed to foreshadow the deadly Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. compound, which was a coordinated, commando-style assault using direct and indirect fire. Al Qaeda in North Africa and Ansar al-Sharia, both mentioned in the cable, have since been implicated in the consulate attack.
In addition to describing the security situation in Benghazi as “trending negatively,” the cable said explicitly that the mission would ask for more help. “In light of the uncertain security environment, US Mission Benghazi will submit specific requests to US Embassy Tripoli for additional physical security upgrades and staffing needs by separate cover.”
As for specific threats against the U.S., the cable warned the intelligence was not clear on the issue, cautioning that the militias in Benghazi were not concerned with any significant retaliation from the Libyan government, which had apparently lost control in Benghazi. A briefer explained that they “did not have information suggesting that these entities were targeting Americans but did caveat that (there was not) a complete picture of their intentions yet. RSO (Regional Security Officer) noted that the Benghazi militias have become more brazen in their actions and have little fear of reprisal from the (government of Libya.)”
While the administration’s public statements have suggested that the attack came without warning, the Aug. 16 cable seems to undercut those claims. It was a direct warning to the State Department that the Benghazi consulate was vulnerable to attack, that it could not be defended and that the presence of anti-U.S. militias and Al Qaeda was well-known to the U.S. intelligence community.
In a three-page cable on Sept 11, the day Stevens and the three other Americans were killed, Stevens wrote about “growing problems with security” in Benghazi and “growing frustration” with the security forces and Libyan police. The ambassador saw both as “too weak to keep the country secure.”
Fox News asked the State Department to respond to a series of questions about the Aug. 16 cable, including who was specifically charged with reviewing it and whether action was taken by Washington or Tripoli. Fox News also asked, given the specific warnings and the detailed intelligence laid out in the cable, whether the State Department considered extra measures for the consulate in light of the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks – and if no action was taken, who made that call.
The State Department press office declined to answer specific questions, citing the classified nature of the cable.
"An independent board is conducting a thorough review of the assault on our post in Benghazi," Deputy Spokesman Mark Toner said in written statement. "Once we have the board's comprehensive account of what happened, findings and recommendations, we can fully address these matters."
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/10/31/exclusive-us-memo-warned-libya-consulate-couldnt-withstand-coordinated-attack/#ixzz2AzRBknI3
Headline of the day:
Dominican hookers accuse Senator Menendez of
underpaying them
Menendez follows in the footsteps of great Democrats:
John F. Kennedy
Robert Kennedy
Bill Clinton
John Edwards
Elliott Spitzer
Anthony Weiner
Robert Menendez (newest member of the Boys club)
Bidenism of the week:
Undecideds: Please read this before voting
11:39 AM 11/01/2012
Dear Undecided Voter:
Given that you’re an undecided voter, you probably don’t believe those who keep saying that this is “the most important election of our lifetime.” I’m sure that sounds like political hyperbole to you. It isn’t. This is indeed the most important election of our lifetime, and I say that with confidence without even knowing how old you are. In a nutshell: Re-electing President Obama will lock us into a course that will lead us to fiscal collapse, place unimaginable burdens on our children and destroy the ability of government to protect our interests around the world and the most vulnerable here at home. Before you dismiss that as mere partisanship, please take a few moments to read my explanation.
Our debt is simply unsustainable, and the consequences will eventually devastate us — perhaps sooner rather than later. In September, the federal government’s debt passed the $16 trillion mark for the first time in history. Our debt now exceeds the total value of everything our economy produces in an entire year. We now spend over$200 billion each year just to pay interest on our federal debt. A good chunk of that money
goes overseas to China and other lenders. That’s money we can’t use to help the poor, help seniors, educate kids, protect our safety or do anything else that we may want our government to do. The path we’re on will cause our annual interest payments to soar to almost $1 trillion in a decade. By that time, we’d be wasting almost 20 percent more in interest payments
than we’d be paying to help seniors through Medicare.
As bad as that sounds, it’s actually much worse: The federal government’s “unfunded liabilities” — the amounts it’s legally on the hook to pay under Social Security
, Medicare and other obligations, but does not have money set aside to pay for — have been estimated at a mind-boggling $84 trillion. Indeed, some respected economists have estimated that our unfunded liabilities actually exceed $200 trillion. Whichever estimate is correct, one thing is certain: Our children will face the almost impossible task of paying the gargantuan bills that we’re running up so that we can spend on ourselves. That is beyond immoral.
If you want to see where we’re headed, look at the disaster unfolding in Greece. For years, Greece kept borrowing so the government could indulge its people with all sorts of extravagant benefits. Greece kept living beyond its means without thinking about the future. The future has now arrived, and it isn’t pretty. The Greeks have so messed up their finances
that other countries are no longer willing to lend them money. They now have to dismantle their welfare state in a desperate attempt to stay afloat. And rather than accept the consequences of their irresponsible behavior like adults, Greeks are rioting in the streets in a hopeless effort to preserve their welfare state. The once-proud people of Greece have had their spirit, strength and dignity sapped by their dependence on that welfare state. And the government, which had tried to be all things to all people, can no longer afford even to protect the most vulnerable in that society.
Here in America, we’re dangerously close to an important tipping point: almost half of Americans pay no income taxes. That is not to in any way demean those people — many have earned that right with their service to our country, their payments into the system or for other reasons. But value judgments aside, what will be the practical effect of having the people who don’t pay income tax being able to outvote the people who do? Will the voting majority not be tempted to vote themselves more and more benefits at the expense of others who are paying the bills?
Harris Poll: Americans Rank Energy Over Environment, 'Green' Issues Dead Last
FILE - In this Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2012, file photo, a gasoline pump shows a customer has spent $40.00 for eight gallons of gasoline at a Shell station in the Hollywood district of Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Reed Saxon, File)
(CNSNews.com) – Energy policy concerns win hands down over "green" concerns in a ranking of election issues that Americans are concerned about, according to newpoll results from Harris Interactive.
According to the poll, 77 percent of Americans said energy is “very important” or “important” when it comes to voting for a political candidate.
Only 67 percent said environmental issues predominate.
The online pollster asked 2,562 adults: “How important is a presidential candidate's policy in each of the following areas to making your decision on who to vote for?”
Economic/budget concerns (88 percent), taxes (86 percent), jobs (86 percent) and health care (85 percent) led the list of concerns, with energy policy – including the price of gasoline -- coming in at sixth place.
Environmental concerns ranked at the bottom in 10th place.
The poll does not say that Americans are not concerned about the environment, but merely that the group of those who say the environment is the top issue driving their vote is much smaller than the group concerned about the availability and costs of energy, according to Harris.
The older the segment of population, the more that Americans seem concerned about energy, and the wider the gap between concern about energy and the environment.
Among those age 67 and older, 90 percent are concerned most about energy, 74 percent about the environment.
Results in other segments:
Aged 48-66: 83 percent energy/70 percent
Aged 36 to 47: 74 percent/64 percent
Aged 16 to 35: 66 percent/63 percent
Energy is an important subject for Americans because it is central to many other policies, especially economic, jobs and environmental policies, according to Harris Interactive Vice President Sarah Simmons.
“In addition, energy pricing has a significant impact on families – whether it is in the prices they pay at the pump OR in the impact energy prices have on the ability of large and small businesses to increase the workforce. This unique role that energy plays in our nation's economic health and our way of life will continue to keep the issues on the front burner."
The online survey took place between Sept. 17-24.
Liberal Laffs
Quote du jour:
Pete Winn
Catherine Herridge
David Cohen, Former Deputy Assistant Sec. of the Interior